Are "Poor" Women too stupid to avoid getting pregnant?

Of course a man doesn't risk getting pregnant. He doesn't have to worry about those things when he's playing around. He gets all the fun and walks away, no biggy to him...........she may or may not have had the enjoyment of the moment, but she's also faced with the possibility of pregnancy and what or how to deal with it. Not just about the baby itself, but the mental/emotional load as well of whether to keep it or not. The man couldn't care less and is off getting it somewhere else
So… be more selective. Obviously…
incorrect. let me fix it for you. that many women CHOOSE because they dont want to take RESPONSIBILITY for their OWN actions.

there. much better

No it's not incorrect and doesn't need fixing

I guess the definition of 'many' depends on what generation they're from. Yes, today many women (or whatever they identify as) get abortions and alot of them don't care either way. Abortion is looked at as a solution to a problem, then move on to the next one.
Negative. That’s killing someone to avoid responsibility. Like some guy murdering his wife to avoid losing his money and kids.
Not the same thing at all.

A mass of cells is not the same thing as a child that has been born.
So quit getting pregnant. Do you blame the credit card companies when you run up a bill you can’t pay? Keep it in your wallet. You know the outcome of your decision.

Same goes for the man. He can take the responsibility for contraception or keep it in his pants OR take responsibility for the child he helped create.

It is up to both parties involved to make those decisions and/or live with the consequences
No one is forced into an abortion.

Yeah??? Try having an abusive boyfriend or psychotically strict parents

Or even the mental or emotional baggage that comes with it. 'Force' doesn't always mean being physically dragged to a clinic
Maybe the poor are being more responsible and not having children they can’t support
Just like Conservatives tell them

Are Republicans going to fund the care of additional children born to poor women?
Someone wrote that Black women are 40 per cent of abortions. Finally, a stat on it if true. With over 70% in the inner cities minimum single parent families, we can see the evil of the great society without rules and how we have 3rd generation feminism destroying us. All of those hustlers earning great livings on the backs of the peasants they help to develop.
Same goes for the man. He can take the responsibility for contraception or keep it in his pants OR take responsibility for the child he helped create.

It is up to both parties involved to make those decisions and/or live with the consequences
While that may soothe you. It’s of little consequence to the woman who gets pumped, and dumped because she chose poorly. She runs the higher risk of becoming pregnant.
What you are clamoring for is security. There’s an app for that. You see women are the gate keepers of pussy. But men are the gate keepers of marriage. Marriage is that security net. So if you want to walk the high wire without a rope, the out come is on you. No third party is obligated to throw their life away to break your fall.
While that may soothe you. It’s of little consequence to the woman who gets pumped, and dumped because she chose poorly. She runs the higher risk of becoming pregnant.
What you are clamoring for is security. There’s an app for that. You see women are the gate keepers of pussy. But men are the gate keepers of marriage. Marriage is that security net. So if you want to walk the high wire without a rope, the out come is on you. No third party is obligated to throw their life away to break your fall.

Yeah, that's just keep blaming the woman. So typical of the caveman.
Of course a man doesn't risk getting pregnant. He doesn't have to worry about those things when he's playing around. He gets all the fun and walks away, no biggy to him...........she may or may not have had the enjoyment of the moment, but she's also faced with the possibility of pregnancy and what or how to deal with it. Not just about the baby itself, but the mental/emotional load as well of whether to keep it or not. The man couldn't care less and is off getting it somewhere else
By reading your posts, i assume you are an abortion supporter? If so, I wonder what the mental/emotional load of having an abortion would be?

I assume pro-choice advocates dont consider the unborn to be human as they are willing to destroy them. So, truthfully, if those assumptions are true, why is there any emotional/mental load in the decision at all? I mean, if abortion supporters actually did think the tiny little things they were killing were actual little humans that would make them monsters, no?
No the difference is one can live outside the womb and is no longer part of the mothers body
you do realize that viability is an argument that stopped working for pro-abortionists 20 years ago right?

you will never ever ever win an abortion debate if viability is your argument.
No the difference is one can live outside the womb and is no longer part of the mothers body
It’s in it’s expected place for his, or her age, and in its expected state of health. You have no argument. The child wasn’t created in some lab, and covertly installed by deep state operatives. She had the final say in the child’s creation. She almost always has the final say in the child’s creation. She made a choice. When it happens otherwise; we have laws for dealing with that.
you do realize that viability is an argument that stopped working for pro-abortionists 20 years ago right?

you will never ever ever win an abortion debate if viability is your argument.
I really don't care. I think viability outside the womb is a reasonable limit on abortions.

And there is no winning this debate. it's like arguing religion. You're never going to change anyone's mind.

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