Are political parties really doing us any good?


Active Member
May 5, 2020
One thing that I’ve learned about politics, is that it is an extremely messy game. Republicans and Democrats seem like they Enjoying mudslinging and political battle more than serving their constituents. Lots of decisions are being made out of spite and pettiness and we the people are the ones suffering. If we abolished political parties, and judged every candidate on who they are instead of red or blue, would we be better as a country?
They suck, especially the Democrats who seemingly wants this nation to fall apart.

I chose to be independent about 28 years ago, not going to carry water for any party, since they become ossified and partisan over time.
Political parties can be helpful. They give voters a general idea of what a candidate stands for before any research on that candidate is done, which can be important with the many different elected positions a person might vote for. They provide a support system for candidates that might otherwise not have the resources to run effectively.

Unfortunately, that doesn't offset how entrenched our 2 major parties are, how much power they wield over politics in the country.
One thing that I’ve learned about politics, is that it is an extremely messy game. Republicans and Democrats seem like they Enjoying mudslinging and political battle more than serving their constituents. Lots of decisions are being made out of spite and pettiness and we the people are the ones suffering. If we abolished political parties, and judged every candidate on who they are instead of red or blue, would we be better as a country?

You really can't "abolish" parties. What the States need to do is really re-take control of their elections instead of letting the parties run them.
America does not really have a party system, as is found in many other countries were various political points of view have real representation in the polity through more than just two inane choices.

As Gore Vidal said:

"“There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.”
One thing that I’ve learned about politics, is that it is an extremely messy game. Republicans and Democrats seem like they Enjoying mudslinging and political battle more than serving their constituents. Lots of decisions are being made out of spite and pettiness and we the people are the ones suffering. If we abolished political parties, and judged every candidate on who they are instead of red or blue, would we be better as a country?

You really can't "abolish" parties. What the States need to do is really re-take control of their elections instead of letting the parties run them.
How, pray tell, would you propose that happens?
Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Everyone is so entrenched in the current political system. We can't even abolish the stupid Electoral College, which is a complete clusterfbomb!
I think the opposite, actually. I simply believe we need more political parties to be represented in the government, such that Green Party, Libertarian, etc. parties do have some official representation in the government.
We'd be in much better shape if the loonies had not taken over both of them.

Worse, they're able to keep third parties out of the picture.

One Party has been hijacked by foreign filth, unAmerican pieces of shit, weirdos, faggots, degenerates and dependent lowlifes whom seek to CHANGE all that made America.
The other Party aims to keep America American at its core...they’ve become extremely protective of their country and all it stands for and you hate that.
Let’s be honest, you are a are simply a bit more subtle, a bit more passive in your prefer to take what you consider to be the smart guy approach as you morph this once great nation into some weird fucking shithole that fits EVERYBODY on the globe....FUCK THAT!
One thing that I’ve learned about politics, is that it is an extremely messy game. Republicans and Democrats seem like they Enjoying mudslinging and political battle more than serving their constituents. Lots of decisions are being made out of spite and pettiness and we the people are the ones suffering. If we abolished political parties, and judged every candidate on who they are instead of red or blue, would we be better as a country?


Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Everyone is so entrenched in the current political system. We can't even abolish the stupid Electoral College, which is a complete clusterfbomb!

Would you prefer the foreign filth, faggots, weirdos, lowlifes and degenerates of Mexifornia and Loon York choose your president? Seems like a no-brainer to want the core Americans residing in middle America to make that
I u
One thing that I’ve learned about politics, is that it is an extremely messy game. Republicans and Democrats seem like they Enjoying mudslinging and political battle more than serving their constituents. Lots of decisions are being made out of spite and pettiness and we the people are the ones suffering. If we abolished political parties, and judged every candidate on who they are instead of red or blue, would we be better as a country?
i use the Republican Party as a vessel to return my liberty
Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Everyone is so entrenched in the current political system. We can't even abolish the stupid Electoral College, which is a complete clusterfbomb!

The only reason that you think the Electoral College is stupid is because you want NY, CA and IL to elect the President every time.
Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Everyone is so entrenched in the current political system. We can't even abolish the stupid Electoral College, which is a complete clusterfbomb!

The only reason that you think the Electoral College is stupid is because you want NY, CA and IL to elect the President every time.
Let’s just go with the popular vote, each vote counts as one. So that way, which ever state you’re from won’t impact anything, one New York vote = 1 Kansas vote

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