are many on the left jealous because Newt got

the issue was not the blow job. The issue was subordinating perjury in a civil rights case where he was a defendant.

Bullshit. It was about the blowjob.

If we excluded every male from public office because of sexual misconduct there would be no person in office.

It was about the perjury in the civil rights case. You want to dance around that issue, but he did fire the woman because she would not put out and he did recruit others to lie about it. which is why he lost his licence. And wound up paying her off more than she originally asked for.

Actually it was the paula jones civil suit not a civil rights case. Furthermore, based on the legal definiton the lie had to be material to the case on order for it to be considered perjury and clinton's lie about his relationship with monica had no material bearing on whether he harassed paula jones or not.

Perjury is the "willful and corrupt taking of a false oath in regard to a material matter in a judicial proceeding." It is sometimes called "lying under oath;" that is, deliberately telling a lie in a courtroom proceeding after having taken an oath to tell the truth. It is important that the false statement be material to the case at hand—that it could affect the outcome of the case. It is not considered perjury, for example, to lie about your age, unless your age is a key factor in proving the case.

Perjury - what is it?

P.S. He lost his license and paid a fine for his contempt of court for making false statements not the reasons you presented. How many more things are you going to get wrong?
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the issue was not the blow job. The issue was subordinating perjury in a civil rights case where he was a defendant.

Bullshit. It was about the blowjob.

If we excluded every male from public office because of sexual misconduct there would be no person in office.

It was about the perjury in the civil rights case. You want to dance around that issue, but he did fire the woman because she would not put out and he did recruit others to lie about it. which is why he lost his licence. And wound up paying her off more than she originally asked for.
Not true. Neither dubya or obama is guilty of sexual misconduct.
Hold on....I'm still laughing at the hypocrisy of the wingnuts because of their support for Newt after trashing Clinton so bad over just one blowjob. :rofl:

I guess their "all or nothing" attitude is showing. If you have an affair it's sick. If you divorce your sick wife, that shows initiative.

The celebratory nature of the wingnuts embracing of Newt's foibles is low brow high comedy. Like you'd expect from the sterotypical red state.

Well does it matter or not? Conflicting messages. I very clearly remember the left saying this doesnt matter.

Which the hell is it?

And the right once said that it does matter. How about that conflicting message? The fact that they are now "ok" with it reeks of hypocrisy. Personally I still don't think it matters just as i did then so no hypocrisy here.

The simple and obvious point that seems to be lost on you is that in reality it still doesn't matter to the left. The thing most of the left are pointing out is that NOW it doesn't seem to matter with the right when it once did.

Pointing out how the right's opinions have seemed to change on this is not hypocrisy on the part of the left.
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More ass than them?

Sucks when a fat old man shows you up on the dance floor huh?

What is wrong with you. Seriously, you must have contracted herpes in your younger years and it has eaten what little mind you had before you got the disease.
fat ass newt standing in front of the country shouting about family/marriage values, and going to conventions that are all about the same thing with what he was hiding?
GFR(get f*cking real).
Jealous! NOT. Just seeing through the lies and hypocrisy of an ass.
I guess their "all or nothing" attitude is showing. If you have an affair it's sick. If you divorce your sick wife, that shows initiative.

The celebratory nature of the wingnuts embracing of Newt's foibles is low brow high comedy. Like you'd expect from the sterotypical red state.

Well does it matter or not? Conflicting messages. I very clearly remember the left saying this doesnt matter.

Which the hell is it?

And the right once said that it does matter. How about that conflicting message? The fact that they are now "ok" with it reeks of hypocrisy. Personally I still don't think it matters just as i did then so no hypocrisy here.

The simple and obvious point that seems to be lost on you is that in reality it still doesn't matter to the left. The thing most of the left are pointing out is that NOW it doesn't seem to matter with the right when it once did.

Pointing out how the right's opinions have seemed to change on this is not hypocrisy on the part of the left.

They did. Democrats showed them the error of their ways.

So why the Faux outrage?
Bullshit. It was about the blowjob.

If we excluded every male from public office because of sexual misconduct there would be no person in office.

It was about the perjury in the civil rights case. You want to dance around that issue, but he did fire the woman because she would not put out and he did recruit others to lie about it. which is why he lost his licence. And wound up paying her off more than she originally asked for.

Actually it was the paula jones civil suit not a civil rights case. Furthermore, based on the legal definiton the lie had to be material to the case on order for it to be considered perjury and clinton's lie about his relationship with monica had no material bearing on whether he harassed paula jones or not.

Perjury is the "willful and corrupt taking of a false oath in regard to a material matter in a judicial proceeding." It is sometimes called "lying under oath;" that is, deliberately telling a lie in a courtroom proceeding after having taken an oath to tell the truth. It is important that the false statement be material to the case at hand—that it could affect the outcome of the case. It is not considered perjury, for example, to lie about your age, unless your age is a key factor in proving the case.

Perjury - what is it?

P.S. He lost his license and paid a fine for his contempt of court for making false statements not the reasons you presented. How many more things are you going to get wrong?
You are skipping the point where he got Monica that job at Revlon to testify the way she was instructed.

It was a civil rights case. The woman was fired for not putting out. Clinton signed retroactive legislation that allowed the civil rights case to go forward.
Well does it matter or not? Conflicting messages. I very clearly remember the left saying this doesnt matter.

Which the hell is it?

And the right once said that it does matter. How about that conflicting message? The fact that they are now "ok" with it reeks of hypocrisy. Personally I still don't think it matters just as i did then so no hypocrisy here.

The simple and obvious point that seems to be lost on you is that in reality it still doesn't matter to the left. The thing most of the left are pointing out is that NOW it doesn't seem to matter with the right when it once did.

Pointing out how the right's opinions have seemed to change on this is not hypocrisy on the part of the left.

They did. Democrats showed them the error of their ways.

So why the Faux outrage?

So you admit to the right's hypocrisy and double standard and yet somehow think that reflects negatively on the left??

If we excluded every male from public office because of sexual misconduct there would be no person in office.

It was about the perjury in the civil rights case. You want to dance around that issue, but he did fire the woman because she would not put out and he did recruit others to lie about it. which is why he lost his licence. And wound up paying her off more than she originally asked for.

Actually it was the paula jones civil suit not a civil rights case. Furthermore, based on the legal definiton the lie had to be material to the case on order for it to be considered perjury and clinton's lie about his relationship with monica had no material bearing on whether he harassed paula jones or not.

Perjury is the "willful and corrupt taking of a false oath in regard to a material matter in a judicial proceeding." It is sometimes called "lying under oath;" that is, deliberately telling a lie in a courtroom proceeding after having taken an oath to tell the truth. It is important that the false statement be material to the case at hand—that it could affect the outcome of the case. It is not considered perjury, for example, to lie about your age, unless your age is a key factor in proving the case.

Perjury - what is it?

P.S. He lost his license and paid a fine for his contempt of court for making false statements not the reasons you presented. How many more things are you going to get wrong?
You are skipping the point where he got Monica that job at Revlon to testify the way she was instructed.

It was a civil rights case. The woman was fired for not putting out. Clinton signed retroactive legislation that allowed the civil rights case to go forward.

WOW Your spin gets countered by the facts and despite being shown to be WRONG you still believe that you are correct. LOL

You are wrong about perjury.

You are wrong about how he lost his license.

You are wrong about what kind of case it was.

Paula jones sued clinton in a civil lawsuit in an attempt to get MONEY for damages she believed he caused to her. The first judge ruled that she couldn't prove damages and dismissed the case but after jones appealed clinton settled out of court to make the civil suit go away. She got her money and the suit was dropped.

Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jones v. Clinton Special Report

I am not going to cite the whole thing but there is that and many other pages that spell it out for you if you wish to perform a simple search.
More ass than them?

Sucks when a fat old man shows you up on the dance floor huh?
It's those on the "right" that have to "forgive" newt...those women on the "right" that vote....or he won't win the nomination.....

I think men, couldn't give a rat about his infidelity and being a cheater....but women....religious women voters could be a problem....
are many on the left jealous because Newt got

More ass than them?
Kinda like......




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