Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
My opinion on this is the facts are intriguing if they all check out. Has nothing to do with "Jews" or anti-semitism. If it's all true, truth seems to be the new hate speech. Everyone doesn't necessarily have to draw the same conclusions from these facts. Evidence of motive surprising.

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?


"Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" has caused an outcry in that city and beyond. But although the headline is odiously worded to suggest an entire people can be blamed for a crime, rather than possible criminal elements within it acting in concert with other criminal elements, taken point by point, the flyer which has caused such a ruckus alludes to matters of public record.

Of course no entire people of any race, ethnicity, or religious tradition can be held responsible for the acts of a few, if in fact those few are guilty of those acts.

According to the Marin Independent Journal, police have said there will be no investigation because the flyers are protected by the First Amendment.

The Jewish News of Northern California reported:

"Anti-Semitic flyers spouting conspiracy theories about Jews appeared in Novato last weekend, sparking a unified, angry response from police, local politicians and community members. The flyers, plastered on telephone poles, storefronts and a high school campus, made preposterous claims that Jews, and Israel, were behind the 9/11 attacks. Statements included that Israelis were seen dancing on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, that a Jewish Israeli man made billions in insurance money, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attacks. At the bottom of the page it says, “Wake up USA!”
The hallmark of the flyer is that it sometimes mangles historical facts, but not beyond recognition. Deconstructing the flyer point by point:

Title: "Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" - It would be more accurate to say that there is abundant evidence of Israeli state intelligence agencies, not Jews, were interested in 9/11, even as it unfolded in real-time on the ground in NYC, in the form of five young Israeli men, some of whom were confirmed to be Mossad. Mossad is Israel's equivalent of the CIA. More on this later. It is also indisputable that public documents show that some of the goals expressed by Israeli neoconservative thinkers over the years were made possible by 9/11. Finally, it is indisputable that the same neoconservatives associated with the think-tank Project for a New American Century suddenly found themselves in control of the nation's defenses after they were appointed to high positions in the defense department by George W. Bush. So of course, all Jews are not responsible for 9/11, anymore than all Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. But some parties high up in the Bush administration have long spoken of invading Iraq, and all of them are staunchly, even inappropriately, associated with the Netanyahu Likud government.

Point 1 - "Over 60 Israeli Jews were arrested on 9/11" - The Washington Post reported on November 23, 2001:

The Post writes:

"art student" ring was broken up by US authorities in the year before 9/11, which had infiltrated government offices across the US, in some cases offices which were not public knowledge.

Point 2. - "5 dancing Israelis were found celebrating on the site after the collapse of the WTC buildings."

Not exactly true. No Israelis were observed celebrating on the rubble at Ground Zero. But it is public record that five men, two of them later confirmed to be Israeli Mossad agents - Israel's CIA - were observed filming the Towers, very possibly as the first plane hit, and celebrating by giving high-fives and taking pictures of each other flicking cigarette lighters with the burning towers in the background. The Washington Post confirmed on November 23, 2001 that:

redacted FBI reports such as that the van the men were driving tested positive when it was subjected to an explosives-sniffing dog, and that the men had large amounts of cash, false passports, and airline tickets for departure that day on them. Also that they had lied repeatedly to police about their whereabouts and how they came to be videotaping the Towers from a perfect vantage point across the river. Also how at least two of them were confirmed to be Mossad agents, in an ABC report.

ABC News said:

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit
My opinion on this is the facts are intriguing if they all check out. Has nothing to do with "Jews" or anti-semitism. If it's all true, truth seems to be the new hate speech. Everyone doesn't necessarily have to draw the same conclusions from these facts. Evidence of motive surprising.

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?


"Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" has caused an outcry in that city and beyond. But although the headline is odiously worded to suggest an entire people can be blamed for a crime, rather than possible criminal elements within it acting in concert with other criminal elements, taken point by point, the flyer which has caused such a ruckus alludes to matters of public record.

Of course no entire people of any race, ethnicity, or religious tradition can be held responsible for the acts of a few, if in fact those few are guilty of those acts.

According to the Marin Independent Journal, police have said there will be no investigation because the flyers are protected by the First Amendment.

The Jewish News of Northern California reported:

"Anti-Semitic flyers spouting conspiracy theories about Jews appeared in Novato last weekend, sparking a unified, angry response from police, local politicians and community members. The flyers, plastered on telephone poles, storefronts and a high school campus, made preposterous claims that Jews, and Israel, were behind the 9/11 attacks. Statements included that Israelis were seen dancing on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, that a Jewish Israeli man made billions in insurance money, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attacks. At the bottom of the page it says, “Wake up USA!”
The hallmark of the flyer is that it sometimes mangles historical facts, but not beyond recognition. Deconstructing the flyer point by point:

Title: "Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" - It would be more accurate to say that there is abundant evidence of Israeli state intelligence agencies, not Jews, were interested in 9/11, even as it unfolded in real-time on the ground in NYC, in the form of five young Israeli men, some of whom were confirmed to be Mossad. Mossad is Israel's equivalent of the CIA. More on this later. It is also indisputable that public documents show that some of the goals expressed by Israeli neoconservative thinkers over the years were made possible by 9/11. Finally, it is indisputable that the same neoconservatives associated with the think-tank Project for a New American Century suddenly found themselves in control of the nation's defenses after they were appointed to high positions in the defense department by George W. Bush. So of course, all Jews are not responsible for 9/11, anymore than all Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. But some parties high up in the Bush administration have long spoken of invading Iraq, and all of them are staunchly, even inappropriately, associated with the Netanyahu Likud government.

Point 1 - "Over 60 Israeli Jews were arrested on 9/11" - The Washington Post reported on November 23, 2001:

The Post writes:

"art student" ring was broken up by US authorities in the year before 9/11, which had infiltrated government offices across the US, in some cases offices which were not public knowledge.

Point 2. - "5 dancing Israelis were found celebrating on the site after the collapse of the WTC buildings."

Not exactly true. No Israelis were observed celebrating on the rubble at Ground Zero. But it is public record that five men, two of them later confirmed to be Israeli Mossad agents - Israel's CIA - were observed filming the Towers, very possibly as the first plane hit, and celebrating by giving high-fives and taking pictures of each other flicking cigarette lighters with the burning towers in the background. The Washington Post confirmed on November 23, 2001 that:

redacted FBI reports such as that the van the men were driving tested positive when it was subjected to an explosives-sniffing dog, and that the men had large amounts of cash, false passports, and airline tickets for departure that day on them. Also that they had lied repeatedly to police about their whereabouts and how they came to be videotaping the Towers from a perfect vantage point across the river. Also how at least two of them were confirmed to be Mossad agents, in an ABC report.

ABC News said:

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit
For some reason the question of the actions of the suspects taking flying lessons in Fla,. So a bunch of Jews hired 5 Arabs to do the act. Kind of hard to believe.
My opinion on this is the facts are intriguing if they all check out. Has nothing to do with "Jews" or anti-semitism. If it's all true, truth seems to be the new hate speech. Everyone doesn't necessarily have to draw the same conclusions from these facts. Evidence of motive surprising.

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?


"Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" has caused an outcry in that city and beyond. But although the headline is odiously worded to suggest an entire people can be blamed for a crime, rather than possible criminal elements within it acting in concert with other criminal elements, taken point by point, the flyer which has caused such a ruckus alludes to matters of public record.

Of course no entire people of any race, ethnicity, or religious tradition can be held responsible for the acts of a few, if in fact those few are guilty of those acts.

According to the Marin Independent Journal, police have said there will be no investigation because the flyers are protected by the First Amendment.

The Jewish News of Northern California reported:

"Anti-Semitic flyers spouting conspiracy theories about Jews appeared in Novato last weekend, sparking a unified, angry response from police, local politicians and community members. The flyers, plastered on telephone poles, storefronts and a high school campus, made preposterous claims that Jews, and Israel, were behind the 9/11 attacks. Statements included that Israelis were seen dancing on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, that a Jewish Israeli man made billions in insurance money, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attacks. At the bottom of the page it says, “Wake up USA!”
The hallmark of the flyer is that it sometimes mangles historical facts, but not beyond recognition. Deconstructing the flyer point by point:

Title: "Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" - It would be more accurate to say that there is abundant evidence of Israeli state intelligence agencies, not Jews, were interested in 9/11, even as it unfolded in real-time on the ground in NYC, in the form of five young Israeli men, some of whom were confirmed to be Mossad. Mossad is Israel's equivalent of the CIA. More on this later. It is also indisputable that public documents show that some of the goals expressed by Israeli neoconservative thinkers over the years were made possible by 9/11. Finally, it is indisputable that the same neoconservatives associated with the think-tank Project for a New American Century suddenly found themselves in control of the nation's defenses after they were appointed to high positions in the defense department by George W. Bush. So of course, all Jews are not responsible for 9/11, anymore than all Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. But some parties high up in the Bush administration have long spoken of invading Iraq, and all of them are staunchly, even inappropriately, associated with the Netanyahu Likud government.

Point 1 - "Over 60 Israeli Jews were arrested on 9/11" - The Washington Post reported on November 23, 2001:

The Post writes:

"art student" ring was broken up by US authorities in the year before 9/11, which had infiltrated government offices across the US, in some cases offices which were not public knowledge.

Point 2. - "5 dancing Israelis were found celebrating on the site after the collapse of the WTC buildings."

Not exactly true. No Israelis were observed celebrating on the rubble at Ground Zero. But it is public record that five men, two of them later confirmed to be Israeli Mossad agents - Israel's CIA - were observed filming the Towers, very possibly as the first plane hit, and celebrating by giving high-fives and taking pictures of each other flicking cigarette lighters with the burning towers in the background. The Washington Post confirmed on November 23, 2001 that:

redacted FBI reports such as that the van the men were driving tested positive when it was subjected to an explosives-sniffing dog, and that the men had large amounts of cash, false passports, and airline tickets for departure that day on them. Also that they had lied repeatedly to police about their whereabouts and how they came to be videotaping the Towers from a perfect vantage point across the river. Also how at least two of them were confirmed to be Mossad agents, in an ABC report.

ABC News said:

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit
For some reason the question of the actions of the suspects taking flying lessons in Fla,. So a bunch of Jews hired 5 Arabs to do the act. Kind of hard to believe.

It is absurd to think that amatuer pilots can take the controls of a 767, navigate by compass and dead reckoning 800 miles inland, loop back around and hit three targets with Chuck Yeager top gun precision. At 200 feet wide hitting the towers would require the same skill as threading the runway on an aircraft carrier, except harder because they were doing 500MPH. Pentagon even more ridiculous to believe Hani Hanjour did a corkscrew dive at 500 mph and hit a 70 foot high target like a stunt pilot.
My opinion on this is the facts are intriguing if they all check out. Has nothing to do with "Jews" or anti-semitism. If it's all true, truth seems to be the new hate speech. Everyone doesn't necessarily have to draw the same conclusions from these facts. Evidence of motive surprising.

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?


"Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" has caused an outcry in that city and beyond. But although the headline is odiously worded to suggest an entire people can be blamed for a crime, rather than possible criminal elements within it acting in concert with other criminal elements, taken point by point, the flyer which has caused such a ruckus alludes to matters of public record.

Of course no entire people of any race, ethnicity, or religious tradition can be held responsible for the acts of a few, if in fact those few are guilty of those acts.

According to the Marin Independent Journal, police have said there will be no investigation because the flyers are protected by the First Amendment.

The Jewish News of Northern California reported:

"Anti-Semitic flyers spouting conspiracy theories about Jews appeared in Novato last weekend, sparking a unified, angry response from police, local politicians and community members. The flyers, plastered on telephone poles, storefronts and a high school campus, made preposterous claims that Jews, and Israel, were behind the 9/11 attacks. Statements included that Israelis were seen dancing on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, that a Jewish Israeli man made billions in insurance money, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attacks. At the bottom of the page it says, “Wake up USA!”
The hallmark of the flyer is that it sometimes mangles historical facts, but not beyond recognition. Deconstructing the flyer point by point:

Title: "Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" - It would be more accurate to say that there is abundant evidence of Israeli state intelligence agencies, not Jews, were interested in 9/11, even as it unfolded in real-time on the ground in NYC, in the form of five young Israeli men, some of whom were confirmed to be Mossad. Mossad is Israel's equivalent of the CIA. More on this later. It is also indisputable that public documents show that some of the goals expressed by Israeli neoconservative thinkers over the years were made possible by 9/11. Finally, it is indisputable that the same neoconservatives associated with the think-tank Project for a New American Century suddenly found themselves in control of the nation's defenses after they were appointed to high positions in the defense department by George W. Bush. So of course, all Jews are not responsible for 9/11, anymore than all Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. But some parties high up in the Bush administration have long spoken of invading Iraq, and all of them are staunchly, even inappropriately, associated with the Netanyahu Likud government.

Point 1 - "Over 60 Israeli Jews were arrested on 9/11" - The Washington Post reported on November 23, 2001:

The Post writes:

"art student" ring was broken up by US authorities in the year before 9/11, which had infiltrated government offices across the US, in some cases offices which were not public knowledge.

Point 2. - "5 dancing Israelis were found celebrating on the site after the collapse of the WTC buildings."

Not exactly true. No Israelis were observed celebrating on the rubble at Ground Zero. But it is public record that five men, two of them later confirmed to be Israeli Mossad agents - Israel's CIA - were observed filming the Towers, very possibly as the first plane hit, and celebrating by giving high-fives and taking pictures of each other flicking cigarette lighters with the burning towers in the background. The Washington Post confirmed on November 23, 2001 that:

redacted FBI reports such as that the van the men were driving tested positive when it was subjected to an explosives-sniffing dog, and that the men had large amounts of cash, false passports, and airline tickets for departure that day on them. Also that they had lied repeatedly to police about their whereabouts and how they came to be videotaping the Towers from a perfect vantage point across the river. Also how at least two of them were confirmed to be Mossad agents, in an ABC report.

ABC News said:

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit
For some reason the question of the actions of the suspects taking flying lessons in Fla,. So a bunch of Jews hired 5 Arabs to do the act. Kind of hard to believe.

It is absurd to think that amatuer pilots can take the controls of a 767, navigate by compass and dead reckoning 800 miles inland, loop back around and hit three targets with Chuck Yeager top gun precision. At 200 feet wide hitting the towers would require the same skill as threading the runway on an aircraft carrier, except harder because they were doing 500MPH. Pentagon even more ridiculous to believe Hani Hanjour did a corkscrew dive at 500 mph and hit a 70 foot high target like a stunt pilot.

Are you a pilot?
Those Jews shot a missile into a building containing THOUSANDS of military experts. And those Jews are so clever, they tricked all them experts into thinking a missile was an airplane!

Why wouldn't liberalfilth be anti-semitic when they fellate the most praised-by-Hitler, Nazi-collaborating, mass Jew-exterminating hate ideology that ever existed, Pisslam? I've spent the past EIGHT FUCKING YEARS reading the Quran and studying this sadistic, cruel, society-destroying hate ideology and their two doctrinal prime directives are as follows: world domination and extermination of Jews. Islam is ideologically identical to Naziism in every way that matters. Including mass rape and destruction of their enemies' historical artifacts.
My opinion on this is the facts are intriguing if they all check out. Has nothing to do with "Jews" or anti-semitism. If it's all true, truth seems to be the new hate speech. Everyone doesn't necessarily have to draw the same conclusions from these facts. Evidence of motive surprising.

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?


"Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" has caused an outcry in that city and beyond. But although the headline is odiously worded to suggest an entire people can be blamed for a crime, rather than possible criminal elements within it acting in concert with other criminal elements, taken point by point, the flyer which has caused such a ruckus alludes to matters of public record.

Of course no entire people of any race, ethnicity, or religious tradition can be held responsible for the acts of a few, if in fact those few are guilty of those acts.

According to the Marin Independent Journal, police have said there will be no investigation because the flyers are protected by the First Amendment.

The Jewish News of Northern California reported:

"Anti-Semitic flyers spouting conspiracy theories about Jews appeared in Novato last weekend, sparking a unified, angry response from police, local politicians and community members. The flyers, plastered on telephone poles, storefronts and a high school campus, made preposterous claims that Jews, and Israel, were behind the 9/11 attacks. Statements included that Israelis were seen dancing on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, that a Jewish Israeli man made billions in insurance money, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attacks. At the bottom of the page it says, “Wake up USA!”
The hallmark of the flyer is that it sometimes mangles historical facts, but not beyond recognition. Deconstructing the flyer point by point:

Title: "Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" - It would be more accurate to say that there is abundant evidence of Israeli state intelligence agencies, not Jews, were interested in 9/11, even as it unfolded in real-time on the ground in NYC, in the form of five young Israeli men, some of whom were confirmed to be Mossad. Mossad is Israel's equivalent of the CIA. More on this later. It is also indisputable that public documents show that some of the goals expressed by Israeli neoconservative thinkers over the years were made possible by 9/11. Finally, it is indisputable that the same neoconservatives associated with the think-tank Project for a New American Century suddenly found themselves in control of the nation's defenses after they were appointed to high positions in the defense department by George W. Bush. So of course, all Jews are not responsible for 9/11, anymore than all Japanese were responsible for Pearl Harbor. But some parties high up in the Bush administration have long spoken of invading Iraq, and all of them are staunchly, even inappropriately, associated with the Netanyahu Likud government.

Point 1 - "Over 60 Israeli Jews were arrested on 9/11" - The Washington Post reported on November 23, 2001:

The Post writes:

"art student" ring was broken up by US authorities in the year before 9/11, which had infiltrated government offices across the US, in some cases offices which were not public knowledge.

Point 2. - "5 dancing Israelis were found celebrating on the site after the collapse of the WTC buildings."

Not exactly true. No Israelis were observed celebrating on the rubble at Ground Zero. But it is public record that five men, two of them later confirmed to be Israeli Mossad agents - Israel's CIA - were observed filming the Towers, very possibly as the first plane hit, and celebrating by giving high-fives and taking pictures of each other flicking cigarette lighters with the burning towers in the background. The Washington Post confirmed on November 23, 2001 that:

redacted FBI reports such as that the van the men were driving tested positive when it was subjected to an explosives-sniffing dog, and that the men had large amounts of cash, false passports, and airline tickets for departure that day on them. Also that they had lied repeatedly to police about their whereabouts and how they came to be videotaping the Towers from a perfect vantage point across the river. Also how at least two of them were confirmed to be Mossad agents, in an ABC report.

ABC News said:

Are Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic? — Steemit
Jewish art students were selling paintings in office buildings and malls in ft Lauderdale. What did they have to do with 9/11?

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