Are R-W'ers on here REALLY "defending" Carter Page?

Answer the question STEIN or PAGE ????

BOTH...........Notice that Stein was sitting at the same table with Mike Flynn during that Russian love-fest???

Yeah I did. Did I say I THOUGHT there was a problem with Stein or Flynn being at an RT Awards dinner at Putin's table? NO -- I don't recall that I did. Since you are the ONLY ONE that thinks having dinner with Putin in Moscow is a problem...

We have former TOP officers of the CIA and NSA starting fucking security businesses with former KGB and GRU/FSB agents. It's NOT a crime. EVEN IF -- they are using their spooky spying talents together.

But YOU --- you think they BOTH are guilty of something..
Nat, tell me that you will stick around when the indictments go down

Why would I want to miss the OTHER indictments of folks like Kushner, Don Jr. , et al....????

That would be like a lot of foreplay and then going home......

It's not gonna happen because even as we speak McCabe is spilling his guts to avoid further prosecution. The amount of utter corruption (should it be revealed) would totally destroy the people's faith in this corporate entity that they call "government".
Nat is probably done here if he doesn't or won't answer that question, Russian agent or not?
I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

Who else is underserving of protections of the Bill of Rights in your mind?

Sleep well. The only "collusion with Russians intended to influence an election" is what we're discovering that Hillary/DNC with Fusion GPS/ Steele / Real Russian bad guy Intel agents...

Night Night !!!
Still does not answer my question, was he an agent of Russia?

Hey, fuck head.......NO ONE stated that Page was an agent of Russia....he's too stupid to be an agent of anything...EXCEPT he was at one time a stellar pick to be on Trump foreign advisers' team................LOL

(The warrants on Page were issued to most likely entrap Russian spies who were trying to recruit the moron.)

You're not a total fuckhead. You just think this is a big game dontcha? That's EXACTLY why Page was under surveillance. I was under surveillance for YEARS after I did my stint in Intel.. It was to warn and protect him against hi-jinks by Russians trying co-opt him.. NOT because he was a threat to US security.

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