CDZ Are people addicted to the 24 hour news cycle?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The latest round of wailing and sleeplessness over impending WW3, immediately followed by "oh well, what's for breakfast," makes me wonder if many people have become addicted to the 24 hour news cycle, which reports sensationalized and incomplete news stories on an instantaneous basis, only to be dropped and ignored by the next day's sensationalized and incomplete news stories. It is as if too much quantity and too little quality information is being injected into our brains at the same time.

I am seriously concerned about the mental and emotional health of our citizens who are continuously "plugged in" to these news sources. Could the local hysteria over Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938 be repeated today on a nationwide basis?
I was just thinking about this today because of the terrible bad facts in this Iran attack "news." First it was 30 missiles hitting our base; then 15; then 12. I've resolved not to believe ANYthing in breaking news for 24 hours, at least. That's the worst problem, IMO --- the so-called news is inaccurate.
The latest round of wailing and sleeplessness over impending WW3, immediately followed by "oh well, what's for breakfast," makes me wonder if many people have become addicted to the 24 hour news cycle, which reports sensationalized and incomplete news stories on an instantaneous basis, only to be dropped and ignored by the next day's sensationalized and incomplete news stories. It is as if too much quantity and too little quality information is being injected into our brains at the same time.

I am seriously concerned about the mental and emotional health of our citizens who are continuously "plugged in" to these news sources. Could the local hysteria over Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast in 1938 be repeated today on a nationwide basis?

Yes and the effects are as bad as the ones suffered by cocaine addicts.
Most people I know and at least half of Americans are checked out when it comes to politics. Always hear folks say...
"Don't have tine for that"
"My vote doesn't matter"
"I never watch the news "
" Dancing With the Stars is on."

More folks are frankly addicted to porn over the news.
If it were really a “news” cycle, that would be less troublesome. What you have on MSNBC and Fox is near around the clock propaganda.
Most people I know and at least half of Americans are checked out when it comes to politics. Always hear folks say...
"Don't have tine for that"
"My vote doesn't matter"
"I never watch the news "
" Dancing With the Stars is on."

More folks are frankly addicted to porn over the news.
Maybe those fine asz news chicks ougta take a quick facial after each commercial break ?

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