Are "liberals" able to articulate why Trump should be impeached yet?

Why ask liberals, what do they control that has any say?
yes you are correct. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And have accomplished nothing.

Actually Trump and the Congress have accomplished a TON of things, all except for one thing, figuring out yet how to straighten out the healthcare mess that your buddies Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cursed us with.
Seems pretty unethical to advocate for impeachment with no evidence.

Worse, I think that qualifies as SEDITION, a capital crime. Half of the DNC needs investigated if not outright charged, and half of them convicted and thrown in prison or worse, problem is that if Trump were to actually do that, clean out the toilet, there would be cries of him trying to become a dictator. And it would probably take Sessions 117 years just to process all of the investigations----- that is what Alinsky taught, to overload the system, and the Democrats are the embodiment of Alinsky's teachings.
He's going to have to answer to charges that he obstructed justice. He admitted it on TV.

That's all it takes.

You could say you flew to the Moon by flapping your arms. Doesn't mean it happened (in your case I might believe it). Takes more than a person's statement to convict him of a crime, it takes some real evidence. And if you weren't such a half-assed LIAR, you would know that Trump NEVER SAID HE OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE much less "admitted" it.


LOL! What Russian sabotage? why do you keep talking in circles? Sounds like you are purposely trying to be deceptive, which of course is what you ALL do here.

Isn't it amazing how these loons all have Trump pegged as a traitor, saboteur, obstructor of justice, collaborator, and pedophile, yet in a year of heavy investigation by the top experts in this, they still haven't found a thing? They've even looked at his son-in-law, associates, one even looked under Barron's bed! Maybe some of these people are in the wrong field?! We should send them to Washington so they can show Mueller where to look.

I hear once Trump even stole a lollipop from a baby!
We don't know what they have found
In the mean time.......Lock him up......Lock him up
its a little too early to say if the lying piece of monkey shit aka Donald Trump should be impeached.

Then why is sitting member of Congress saying this?

Seems pretty unethical to advocate for impeachment with no evidence.

At least we had Bill Clinton's jizz all over Monica's dress when Rubes advocated for his impeachment. That's evidence. There were billions of Bill Clinton sperm on Monica Lewinskys dress. Who blows how it got there?

She also said sh'es going after Pence if Trump is impeached. Can you blame her, after all, Pence is Republican thus guilty of high crimes. He's a white Christian male too, thus stands to be hung.
Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.
He spends more time watching TV, than he does running the country.

Oh yes, he violated the Emoluments Clause.

He nepotized the executive branch to the point where the Administration is more like the Romanoff's of Russia.
Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.
He spends more time watching TV, than he does running the country.

Oh yes, he violated the Emoluments Clause.

He nepotized the executive branch to the point where the Administration is more like the Romanoff's of Russia.
Trump has created more jobs in 7 months then the previous prez did in 8 years. The stock market is soaring, illegals are on the run, mexico will pay for the wall and obummer care will get eliminated. Trump has put the panic back in hispanic! MAGA!
He's going to have to answer to charges that he obstructed justice. He admitted it on TV.

That's all it takes.

I keep hearing about this, but nobody wants to provide a link. So I looked it up. All I could find was "admitted firing Comey cuz of Russian probe". Trump admits Comey firing related to Russia probe

First, he didn't say that was the only reason. Additionally, he will be replaced.

Second, that wouldn't stand a chance in "court". Add Trump has every right to fire an FBI director, consistent with the law. Comey is a hack, I'd have fired him too. He's incompetent and acts as though he's a politician, apparently on the behlf of Democrats. Course libs. like him now.

Third, if it turns out to be a made-up story, certainly Trump will be guilty of no more than exciting the left. Add, what would you call the Obama's admin. obstruction of justice where Comey is concerned, and Clinton in Lynch's ear before they let Clinton off because "it was unintentional", despite so many statement's proved to be lies? Need a link?
Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.
He spends more time watching TV, than he does running the country.

Oh yes, he violated the Emoluments Clause.

He nepotized the executive branch to the point where the Administration is more like the Romanoff's of Russia.
Trump has created more jobs in 7 months then the previous prez did in 8 years. The stock market is soaring, illegals are on the run, mexico will pay for the wall and obummer care will get eliminated. Trump has put the panic back in hispanic! MAGA!
Obama created 13 million jobs, Trump is at 1 million
Obama saw the market rise 13,000 points, Trump has seen 3,000 points
Mexico is still laughing at Trump and his phone call begging the Mexican president to lie about paying was released last week
In spite of Trump promising to repeal and replace Obamacare on day one.....Trumpcare crashed and burned

The Community organizer is laughing at him
Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.
He spends more time watching TV, than he does running the country.

Oh yes, he violated the Emoluments Clause.

He nepotized the executive branch to the point where the Administration is more like the Romanoff's of Russia.

Ha ha ha............Of course this would come up sooner or later. What he's trying to say is Trump Hotels should not lodge, feed, entertain etc. anyone from a foreign country. It's a law that hasn't come up in 100 years or something like. Matter of fact, they're not even sure it applies in this case, because it's a clause preventing officials from receiving gifts, with limitations.

So let's assume Trump may no longer allow foreigners into his hotels and other investments. He's going to need a lot of security, and foreign national tenants will have to be removed. Shame on Trump for breathing..............I would imagine the Clinton's and Obama's had investments that entertained foreigners and profited. Therefore we can conclude they were in violation of the Emoluments Clause, and should have been impeached.
Take the time to google up pop-star Ashley Judd's rant on inauguration day for a sample of the "articulate" elites who presume to speak for the common lefties and then imagine how articulate common lefties are.
You really did a nice job.
Thank you.
For a moron. Cite the law and the act it applies to.
Section 4, article 2 of the Constitution, and Amendment 25
And the action which you say Trump committed?
Treason is currently being investigated by a Special Counsel and the FBI; his being mentally unfit is on display everyday. Everyone but Trump's base, products of incest, sees it.

Congress did a great job preventing Trump from block Russia sanctions and making recess appointments. It's impossible to deny what a danger to our sovereignty and our future Trump is.

So you admit you still have nothing? Super!
Trump will probably not be impeached unless he is a total idiot
His people will take the fall like Ollie North did for Reagan and Scooter Libby did for Bush

The Mueller Report will just be a big embarrassment for the legitimacy of Trumps election
And the action which you say Trump committed?
Treason is currently being investigated by a Special Counsel and the FBI; his being mentally unfit is on display everyday. Everyone but Trump's base, products of incest, sees it.

Congress did a great job preventing Trump from block Russia sanctions and making recess appointments. It's impossible to deny what a danger to our sovereignty and our future Trump is.
The question was what Trump committed, not what the dim BS investigations are fishing for.
What Trump committed was treason. If he's lucky, his goons will fall on their swords for him before he's impeached so he can avoid jail time.
Can't actually say what treason can you? You just keep spewing out the same word games you all do. We all know there is none, so whatever.
Asking for and accepting Russian sabotage in order to win the election in exchange for what the ongoing investigations haven't revealed yet. Dropping sanctions is a no brainer, but I suspect surrendering the arctic and its oil to Russia was a bigger part of it.

Still nothing, eh?
And the action which you say Trump committed?
Treason is currently being investigated by a Special Counsel and the FBI; his being mentally unfit is on display everyday. Everyone but Trump's base, products of incest, sees it.

Congress did a great job preventing Trump from block Russia sanctions and making recess appointments. It's impossible to deny what a danger to our sovereignty and our future Trump is.
And your counting on a republican house and Senate to back liberals?
I'm counting on a House and Senate to back America. Bipartisan opposition to the orange lunatic could be the one thing that brings Americans back together. Wouldn't that be ironic?
Americans came together and kept the lifelong criminal Hillary clinton from furthering obamas destruction. So whatever you want to "back America" must avoided like the plague it no doubt is.
3,000,000 more voted against the orange pedophile. And don't forget the help Trump sought and accepted from Russia. Or the FBI lying about Hillary being under investigation literally days before the election, while refusing to tell the truth that Trump actually was under investigation and had been for months.

You still haven't read the Constitution where it talks about the Electoral College, yet you keep citing it incorrectly.

So the FBI lying, under Obama, is now a reason to prosecute Trump?
Trump will probably not be impeached unless he is a total idiot
His people will take the fall like Ollie North did for Reagan and Scooter Libby did for Bush

The Mueller Report will just be a big embarrassment for the legitimacy of Trumps election

To me that sounds like they'll find nothing or not much. But on the bright side, progressives will have something to share to sooth the pain.

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