Are mitochondria parasites or symbionts?

Intelligent Self-Design

Primitive life forms used their intelligence to select between (the root meaning of intellect) outside organisms and capture those that their intuition (root meaning: "on watch for or (negatively) guard against") told them were useful. We have captured many beneficial bacteria.
You can't say that we captured them. Even if we accept the official version that they are very useful for us, anyway, they infiltrated us for the sake of food, and we did not capture them for the sake of energy. Initially, they were pure cell parasites, only then did they form a symbiosis
Mitochondria parasitize de facto our glycolysis machinery. They devour pyruvate, an intermediate in the Cori cycle. Simply put, they eat the products of fermentation. And they do not know anything about the fact that they supposedly bring some benefit to someone there. The body also does not know, it tries to kill them. but can't reach them inside the cells.
If I'm not mistaken, the reason why our cuts and abrasions become slightly inflamed is precisely this: mitochondria enter the bloodstream and cause an immune response. It is not necessarily an external infection. Microinflammations will be in any case, even on a sterile wound.
According to the content of mitochondria, veterinarians distinguish between male and female types. For example, a bull contains about half less oxidative fibers than a cow.

This is largely true for humans as well: on average, a man is stronger and faster, he has more glycolytic fibers on average.
You can't say that we captured them. Even if we accept the official version that they are very useful for us, anyway, they infiltrated us for the sake of food, and we did not capture them for the sake of energy. Initially, they were pure cell parasites, only then did they form a symbiosis
Martinet Had a Little Lamb

These passive explanations are designed to turn us into submissives.
Martinet Had a Little Lamb

These passive explanations are designed to turn us into submissives.
We are obedient to them. When they turn on the respiratory circuits, you can't turn them off. They can initiate apoptosis when they don't like something.
They have infiltrated our core, they form our genotype.

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