Are Obama's job creation numbers right?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
At President Obama’s April 29 news conference, he claimed that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has "already saved or created over 150,000 jobs."?It turns out the president’s claim is really an estimate of what his economic advisers think the stimulus bill is doing, and not based on any evidence of its actual effects. : Fantasy Jobs?

The problem, of course, is that Barack Obama has been president for 40 months. So why do he and his supporters speak as if he has only been in the White House for the last 27 -- that is, since March 2010? It's as if the first third of Obama's presidency just doesn't count. Obama's amnesia about his first year as president |

"It's absolutely clear the economy is not doing fine," President Obama said at the White House shortly after declaring "the private sector is doing fine" at a press conference Friday morning. That’s the reason I had a press conference. That’s why I spent yesterday, the day before yesterday, this past week, this past month and this past year talking about how we can make the economy stronger. The economy is not doing fine. There are too many people out of work. The housing market is still weak, too many homes underwater and that’s precisely why I asked Congress to start taking some steps that can make a difference.”
Obama Backtracks: "It's Absolutely Clear Economy Is Not Doing Fine" | RealClearPolitics
Is there anything he puts out that does not later get revised? He makes the claim. Time for it to sink in is allowed. Then it gets quietly corrected. :)

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