Are republican voters actually opposed to mail-in voting?

I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.
You go right ahead and vote by mail. I’ll vote in person. And you are not really curious, so cut the BS and just tell us you like trolling as that is all you do.
So Trump is wrong to condemn anyone for voting by mail?
Still trolling I see. You got my answer. I want you to vote by mail, I will vote in person.
Got it. Trump is wrong like always
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.
You go right ahead and vote by mail. I’ll vote in person. And you are not really curious, so cut the BS and just tell us you like trolling as that is all you do.
So Trump is wrong to condemn anyone for voting by mail?
Still trolling I see. You got my answer. I want you to vote by mail, I will vote in person.
Got it. Trump is wrong like always
Believe what you need to troll, I’m not the idiot that mails in their ballot.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.


Unless absentee ballots are have notarized signatures and posted before the election they are not legal.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

Oh that’s convenient. The type of mail in voting Trump did is fine lol. Tell me, why exactly, is absentee voting full proof in comparison?

While no voting system is fool-proof (including in-person voting), with Absentee Voting, the voter is requesting the ballot and mailing it in. With Mail-In voting, voters are receiving ballots without requesting them based on voter register lists. Dead people, people that no longer live in the district, and fictitious people make it onto the registered list. The Mail-In system the Democrats are pushing right now has the most risk for fraud or errors. With In-Person and Absentee Voting, the voter is initiating request for ballot so there is a trail.
But if dead people were to get ballots, why would it matter if they can’t vote? Why is there no data whatsoever to back up your claim in the first place?
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

What states are doing the mass mailing, that have not had universal mail in voting for the past decade or two??

Answer: there are only 4 New states that are mailing ballots to all of their registered voters....due to covid spread concerns...

41 states have mail in voting by absentee request only.

So please explain to me, what's the big deal????

Why is your gripe, even worthy of being a gripe?

The 4 New states who are mailing to all registered voters are California, New Jersey, Vermont, and Nevada..... They all voted for Hillary in 2016....And all have likely picked Biden for this election,

and no matter how the people of those states vote, by mail or in person, it DOES NOT give these states, any more Electors than they were allotted for their state's total population, and the same amount of these electors will be going to the Electoral College, to vote for president....

And those electors will be Democrats, regardless....because most all of those states, but maybe Nevada are strong Democratic States, deep dark blue!
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I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.


Unless absentee ballots are have notarized signatures and posted before the election they are not legal.
That depends on your own state's election law.... in my state of Maine, your absentee ballot does not have to be notarized, just the request, and signature.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

What states are doing the mass mailing, that have not had universal mail in voting for the past decade or two??

Answer: there are only 4 New states that are mailing ballots to all of their registered voters....due to covid spread concerns...

41 states have mail in voting by absentee request only.

So please explain to me, what's the big deal????

Why is your gripe, even worthy of being a gripe?

The 4 New states who are mailing to all registered voters are California, New Jersey, Vermont, and Nevada..... They all voted for Hillary in 2016....And all have likely picked Biden for this election,

and no matter how the people of those states vote, by mail of in person, it DOES NOT give these states, any more Electors than they were allotted for their state's total population, and the same amount of these electors will be going to the Electoral College, to vote for president....

And those electors will be Democrats, regardless....because most all of those states, but maybe Nevada are strong Democratic States, deep dark blue!

If you don’t think JJ’s gripe is worthy, why such a lengthy response? Just ignore it.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

What states are doing the mass mailing, that have not had universal mail in voting for the past decade or two??

Answer: there are only 4 New states that are mailing ballots to all of their registered voters....due to covid spread concerns...

41 states have mail in voting by absentee request only.

So please explain to me, what's the big deal????

Why is your gripe, even worthy of being a gripe?

The 4 New states who are mailing to all registered voters are California, New Jersey, Vermont, and Nevada..... They all voted for Hillary in 2016....And all have likely picked Biden for this election,

and no matter how the people of those states vote, by mail of in person, it DOES NOT give these states, any more Electors than they were allotted for their state's total population, and the same amount of these electors will be going to the Electoral College, to vote for president....

And those electors will be Democrats, regardless....because most all of those states, but maybe Nevada are strong Democratic States, deep dark blue!

If you don’t think JJ’s gripe is worthy, why such a lengthy response? Just ignore it.
Who is JJ? :dunno:

So what is all this hyper ventilating bull crap about mass mailing rigging the election crap coming from Trumpists?
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

Oh that’s convenient. The type of mail in voting Trump did is fine lol. Tell me, why exactly, is absentee voting full proof in comparison?

While no voting system is fool-proof (including in-person voting), with Absentee Voting, the voter is requesting the ballot and mailing it in. With Mail-In voting, voters are receiving ballots without requesting them based on voter register lists. Dead people, people that no longer live in the district, and fictitious people make it onto the registered list. The Mail-In system the Democrats are pushing right now has the most risk for fraud or errors. With In-Person and Absentee Voting, the voter is initiating request for ballot so there is a trailing
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

Oh that’s convenient. The type of mail in voting Trump did is fine lol. Tell me, why exactly, is absentee voting full proof in comparison?

While no voting system is fool-proof (including in-person voting), with Absentee Voting, the voter is requesting the ballot and mailing it in. With Mail-In voting, voters are receiving ballots without requesting them based on voter register lists. Dead people, people that no longer live in the district, and fictitious people make it onto the registered list. The Mail-In system the Democrats are pushing right now has the most risk for fraud or errors. With In-Person and Absentee Voting, the voter is initiating request for ballot so there is a trail.
But if dead people were to get ballots, why would it matter if they can’t vote? Why is there no data whatsoever to back up your claim in the first place?

How clean and up to date do you think Voter Registration lists are? That is the “data” to back my claim. Dead people are people that no longer live at the domicile as per the registered list. Same with a person who has moved. Neither can vote that ballot with that address but persons living at that domicile now can send in that ballot in addition to their own ballot very easily. My argument is this is the “most” riskiest form of voting and Democrats are pushing it. Absentee Ballot process accomplished the same thing with less risk for fraud and error.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Of course, every civilized person is opposed to the fraud in voting.

By silence you mean threads regarding the absurdity of the subject daily.

Whoever was behind implementing mail in fraud should be hung for treason.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

When Trump brings it up, he's always been against it. I have no idea what you mean in your OP.

Usually I vote in person but since this trump character fucked everything up and made being in crowds dangerous, I will vote by mail. Luckily I'm in California and don't have to worry about some republican scumbag trying to cancel my vote.
Usually I vote in person but since this trump character fucked everything up and made being in crowds dangerous, I will vote by mail. Luckily I'm in California and don't have to worry about some republican scumbag trying to cancel my vote.

Correct. You know, I wrote Trump a year or so ago and told him not to start a worldwide pandemic, and I guess he didn't listen to me.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

Oh that’s convenient. The type of mail in voting Trump did is fine lol. Tell me, why exactly, is absentee voting full proof in comparison?

I told you and you ignored it, as usual. Try reading the second sentence of my post again.

Right but why is any kind of fraud immune from this type of voting? Why is one so flawed but the other so full proof in terms of its general integrity?

Most States require ID before sending out an absentee ballot to a known address and there is signature verification. There's no ID requirement for mass mailings and since the rolls are defective, they have no clue if the person still lives there or in the State for that matter. Millions have been moving out of blue States.

Um I need some actual links to back this up.

Lol your first article is about a guy getting 83 ballots. What makes this fraud? What was anyone trying to accomplish by this? I mean apparently you think this is no accident so what was the intent here of this guy getting all these ballots?

Your other two articles undermine your point. You said absentee ballots were safe but you these articles say they are not. So Trump is using a fraudulent type of voting? By links, I wanted you to prove that absentee ballots were safer.

If you can't see the potential for fraud, you're a waste of oxygen.

Voted in person yesterday (as did my wife by her own choice) in a local election. We'll do the same in November. When Americans were permitted to travel we frequently were out-of-country on "normal" election days but NEVER used junk mail ballots - rather took advantage of our state's "early voting in person" opportunities. Fortunately local clerks ask for ID and if they don't see one still allow a vote - a "provisional" ballot.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.


Unless absentee ballots are have notarized signatures and posted before the election they are not legal.

Not all States require a notarized signature and I would assume that someone who takes the time to request an absentee ballot will mail it back on time.

I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.

What states are doing the mass mailing, that have not had universal mail in voting for the past decade or two??

Answer: there are only 4 New states that are mailing ballots to all of their registered voters....due to covid spread concerns...

41 states have mail in voting by absentee request only.

So please explain to me, what's the big deal????

Why is your gripe, even worthy of being a gripe?

The 4 New states who are mailing to all registered voters are California, New Jersey, Vermont, and Nevada..... They all voted for Hillary in 2016....And all have likely picked Biden for this election,

and no matter how the people of those states vote, by mail or in person, it DOES NOT give these states, any more Electors than they were allotted for their state's total population, and the same amount of these electors will be going to the Electoral College, to vote for president....

And those electors will be Democrats, regardless....because most all of those states, but maybe Nevada are strong Democratic States, deep dark blue!

Why do you assume that the presidential race is the only one of concern. Every one of those States have republican congresscritters.


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