Are R-W'ers on here REALLY "defending" Carter Page?

Hey -- nidget.. If Page was THAT dirty and folded into spy biz --- why didn't the FBI have the courtesy to INFORM the Trump Campaign when his name was used as a campaign adviser?

....and you know that the Trump campaign was not....HOW???

Did the DOJ inform the Trump campaign that Flynn was dirty?
Yes or No?

How long did it take the Trump campaign to do something about Flynn's dirty background?
Hey -- nidget.. If Page was THAT dirty and folded into spy biz --- why didn't the FBI have the courtesy to INFORM the Trump Campaign when his name was used as a campaign adviser?

....and you know that the Trump campaign was not....HOW???

Did the DOJ inform the Trump campaign that Flynn was dirty?
Yes or No?

How long did it take the Trump campaign to do something about Flynn's dirty background?

That's not how it works. You don't take people to court to prove a negative? Did you know that?

Obviously they DIDN'T inform the campaign that he was under investigation..

And it wasn't long before the Trump campaign cut their ties with him anyways.

Why didn't you answer my question? PAGE or STEIN? Which is clearer evidence of "colluding with Russia"? You need a picture of her dining with PUTIN?? You need to know the names of the Kremlin big whigs that Putin fixed her up with DURING her campaign?? It's all out there moron...

Or how about Podesta Group? They were representing SBerBank. Who literally OWNS 33% of ALL FUCKING RUSSIAN ASSETS.. They were representing the businesses, holdings of 100s of dirty oligarchs, Kremlin officials and Russian Mobsters while Podesta was running the Clinton campaign.

Collusion with Russians to influence an election? What's Hillary/DNC PAYING Russian intel agents for dirt on Trump if not " Russian collusion to influence an election?"

Answer the question STEIN or PAGE ????
I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

Let me put it this way cupake:
If there was only one PFD left on a sinking ship, I'd give it to Carter Page over you darling.
Again, my problem, (and I'm just guessing here) is that to refute that the dossier was the underlying reason for the warrant being issued is the divulging of a Russian double agent's (working for us) info on how Page was being recruit
They can redact that info.

The Rs cannot use the memo and the underlying intel as both a sword and a shield. They opened the door with some highly inflamatory information. If the Dems present legit, specific complaints, the Rs are setting themselves up to appear misleading if they go to the "classified" defense now.

My problem with the Nunes memo is that it created a pissing contest with our national security. The initial memo may not have revealed much about our investigation process, but the FBI reputing it would only reveal more. So the Republicans can argue that they have damning evidence of FBI corruption based on very little info, while the FBI has no choice but to weather the storm, or release info that may compromise our intelligence gathering apparatus.
So the Republicans can argue that they have damning evidence of FBI corruption based on very little info, while the FBI has no choice but to weather the storm, or release info that may compromise our intelligence gathering apparatus.

Agree....including, possibly, HUMAN assets (Russian double agents.)

The only way to avoid the above is for some SANER republicans (perhaps in the senate) to request to see the FBI evidence behind closed doors, on the promise to openly refute the Nunes' fiasco once proven false.
I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

Carter Page was very forthcoming about his trip to Russia. What I am curious about is that if Russia is such an enemy of USA.INC? Why are leftards not upset about Uranium One or the fact that Bill "drop trou" went over there, gave a speech for a cool half a million dollars? Seems that leftard feelings stop and change on a dime.........
Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

In a transcript of the conversation included in the court documents, Mr. Podobnyy tells his Russian colleague that Mr. Page frequently flies to Moscow and is interested in earning large sums of money. Mr. Page was apparently interested in striking a deal with Gazprom, the Russian state-run oil firm, according to the transcript. Mr. Podobnyy called Mr. Page an “idiot” but said he was enthusiastic.

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
I hope I'm still alive to see the movie in a few years. Spies and Lies. I think Nunes may be a marked man at about this point, I can just hear the chatter in the D.C. bars about now. The Congress should have voted to release the whole shebang and left his name off. God I'd hate to be him.

I'd like to see Session's, Wray, Rostein or however you spell his name and then that woman under him all resign this weekend. I really couldn't believe Session's stuck up for all of them today. Let Trump try to find some other loyal Republican's to replace them. Any smart ones would stay miles away from that.
Carter Page was very forthcoming about his trip to Russia. What I am curious about is that if Russia is such an enemy of USA.INC? Why are leftards not upset about Uranium One or the fact that Bill "drop trou" went over there, gave a speech for a cool half a million dollars? Seems that leftard feelings stop and change on a dime.........

Not an ounce of U.S. uranium has ever left this country...AND

Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump

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