Are republican voters actually opposed to mail-in voting?

I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.

Yep, I will vote in person as will my wife.

Well okay. You will do that. I’m talking about how you feel about other people doing it.

For people who need it, absentee voting is fine. Mass mailing to what we know are defective registration lists, hell yeah I oppose it.


Unless absentee ballots are have notarized signatures and posted before the election they are not legal.

Not all States require a notarized signature and I would assume that someone who takes the time to request an absentee ballot will mail it back on time.


That is why I specified those two requirements. Point in fact the widower that forged his dead wife's signature and sent in the ballot. How do we know if the mail in ballot is genuine unless the signatures are notarized.
A mail in vote is a legal document and all states need to have a method to confirm those legal documents.
State that do not use the this method should be suspect of voter fraud and their "mail in votes" suspect.
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That is why I specified those two requirements. Point in fact the widower that forged his dead wife's signature and sent in the ballot. How do we know if the mail in ballot is genuine unless the signatures are notarized.
A mail in vote is a legal document and all states need to have a method to confirm those legal documents.
State that do not use the this method should be suspect of voter fraud and their "mail in votes" suspect.

The problem is they use signature comparisons for verification. Now, that's fine at the polls because you are looking at one at a time. When you have a a few thousand ballots sitting on your table to go through, I would think you are not doing a very good job checking them all out. You are just trying to get through them to go home.

The problem with mail-in ballots is Republicans are not honest why they don't want them, and Democrats are not honest about why they do.
I really am curious about this because they seem to remain silent on the issue when Trump brings it up.
They are programmed dumbasses who are for or against whomever they are told to be for or against.

Every Blob supporter here pulled a lever for John McCain and Mitt Romney. They'll be the first to deny it now. Its easy for them to do because they have no morality or character.

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