Are nursing homes extermination centers, even before Covid?

It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.

What a load of absolute crap.
Yes. Nursing homes are always left behind in annual budgets.... their staff are near minimum wagers, and minimal care is given...not quality care.

My state of Maine ranks 23rd on care for the elderly, and Florida....with all those elderly, ranks drop dead LAST on nursing homes and care for the aging...No pun intended.

Prog women put themselves in front of their children. We are at a third generation feminism that is insane. The amount of single parent is massive. And the amount the system must pay for it is massive. With the aged needing more resources, where do you get it from? We have a million abortions a year and millions of children born a year from sluts. Endless single parent situations. Divorces are near 50% over so many years. Many women do not know how to take care of homes, do not cook and do not clean well. They are lazy and self important. There is a lot of cost in this.

Women don't like you at all, do they?
Sounds awfully selfish.
Receiving better care from professionals than I could provide which included transportation to and from the hospital sounds selfish?
Being in a place that is 5 minutes away from a hospital instead of 45 minutes away sounds selfish?
Who, exactly, would take care of her while I was at work?
I guess I am expected to be able to pay $12,000 a month for nursing care outside of all the other bills (my house, her house and all related bills)?
alll the excuses in the world wont change the facts,,,
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.

What a load of absolute crap.
Not seeing truth in the article is to either be blind or defending a lie.
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.
After we had to have my dad go to one, that's when you find out alot of things you wished that you wouldn't find out, but you do.

The stench alone is hard enough to bare, let alone the treatment towards the patient's (not all homes).

Went to check on my dad late one evening, and visiting hours were over, but I had to get in to give him something. So I went in through a side door.

As I was walking down the hallway, I saw people walking around like zombies, and some were hollaring and screaming like there was a party going on. A night tech (watchman), ran into me and said uh ohh, how did you get in here ? I said that I opened the door and walked in. He then said who are you looking for, and I said that I had forgot to leave something with my dad, and that I was back to give it to him. He said ok, you know where his room is right ? I said yep.

So when I got to his room, I found him sitting in his wheel chair gripped with fear. He said to me, "there's a war going on, you haven't heard"? I said what are you talking about dad ? He said that I wasn't safe there, and that the city had already fallen. Then he said how did I get through the lines, and get in there ? Then he said "you don't hear them out there (just outside the room)??

Well what I figured out was that they "the staff consisting of (one night watcher), was in the hallways with some of the patient's raising T-total hell as if they were having some sort of twisted party, while the patient's in the rooms were being terrorized by it all.

Later that night my dad suffered a stroke around 2:00 am. He was taken to the local, and we moved him to another home after treatment for the stroke a week later. He never fully recovered, and passed shortly there afterwards.

Then the lady who owned the previous home, actually had the nerve to beg for her money for his last month in that bad "party central" home that terrorized him.

Nursing homes shouldn't be allowed to operate without the highest tech surveillance in computer and camera's placed strategically for law enforcement purposes. The law should be the only one with access to the camera installed systems. They should retain a recorded record of all activities inside a nursing home. If a complaint is levied, then the system is used as evidence if the complaint is found to be legit.
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.
I've always thought of them as WAREHOUSE CENTERS----where the center wants the product to live as long as providing basics for it makes the corporation money.
Yes. Nursing homes are always left behind in annual budgets.... their staff are near minimum wagers, and minimal care is given...not quality care.

My state of Maine ranks 23rd on care for the elderly, and Florida....with all those elderly, ranks drop dead LAST on nursing homes and care for the aging...No pun intended.

What about the upscale nursing homes ? You know the one's that if the family has the money, then their family member gets the royal treatment until they pass ??? We have those here, and wow what a difference. Funny how money always determines the outcomes. Class warfare even at the nursing home levels of life.
Why not a nursing home care hospitals ??

Otherwise just fix up old hospital's, and re-open them for just the elderly ??? Run them like a hospital instead of like a nursing home if there's any difference.
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.

Not going to happen it's a money making racket at least in NY. Did you know that every weekend lawyers in NY host radio shows to teach people how to scam the nursing home system? Specifically how to dump the elderly into nursing homes while hiding their property and assets from confiscation to pay for the nursing home care.
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.

Not going to happen it's a money making racket at least in NY. Did you know that every weekend lawyers in NY host radio shows to teach people how to scam the nursing home system? Specifically how to dump the elderly into nursing homes while hiding their property and assets from confiscation to pay for the nursing home care.
Nothing surprises me any more, so I wouldn't doubt it.
Nursing homes should have special programs for those who have had enough and are looking to check out.
Yes. Nursing homes are always left behind in annual budgets.... their staff are near minimum wagers, and minimal care is given...not quality care.

My state of Maine ranks 23rd on care for the elderly, and Florida....with all those elderly, ranks drop dead LAST on nursing homes and care for the aging...No pun intended.

What about the upscale nursing homes ? You know the one's that if the family has the money, then their family member gets the royal treatment until they pass ??? We have those here, and wow what a difference. Funny how money always determines the outcomes. Class warfare even at the nursing home levels of life.
Once again, essential vs. nonessential.

That is the role of the state, picking winners and losers, most being losers.
Nursing homes should have special programs for those who have had enough and are looking to check out.
Hitler just sent them to the basement of the hospitals to go bye, bye

Maybe a program like that?
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.

Not going to happen it's a money making racket at least in NY. Did you know that every weekend lawyers in NY host radio shows to teach people how to scam the nursing home system? Specifically how to dump the elderly into nursing homes while hiding their property and assets from confiscation to pay for the nursing home care.
My grandmother is 101 and lives in a nursing home-----------they took every penny that she ever made before the state would kick in to pay for her care while playing games for the first couple of years talking about how they were going to kick her out if the family didn't "find" more money for her. Mean while, illegals who didn't pay in get into nursing homes and the taxpayers immediately take up all costs.
What did we do before nursing homes I wonder?
People died at home.
Watching my mother die at home is not something I care to live through.
better than her dying alone in a nursing home,,
There is a pandemic ongoing. Some people die alone (covid besides) in nursing homes, many receive hospice.
hospice is just another word for we want to kill you quicker
It’s Time to Abolish Nursing Homes | The Nation

This article is eye opening as it shows the evils of nursing homes. Even before Cuomo intentionally mixed Covid patients into nursing homes to kill off expensive and nonproductive old folk, it turns out that they had been dying in droves by other pathogens that were spread around, like C Diff. On top of that, it is a place where medical staff control pretty much every aspect of a persons existence. However, these people are vulnerable and often dependent upon such people, and as such, horribly vulnerable to abuse which occurs in epidemic numbers.

I've come to the conclusion that nursing homes are just glorified gas chambers used to exterminate nonproductive people for the state.

Not going to happen it's a money making racket at least in NY. Did you know that every weekend lawyers in NY host radio shows to teach people how to scam the nursing home system? Specifically how to dump the elderly into nursing homes while hiding their property and assets from confiscation to pay for the nursing home care.
My grandmother is 101 and lives in a nursing home-----------they took every penny that she ever made before the state would kick in to pay for her care while playing games for the first couple of years talking about how they were going to kick her out if the family didn't "find" more money for her. Mean while, illegals who didn't pay in get into nursing homes and the taxpayers immediately take up all costs.
It's absolutely a business , the greying of America, etc etc......~S~

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