Are Liberal Mothers ready to throw their sons under the bus?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
How committed are Liberal women especially those with sons to this new doctrine ALWAYS BELIEVE THE WOMAN? When your son is accused of rape by some random girl when he denies it vehemently, are you ready to stand with women?
How committed are Liberal women especially those with sons to this new doctrine ALWAYS BELIEVE THE WOMAN? When your son is accused of rape by some random girl when he denies it vehemently, are you ready to stand with women?

I have a son. I have drilled it into his head the opposite.

Don't let this bullshit get the best of you.
Liberal mothers won't raise rapists, so they won't worry.

You know who gets worried about being accused of rape? Rapists. Funny how that works.
How committed are Liberal women especially those with sons to this new doctrine ALWAYS BELIEVE THE WOMAN? When your son is accused of rape by some random girl when he denies it vehemently, are you ready to stand with women?
Many liberal women never allowed their sons to see the light of day but aborted on demand, why wouldn't they throw their unlucky sons under the bus? It is all about party first , and fuck the relative.

Ben Shapiro - Barack Obama Throws Grandma Under the Bus
And Barack Obama, for all his blather about ushering in a kinder, gentler politics of unification, is a politician who will do anything to get elected. He is a politician without honor.

Barack Obama will throw his own grandmother under the bus if it helps him get elected -- and he has.
Liberal mothers won't raise rapists, so they won't worry.

You know who gets worried about being accused of rape? Rapists. Funny how that works.
That's a really weak dodge. By the new Liberal doctrine ANY MAN can be accused of rape and be ruined because of it even if the claims are 100% false.
Like it or not, the lesson of this historical episode is this: Boys, you can lead an exemplary life of outstanding accomplishments, starting in high school, going through college, law school, and moving through the pinnacle of your career without a hint of scandal. You can volunteer at the church, give food to the poor, coach the girls basketball team, whatever. And if some vindictive **** accuses you of sexual misconduct when you are in your 50's and at the height of your career - without any supporting evidence whatsoever - your life and the lives of your spouse and children can be ruined. AND THERE AIN'T A FUCKING THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. Because you can never prove that you DIDN'T do what you are accused of doing. When you don't know the time, the place, the date, etc.

Franz Kafka wouldn't believe this.
Ask any litigator: There are CREDIBLE liars testifying EVERY FUCKING DAY in courts all around the country...UNDER OATH. Which is why prosecutors never process a case unless there is corroborating evidence to back up the bare accusation.
That's a really weak dodge. By the new Liberal doctrine ANY MAN can be accused of rape and be ruined because of it even if the claims are 100% false.

No, you made that up.

One reason you made it up is to run cover for a rapist, liar, perjurer and unstable psychopath.

Another reason is that conservative men have _issues_ with women. They tend to put them in categories like virgin/slut/bitch, instead of seeing them as human beings.
By the new Liberal doctrine ANY MAN can be accused of rape and be ruined because of it even if the claims are 100% false.
Where is this doctrine written down?
I'd like to examine it for myself if you please.
That's a really weak dodge. By the new Liberal doctrine ANY MAN can be accused of rape and be ruined because of it even if the claims are 100% false.

No, you made that up.

One reason you made it up is to run cover for a rapist, liar, perjurer and unstable psychopath.

Another reason is that conservative men have _issues_ with women. They tend to put them in categories like virgin/slut/bitch, instead of seeing them as human beings.
Your Democratic Leaders have created the new doctrine by hijacking the #METOO movement and perverting it for their political gain. I made up nothing, I only point out the obvious consequence of their actions. But you know that, you are just being a good Liberal and denying reality.

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