Are R-W'ers on here REALLY "defending" Carter Page?

Today's revelations is only the beginning of the release of damning information as it pertains to the deep state and the shadow government that uses them.

You're so right on

I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

Carter Page was very forthcoming about his trip to Russia. What I am curious about is that if Russia is such an enemy of USA.INC? Why are leftards not upset about Uranium One or the fact that Bill "drop trou" went over there, gave a speech for a cool half a million dollars? Seems that leftard feelings stop and change on a dime.........

But, but, but Clinton. Deflection and obstruction is weak and getting weaker.

The more Trump lies, obstructs and deflects, the guiltier he looks. At this point, he looks and acts like he’s shitting his pants on a daily basis.

LMAO! As usual ( and because you lack the ability to think rationally) The Clintons have a 100 times stronger ties to Russia than President Trump does. What if Trump had received over 140 million dollars in donations from Russian businessmen for the rights to a resource like uranium? You leftards would be absolutely LIVID. If He went and gave a speech in Russia and was given a cool 500K for an hour's speech? You would be soiling yourself. You have one set of rules for leftards and another set for those that oppose the commies. I simply call you and those like you out on it. Weaponizing the DOJ, IRS and the FISA courts in order to try and cripple an opposing political point of view is W-R-O-N-G no matter which side does it. There are lines that I am not willing to cross and there are lies that I am not willing to try and "spin" for the sake of a political party that is bought and paid for at the very top. I got out of the left versus right paradigm because I educated myself. I stopped being a neocon apologist and learned the nature of the cage.
The FISA warrant uses Carter Paige as an excuse to spy on Trump.

MORON........the FISA warrant on Page was secured AFTER the idiot was kicked out of the Trump campaign.......Go take a nap.
Today's revelations is only the beginning of the release of damning information as it pertains to the deep state and the shadow government that uses them.

You're so right on


Nat, tell me that you will stick around when the indictments go down and your leftard icons are doing the perp walk. Do you have the nads to do so? Will you simply stop posting??? Inquiring minds wonder........
Yet you still defend Hillary? You lose, asswipe.

Would "your eloquence" mind pointing out WHERE on this thread anyone is "defending" Hillary????

Please go on.......or, go change your
Nat, tell me that you will stick around when the indictments go down

Why would I want to miss the OTHER indictments of folks like Kushner, Don Jr. , et al....????

That would be like a lot of foreplay and then going home......
I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

Who else is underserving of protections of the Bill of Rights in your mind?
I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

They could care less if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office. That's been obvious for quite some time now. Carter Page would be peanuts to them.

They didn't even give a rats ass when Trump met with the Russians in the Oval office, kicked out American media let Russian media in, and then he gave the Russians classified information that had not gone through the process of being declassified. There were only 3 other Americans in the Oval office with Trump--they were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security advisor & Rex Tillerson Secretary of state. One of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post that Trump had given the Russians classified information.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


U.S. intelligence had warned Israeli Intelligence not to give Trump any classified information, citing he was compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

If Hillary Clinton would have done 1/16 with what Trump has gotten away with, these same people would be out in the streets rioting, burning cross's and demanding a public hanging.
Still does not answer my question, was he an agent of Russia?

Hey, fuck head.......NO ONE stated that Page was an agent of Russia....he's too stupid to be an agent of anything...EXCEPT he was at one time a stellar pick to be on Trump foreign advisers' team................LOL

(The warrants on Page were issued to most likely entrap Russian spies who were trying to recruit the moron.)
Still does not answer my question, was he an agent of Russia?

Hey, fuck head.......NO ONE stated that Page was an agent of Russia....he's too stupid to be an agent of anything...EXCEPT he was at one time a stellar pick to be on Trump foreign advisers' team..


(The warrants on Page were issued to most likely entrap Russian spies who were trying to recruit the moron.)
So do your rants make the case that he was never an agent of Russia? or are the rants intended to dodge the question and that because you claim no one said it the question can be dodged...was he an agent of russia? look/sound tired and frazzled, get some sleep.
I know, I know......right wingers on here will retort that "its the principle that we are defending"........and I'll give them that.......HOWEVER,

Page was targeted since 2013 as slime bucket trying to get some contracts from Russia

Page was described by one of the Russian spies recruiters as "stupid or a fool"

Page was ONLY targeted for that [now infamous] FISA warrant AFTER he had left the Trump campaign.

Page was described by the Trump campaign as just another hanger-on of no value to Trump.....BUT NOW......he is the poster boy for Trump and his ass kissers as the kingpin target of those darn republicans in the DOJ and FBI and FISC who don't like Trump.....LOL

Before you right wing folks make complete fools of yourselves, re-read WHO this Carter Page is all about.......

Trump campaign aide Carter Page may have been a Russian agent
A timeline of Carter Page's contacts with Russia.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump ...
Carter Page reveals new contacts with Trump campaign, Russians
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip –

They could care less if Vladimir Putin moved his desk into the Oval office. That's been obvious for quite some time now. Carter Page would be peanuts to them.

They didn't even give a rats ass when Trump met with the Russians in the Oval office, kicked out American media let Russian media in, and then he gave the Russians classified information that had not gone through the process of being declassified. There were only 3 other Americans in the Oval office with Trump--they were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security advisor & Rex Tillerson Secretary of state. One of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post that Trump had given the Russians classified information.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


U.S. intelligence had warned Israeli Intelligence not to give Trump any classified information, citing he was compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

If Hillary Clinton would have done 1/16 with what Trump has gotten away with, these same people would be out in the streets rioting, burning cross's and demanding a public hanging.
Everyone of your links are biased.
Still does not answer my question, was he an agent of Russia?

Hey, fuck head.......NO ONE stated that Page was an agent of Russia....he's too stupid to be an agent of anything...EXCEPT he was at one time a stellar pick to be on Trump foreign advisers' team................LOL

(The warrants on Page were issued to most likely entrap Russian spies who were trying to recruit the moron.)
The excuse Page was a suspected agent to get the FISA warrant and there has been no decision if he is an agent?
Lousy job of CYA.

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