Are "liberals" able to articulate why Trump should be impeached yet?

Anyone who deals with hostile gov'ts criminal actions against our democracy should be investigated if there is evidence. Wait until the investigation is complete duh...
I bet you wear a brown shirt daily.
Brainwashed functional moron deals in only BS GOP talking points and stupid insults. BTW, the Nazis were RW fascists, and if you believe differently, enuff said.
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

Ah. Therefore Trump is guilty of stuff, and any Republican who thinks like a progressive is patriotic.
Brainwashed functional moron deals in only BS GOP talking points and stupid insults. BTW, the Nazis were RW fascists, and if you believe differently, enuff said.
You've persuaded me with your rhetoric.
Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.

What, you mean "mean" words aren't an impeachable offence?

Oh crap...
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Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.

What, you mean "mean" words aren't an impeachable offence?

Impeachment charge number ten against Johnson was that Johnson yelled at the Congress.
Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.
There is really only one reason because Hillary lost the election in the mind of many on the left that simply wasn't a possibility they ever considered it couldn't happen.

Republicans are the ones leading the investigation

All that the Dems can do is sit back and watch
I don't recall any Republicans calling for Trump to be impeached they have come from the Democrats.
Are "liberals" able to articulate why Trump should be impeached yet?

because he is a republican

and leftists do not like fair elections

hope that helps
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

Ah. Therefore Trump is guilty of stuff, and any Republican who thinks like a progressive is patriotic.

no, loser troll, no one said he's guilty yet.

but trump trash need to stop whining about the orange sociopath being investigated.
Anyone who deals with hostile gov'ts criminal actions against our democracy should be investigated if there is evidence. Wait until the investigation is complete duh...
I bet you wear a brown shirt daily.
Brainwashed functional moron deals in only BS GOP talking points and stupid insults. BTW, the Nazis were RW fascists, and if you believe differently, enuff said.
How ironic.
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

Ah. Therefore Trump is guilty of stuff, and any Republican who thinks like a progressive is patriotic.

no, loser troll, no one said he's guilty yet.

but trump trash need to stop whining about the orange sociopath being investigated.
Why would anyone need to stop pointing out the witch hunt against Trump?
Anyone who deals with hostile gov'ts criminal actions against our democracy should be investigated if there is evidence. Wait until the investigation is complete duh...
I bet you wear a brown shirt daily.
Brainwashed functional moron deals in only BS GOP talking points and stupid insults. BTW, the Nazis were RW fascists, and if you believe differently, enuff said.

Is this where we pretend "liberals" cannot be fascists?
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

You means, if they do, they will become soon to be unemployed Republicans.

Yep and that threat of unemployment as Republicans anxious for their jobs, may be what turns the Republicans into patriotic citizens putting the nation first, and voting impeachment.
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

You means, if they do, they will become soon to be unemployed Republicans.

Yep and that threat of unemployment as Republicans anxious for their jobs, may be what turns the Republicans into patriotic citizens putting the nation first, and voting impeachment.
Only a Nazi scumbag would vote to impeach Trump. They couldn't beat him at the voting booth, so they are trying to stage a coup.
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

You means, if they do, they will become soon to be unemployed Republicans.

Yep and that threat of unemployment as Republicans anxious for their jobs, may be what turns the Republicans into patriotic citizens putting the nation first, and voting impeachment.
Only a Nazi scumbag would vote to impeach Trump. They couldn't beat him at the voting booth, so they are trying to stage a coup.
If Trump is impeached, found guilty and removed from office we have Pence. America does not have to tolerate presidents like Trump,
Why ask liberals, what do they control that has any say?
yes you are correct. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And have accomplished nothing.

Why ask liberals, what do they control that has any say?
yes you are correct. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And have accomplished nothing.

Is America not great again? If not, will Trump tell us when?

Hmmm...more of the same...whack-jobs sit at their keyboards whining like little bitches...meanwhile.....YEP America is becoming American again...haha
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportations of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...haha...I could go on and on...our guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha
I have a feeling that message board participants will not be asked for impeachment charges as that sort of belongs to the House of Reps, and some patriotic Republicans.

You means, if they do, they will become soon to be unemployed Republicans.

Yep and that threat of unemployment as Republicans anxious for their jobs, may be what turns the Republicans into patriotic citizens putting the nation first, and voting impeachment.
Only a Nazi scumbag would vote to impeach Trump. They couldn't beat him at the voting booth, so they are trying to stage a coup.
If Trump is impeached, found guilty and removed from office we have Pence. America does not have to tolerate presidents like Trump,
ROFL! I don't need to "tolerate" Trump. I like him just fine. On the other hand, you obviously don't give a shit what the voters wanted.
Anyone who deals with hostile gov'ts criminal actions against our democracy should be investigated if there is evidence. Wait until the investigation is complete duh...
I bet you wear a brown shirt daily.
Brainwashed functional moron deals in only BS GOP talking points and stupid insults. BTW, the Nazis were RW fascists, and if you believe differently, enuff said.

Is this where we pretend "liberals" cannot be fascists?
Absolutely, forever we did, until "Liberal Fascism" came out. "Absolute drivel'- The Economist. Fascists are authoritarian and totalitarian racist bigot nationalist thugs. Libs, NOT.
Why ask liberals, what do they control that has any say?
yes you are correct. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And have accomplished nothing.

Why ask liberals, what do they control that has any say?
yes you are correct. The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. And have accomplished nothing.

Is America not great again? If not, will Trump tell us when?

Hmmm...more of the same...whack-jobs sit at their keyboards whining like little bitches...meanwhile.....YEP America is becoming American again...haha
Consumer confidence / spending....UP
Real estate values...UP
Stock market....UP
Deportations of third world filth....UP
illegal immigration....DOWN
High quality REAL American's feel confident in government again while the piece of shits continue to piss their pants and feel like the piece of shits they actually are...haha...I could go on and on...our guy is absolutely KILLIN' IT and whackos, criminals, illegals and bottom feeders can't stand it....hahaha
Just Obama levels continuing. Hasn't passed a damn thing...

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