Are public schools failing our black children?

Unionized public school teachers feel that black kids really don't have to learn much- they can be awarded degrees and jobs by means of Affirmative Action. And they won't even have to do that if the Reparations ship finally comes in, then they will be able to retire.
My school district is fantastic. 70% of the HS grads go on to college. They have programs for any sort of special needs, including the need to be challenged academically. When my son went to college, he found that the academic rigor was not as high as it was in HS.

Demographically, the district is quite "diverse." We have lots of Indians, Chinese, and other POC's, though not many descendants of enslaved Americans. Pity that.

"We" have a very strong teachers' union. Most senior teachers are in six figures (all compensation included), and can retire after thirty years - usually in their early 50's. Accordingly, when openings come up they are deluged with applications from fully-qualified teachers and recent grads, and can choose the best of the lot.

The district is quite large, so "our" sports teams are generally dominant, even in their own classifications. VIrtually all of the athletes also participate in "club" sports outside school, which accelerates their athletic development. Coaches are well compensated.

When I hear and read people making the case that America's public schools are crappy, I wonder why they choose to generalize based on the worst of the worst.

Pennsylvania, where I live, is currently floundering under an ominous court order that says, in effect. "Yinz need to spend a shitload more than you are now on public schools, because some of them are bad." Democrats and teachers' unions are absolutely thrilled with this decision and its implications. More money will be spent - mountains more money - and the various "achievement gaps" will remain. They have nothing to do with money and everything to do with culture - which the schools don't control

I feel for this young man and this is further evidence that the unions don't do shit and we need school choice so involved parents can get their kids out of the failing schools.

No we need to take some of that money we pay for bombs and for police to drive tanks and put it into public schools.

So if I start a tread with a white supremacist rally does that mean I can claim that all whites are white supremacists?

I feel for this young man and this is further evidence that the unions don't do shit and we need school choice so involved parents can get their kids out of the failing schools.

Say what now? Could people start threads with a real fucking OP once in a while?

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