are moderate Dems abandoning the left !!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
After the ass kicking the left took in Wisconsin [a state Obama won by a good margin] could moderate in the middle Dems saying the hell with leftist policy and leadership !!after all Republicans were not the only ones to vote !!! this was a push sterted by the left to remove Walker !! either the left did not show up ....yeah right !!! or some of their base is defecting !!
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Just like there were Reagan Democrats after Carter's term, there will be some who have had enough and want a different direction.
After the ass kicking the left took in Wisconsin [a state Obama won by a good margin] could moderate in the middle Dems saying the hell with leftist policy and leadership !!after all Republicans were not the only ones to vote !!! this was a push sterted by the left to remove Walker !! either the left did not show up ....yeah right !!! or some of their base is defecting !!
Moderate Dems Flee Obama In Primary Votes
After the ass kicking the left took in Wisconsin [a state Obama won by a good margin] could moderate in the middle Dems saying the hell with leftist policy and leadership !!after all Republicans were not the only ones to vote !!! this was a push sterted by the left to remove Walker !! either the left did not show up ....yeah right !!! or some of their base is defecting !!
Moderate Dems Flee Obama In Primary Votes

love the sig yidnar, that's harder than making it out of antartica naked!
Just like there were Reagan Democrats after Carter's term, there will be some who have had enough and want a different direction.
yeah about 20% !!! this bad news for the dems !!:lol::lol:

Dont worry, there is still plenty of time for the RNC to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Never underestimate the stupidity of national level sychophants.
The DEMS are not leftests.

At best they are liberals who support the economic system but think the system needs to mitigate the pernicious effects of capitalism.

The LEFT on the other hand, thinks capitalism needs to go away.

One of these days I hope to find a right winger on this board who actually understands that obvious fact.
The DEMS are not leftests.

At best they are liberals who support the economic system but think the system needs to mitigate the pernicious effects of capitalism.

The LEFT on the other hand, thinks capitalism needs to go away.

One of these days I hope to find a right winger on this board who actually understands that obvious fact.

I understand it......and it is based on total cynicism.

No system is perfect, but there lies the argument against capitalism. It's not perfect, so it sucks. Let's try something different. Problem is everything else sucks even more.
Many realize that continuing to defend this administration is futile, embarrassing, and counter-productive.
I don't know how anyone could stay in the what the Democrat party of today has become.

They've kicked out all the moderates in our Government and are now just filled with divisive, hateful, radical Progressives..
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It's not perfect, so it sucks. Let's try something different.

This, in a nutshell, is the problem with the absolutism displayed by both ends of the political spectrum. Both sides are more than willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater to get their way, and their narcissism has paralyzed us and accelerated our decay.

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The DEMS are not leftests.

At best they are liberals who support the economic system but think the system needs to mitigate the pernicious effects of capitalism.

The LEFT on the other hand, thinks capitalism needs to go away.

One of these days I hope to find a right winger on this board who actually understands that obvious fact.

Best of luck, but you probably stand a better chance of a meteorite striking a fingernail on one of your hands.
OBL is dead.

the car industry is alive.

the dow is up;

we are no longer fighting in Iraq.

gadaffi is dead.

And corporate profits are up.

what the fuck is not to like?

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