Are more lives taken by Gun Violence or Abortion each day?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Liberals try to pretend they give a shit about saving lives when trying to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to bare arms...BULLSHIT!

"Approximately 86 Americans are killed by guns each day, whether by homicide or suicide, and nearly 2,000 fetuses are aborted each day in the U.S."

Liberals say that if an illegal crosses our border and has a baby that baby is INSTANTLY an American citizen with full rights to LIFE, liberty, and Constitutional Rights. At the same time now these sons of bitches want to make it legal to kill / MURDER newborn (American) babies...

Gun CONTROL is just that - a form of CONTROL. Just ask Venezuelans.

If liberals gave a real shit about protecting / saving lives they would not be defending murdering 2,000 fetuses - future children - per day and would not be trying to make it legal to murder newborn babies!

America digs in on death, whether by gunfire or abortion

False comparison fallacy.
Because you don't like what the numbers prove, how Libtards keepying about how they want to save lives, that life is precious, while defending 2,000 murders of innocent life per day, while defending barbaric late term abortions, while defending murdering viable children capable of surviving outside the womb...and now while seeking to make it legal to murder US citizens - newborn babies...
Nice try, OP.

I am not in the least bit surprised Liberals are opposing bills like Georgia's 'Heartbeat' Bill, which call for the protection of children in the womb when a heartbeat can be heard (usually near the 6-week point. I am still shocked, however, that ANYONE would want to legalize the murder of children AFTER they have just been delivered.

I mean, seriously, :wtf:?
If liberals advocate the murder of newborn babies, they what's their objection to the 'Death Penalty', putting to death vile, evil criminals who have no socially redeeming value? Choosing to murder an innocent child that has just been born is equivalent to a DEATH SENTENCE sentence for the 'CRIME' of BEING BORN.

Perhaps liberals would support the Death Sentence if someone explained to them it is a form of EXTREMELY LATE TERM abortion - 'Post-Birth' Abortion.

If liberals advocate the murder of newborn babies, they what's their objection to the 'Death Penalty', putting to death vile, evil criminals who have no socially redeeming value? Choosing to murder an innocent child that has just been born is equivalent to a DEATH SENTENCE sentence for the 'CRIME' of BEING BORN.

Perhaps liberals would support the Death Sentence if someone explained to them it is a form of EXTREMELY LATE TERM abortion - 'Post-Birth' Abortion.


Liberals are perfectly fine with a newborn being kept “comfortable” while the mother decides the child’s fate yet liberals shot themselves over the notion that a killer rapist multi offender has been sentenced to die. Imagine the craziness in that? Newborns have not done anything wrong or immoral and their fate is being decided by one person vs. an adult or near adult who has chosen to rape and murder and Liberals are more concerned about the rapist and murderer living?//

Liberalism is truly a disease.
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Abortions killing life is subjective.
Your analogy isnt a good one. I am also pro life and very pro gun.
Give me my fucking machine gun, just not fallacious analogies.
I suspect that most of the USMB nutbag Trump supporters who professes to care so deeply about abortion would abandon that cause if it was politically expedient.

Liberals and Democrats have worked to eliminate abortions before they become necessary. Promoting affordable access to birth control and sex education for our youth have proven to be the greatest reducers of unwanted pregnancies....and therefore....abortions.

Vote Democrat if you truly abhor abortions.
I suspect that most of the USMB nutbag Trump supporters who professes to care so deeply about abortion would abandon that cause if it was politically expedient.
Of course you would.....

Liberals and Democrats have worked to eliminate abortions before they become necessary. Promoting affordable access to birth control and sex education for our youth have proven to be the greatest reducers of unwanted pregnancies....and therefore....abortions.

I encourage you to see the movie 'UnPlanned' - it is a true story about the youngest CEO of Planned Parenthood. There is a point in the movie where, after seeing the horrific truth about abortion as she witnesses one for the 1st time - watching the baby being killed / aborted inside the womb, she tells one of the Planned Parenthood leaders that she thought Planned Parenthood was primarily about STOPPING / PREVENTING abortions. She was told Planned Parenthood was in large part about MAKING MONEY, and she was given this analogy to explain Planned Parenthood / how they make their money:

She was told that McDonalds does not make money selling hamburgers - they break even selling hamburgers. Where McDonalds makes all of their REAL money is selling soft drinks and fries. 'Abortions', she was told, are Planned Parenthood's 'soft drinks' and 'fries'. THEY are the real money-makers and Planned Parenthood's primary focus.

We have all seen and ready stories exposed in the past, selling baby body parts is extremely lucrative, as well.
I suspect that most of the USMB nutbag Trump supporters who professes to care so deeply about abortion would abandon that cause if it was politically expedient.
Of course you would.....

Liberals and Democrats have worked to eliminate abortions before they become necessary. Promoting affordable access to birth control and sex education for our youth have proven to be the greatest reducers of unwanted pregnancies....and therefore....abortions.

I encourage you to see the movie 'UnPlanned' - it is a true story about the youngest CEO of Planned Parenthood. There is a point in the movie where, after seeing the horrific truth about abortion as she witnesses one for the 1st time - watching the baby being killed / aborted inside the womb, she tells one of the Planned Parenthood leaders that she thought Planned Parenthood was primarily about STOPPING / PREVENTING abortions. She was told Planned Parenthood was in large part about MAKING MONEY, and she was given this analogy to explain Planned Parenthood / how they make their money:

She was told that McDonalds does not make money selling hamburgers - they break even selling hamburgers. Where McDonalds makes all of their REAL money is selling soft drinks and fries. 'Abortions', she was told, are Planned Parenthood's 'soft drinks' and 'fries'. THEY are the real money-makers and Planned Parenthood's primary focus.

We have all seen and ready stories exposed in the past, selling baby body parts is extremely lucrative, as well.

No thanks. I'm good without watching propaganda films.

When are you going to start saving babies? If I thought abortion was murder, I'd never be able to live with myself if I didn't risk my own freedom to save one sweet little baby.

Maybe you don't REALLY care that much.
Most clayton types place no value on life. Killing innocent life means nothing. These people are monsters.

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