Are "liberals" able to articulate why Trump should be impeached yet?

Can Americans even imagine how Trump will be rated by historians when he leaves office? Who will appreciate the new ratings the most :Harding, Grant, other?
Trump does seem a lot like Harding
An empty suit playing the role and not much interested in actually doing the job
its a little too early to say if the lying piece of monkey shit aka Donald Trump should be impeached.

Then why is sitting member of Congress saying this?

Seems pretty unethical to advocate for impeachment with no evidence.

At least we had Bill Clinton's jizz all over Monica's dress when Rubes advocated for his impeachment. That's evidence. There were billions of Bill Clinton sperm on Monica Lewinskys dress. Who blows how it got there?
its a little too early to say if the lying piece of monkey shit aka Donald Trump should be impeached.

Then why is sitting member of Congress saying this?

Seems pretty unethical to advocate for impeachment with no evidence.

At least we had Bill Clinton's jizz all over Monica's dress when Rubes advocated for his impeachment. That's evidence. There were billions of Bill Clinton sperm on Monica Lewinskys dress. Who blows how it got there?

Lock him up

Lock him up
LOL! What Russian sabotage? why do you keep talking in circles? Sounds like you are purposely trying to be deceptive, which of course is what you ALL do here.

Isn't it amazing how these loons all have Trump pegged as a traitor, saboteur, obstructor of justice, collaborator, and pedophile, yet in a year of heavy investigation by the top experts in this, they still haven't found a thing? They've even looked at his son-in-law, associates, one even looked under Barron's bed! Maybe some of these people are in the wrong field?! We should send them to Washington so they can show Mueller where to look.

I hear once Trump even stole a lollipop from a baby!
Nothing but falsehoods and wishful thinking. As you have been told billions of times the popular vote has NEVER elected a president.

Black Flag doesn't even have the number right--- it was 2.8 million, not 3, and now we know there are at least 17 million illegal voters just in Kalifornia alone.
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Seems they can't articulate anything anymore. But let's give it a shot anyway, see if they're "progressing". Back your dreams, desires and emotional hides with something tangible.

I could probably give you ten reasons, each of which is better than a blue dress.

but I'll wait for Robert mueller.
I could probably give you ten reasons, each of which is better than a blue dress.

Sorry to bust your bubble, but:

A). Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury, you know, like when AG Lynch told Comey to lie and not call the Clinton investigation an investigation?; that blue dress didn't have a damn thing to do with it.
B). Bill Clinton was impeached, but that did not remove from office.

It takes EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES to remove a president from office, far more than most of you might think. Certainly not just because you don't like him, even for misbehaving. If you think any of the things you like to mention rise to the level of a high crime, you are in for one big disappointment.
Why ask liberals, what do they control that has any say?

The Democratic Party headed by Chuckie Schumer is like one of those little Chihuahuas that yaps at your heels as you walk trying to get itself noticed.


A lot of noise but no teeth.

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