Are republicans opposed to the leftwing simply because they don't understand it?

Food stamps have doubled in 8 years with fewer restrictions and you claim Obama is a centrist. NO asset means test on ACA, folks with a million or 3 in the bank can qualify with low income, and Obama is a centrist. Roll me one out of your bag. Obama grows socialist programs.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat

Food stamps have doubled in 8 years with fewer restrictions and you claim Obama is a centrist. NO asset means test on ACA, folks with a million or 3 in the bank can qualify with low income, and Obama is a centrist. Roll me one out of your bag. Obama grows socialist programs.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.
Pennies add up, economics 101
Food stamps have doubled in 8 years with fewer restrictions and you claim Obama is a centrist. NO asset means test on ACA, folks with a million or 3 in the bank can qualify with low income, and Obama is a centrist. Roll me one out of your bag. Obama grows socialist programs.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.
Pennies add up, economics 101
Um yeah they do. Something at McDonald's may go up 10 cents while a person making $1.50 more an hour can afford to buy a lot more on the menu at a time.
everything you buy will go up, it's just a tax on everyone who makes more than the 3% who work for minimum wage.
Food stamps have doubled in 8 years with fewer restrictions and you claim Obama is a centrist. NO asset means test on ACA, folks with a million or 3 in the bank can qualify with low income, and Obama is a centrist. Roll me one out of your bag. Obama grows socialist programs.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

WHERE would the consumer boost in spending come from??? 3,572,200 people? BIG INCREASE in spending to do what? Prices down???
How dumb are you? When the supply of a product increases does that also follow an increase in prices?
For you economically shrift LIP...
You said boost spending keeps prices down...right?

Prices go up when the supply goes down. Called law of supply and demand.
So in your lame scenario more consumer spending means less supply which means....DUH prices go up not DOWN!
Um prices go down when demand is up. That allows businesses to sell stuff cheaper.

YOU are definitely NOT involved in any of the supply and demand other words YOU are so f...king DUMB!!!

If demand grows, supplies grow, does that mean the prices go down? ARE YOU crazy!
If demand grows and supplies stay the same does that mean the prices go down? YOU are really crazy!

Here let's make it simple.
You make 1,000 condoms. You make the condoms at 20 cents and sell all 1,000 for $1.00 each.
NOW the demand jumps to 2,000 and because the rubber manufacturer says hmm demand going up.. cost to make is now 25 cents.
DO YOU lower the price because DEMAND has gone up and costs go up? YOU as a LIP probably would but YOU won't be in business!
Food stamps have doubled in 8 years with fewer restrictions and you claim Obama is a centrist. NO asset means test on ACA, folks with a million or 3 in the bank can qualify with low income, and Obama is a centrist. Roll me one out of your bag. Obama grows socialist programs.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

WHERE would the consumer boost in spending come from??? 3,572,200 people? BIG INCREASE in spending to do what? Prices down???
How dumb are you? When the supply of a product increases does that also follow an increase in prices?
For you economically shrift LIP...
You said boost spending keeps prices down...right?

Prices go up when the supply goes down. Called law of supply and demand.
So in your lame scenario more consumer spending means less supply which means....DUH prices go up not DOWN!
Good god dude. I've already explained this to you. If you boosted the wages of everyone making under 10.10 per hour, that's 18 million People. The 4% making 7.25 are hardly the big picture.

IDIOT... YOU were describing MINIMUM WAGE workers... 3.5 million make Minimum.... NOT 18 million !
Lets put that 18 million in perspective. That means that over 94 percent of the population is making over minimum wage. Of the 5.6 percent that is making minimum wage, how many are teenagers or young adults who live at home or are entering the work force for the first time?

Just throwing out numbers means very little without context. A 5% minimum wage rate is not the crisis some people would like to make out.
That's easy to do actually. The average person in fast food is 29 years old. Most of that 18 million are adults.
You of course, have an unbiased source for that? Because if a person is 29 years old and has been in fast food making minimum wage since 17 or 18 (A period of 11 or 12 years) the problem is not the minimum wage. IT is the person.

And apparently you did not answer My question. How many are first time workers or young adults living at home?
Lol why do you assume these people have been in fast food that long? You're just making your own assumptions. Look it up. The average age of someone in fast food is 29. Of course those far from the only jobs that pay less than 10 per hour.
Again, answer the question. How many are young adults entering the workforce for the first time, or living at home.

A person who is 29 is 11 or 12 years removed from when people traditionally enter the work force. So, if after 10 years you are still making minimum wage, the problem lies with you, not the wage.
Thr problem simply isn't fast food. It's low wage jobs outnumbering higher wage. How many people do you think make less than 15 per hour?
What part of 94% make more than minimum wage didn't you understand?
"Are republicans opposed to the leftwing simply because they don't understand it?"

It's because most on the right are frightened by the change, diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty those on the left represent, embrace, and champion.

Conservatives are for the most part reactionaries, they fear change and perceive it as some sort of 'threat,' however unwarranted.
Still getting it wrong I see.
Food stamps have doubled in 8 years with fewer restrictions and you claim Obama is a centrist. NO asset means test on ACA, folks with a million or 3 in the bank can qualify with low income, and Obama is a centrist. Roll me one out of your bag. Obama grows socialist programs.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

WHERE would the consumer boost in spending come from??? 3,572,200 people? BIG INCREASE in spending to do what? Prices down???
How dumb are you? When the supply of a product increases does that also follow an increase in prices?
For you economically shrift LIP...
You said boost spending keeps prices down...right?

Prices go up when the supply goes down. Called law of supply and demand.
So in your lame scenario more consumer spending means less supply which means....DUH prices go up not DOWN!
Um prices go down when demand is up. That allows businesses to sell stuff cheaper.

Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

WHERE would the consumer boost in spending come from??? 3,572,200 people? BIG INCREASE in spending to do what? Prices down???
How dumb are you? When the supply of a product increases does that also follow an increase in prices?
For you economically shrift LIP...
You said boost spending keeps prices down...right?

Prices go up when the supply goes down. Called law of supply and demand.
So in your lame scenario more consumer spending means less supply which means....DUH prices go up not DOWN!
Good god dude. I've already explained this to you. If you boosted the wages of everyone making under 10.10 per hour, that's 18 million People. The 4% making 7.25 are hardly the big picture.

IDIOT... YOU were describing MINIMUM WAGE workers... 3.5 million make Minimum.... NOT 18 million !
I said it once I will say it a thousand more times,I may suck at spelling and gramer but liberals suck at math and economics they are fucking stupid, they think making 18 million up from What 3.5 million people fucking poor is a good thing? You just fucked 14.5 million workers, trickle up poor
Republicans seem to only use labels such as "socialism", "communism", or "facism" in regards to the left. They make outrageous claims like Obama and democrats want everyone to abandon their jobs and live off welfare. They think liberals wants to end capitalism as we know it.

None of this is based in reality but they believe it anyway. They just believe what they want to believe. Do they even understand what liberalism stands for? I think if they did understand it, they would embrace it.

When will facts permeate their stupidity bubbles?
Many Republicans aren't all that far removed from the left wing so the entire premise of your argument is deeply flawed. Conservatives oppose liberalism because we are results oriented and tend to be pragmatic. Fix it if it's broke, keep it if it works. Liberals are more ideologically driven and operate on wishful thinking regardless of the results. Look before you leap vs. leap before you look.

I've never heard any conservative or Republican say the left wants everyone on welfare. That's something a toddler might say in an emotional fit. Clearly, YOU do not understand the right and like most liberals you accuse your detractors of your own personality flaws.
had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps.

if min. wage were $50.00 an hour, there would still be low info people like yourself on food stamps and other Gvmt. assistance programs. :up:
everything you buy will go up, it's just a tax on everyone who makes more than the 3% who work for minimum wage.

Prove it.
You think this is the first time a discussion about raising the MW has ever occurred in this country?
You think people like you right wingers didn't make EXACTLY the same arguments then?

That means there is a history of increasing the MW. Which in turn means there is a history of results being what you claim.

So prove that when MW increased that prices for EVERYTHING else increased PURELY AS THE RESULT OF A MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE.
Should be a piece of cake for an economist like you. Right?

Hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum are opposed to the other because they are incurious and narcissistic.

Part of the pathology of being a hardcore partisan ideologue.

Lets put that 18 million in perspective. That means that over 94 percent of the population is making over minimum wage. Of the 5.6 percent that is making minimum wage, how many are teenagers or young adults who live at home or are entering the work force for the first time?

Just throwing out numbers means very little without context. A 5% minimum wage rate is not the crisis some people would like to make out.
That's easy to do actually. The average person in fast food is 29 years old. Most of that 18 million are adults.
You of course, have an unbiased source for that? Because if a person is 29 years old and has been in fast food making minimum wage since 17 or 18 (A period of 11 or 12 years) the problem is not the minimum wage. IT is the person.

And apparently you did not answer My question. How many are first time workers or young adults living at home?
Lol why do you assume these people have been in fast food that long? You're just making your own assumptions. Look it up. The average age of someone in fast food is 29. Of course those far from the only jobs that pay less than 10 per hour.
Most fast food workers don't make minimum wage for more than about a month while they are trained, and prove they can show up on time, properly dressed, and with a decent attitude.

BTW, how old are you?

What is your level of education?
More than a month? What? That's bullshit. There's only so many manager positions and they are the only ones who make more.

28, Bachelor's degree.
If you are 28 and have a BA or BS, why does minimum wage concern you anyway?

And you are just wrong about managers being the only ones making more than minimum wage, you argue from the POV of a liar.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

WHERE would the consumer boost in spending come from??? 3,572,200 people? BIG INCREASE in spending to do what? Prices down???
How dumb are you? When the supply of a product increases does that also follow an increase in prices?
For you economically shrift LIP...
You said boost spending keeps prices down...right?

Prices go up when the supply goes down. Called law of supply and demand.
So in your lame scenario more consumer spending means less supply which means....DUH prices go up not DOWN!
Um prices go down when demand is up. That allows businesses to sell stuff cheaper.

Um prices go down when demand is up. That allows businesses to sell stuff cheaper.

I'm opposed to the leftwing, because they're economic illiterates.
If the demand for oil increases by 5 million barrels a day, how much will the price drop? LOL!
You cannot debate liars, or the deliberately ignorant.
Oh and had Obama been successful in raising the minimum wage, far less people would be eligible for food stamps. You didn't know that did you?
They would still be poor and the food stamp limit would have to be raised Ass hat
Why would they still be poor? If the minimum wage was increased to 10.10, the price increase on goods would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the boost to consumer spending would keep prices down.

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%

WHERE would the consumer boost in spending come from??? 3,572,200 people? BIG INCREASE in spending to do what? Prices down???
How dumb are you? When the supply of a product increases does that also follow an increase in prices?
For you economically shrift LIP...
You said boost spending keeps prices down...right?

Prices go up when the supply goes down. Called law of supply and demand.
So in your lame scenario more consumer spending means less supply which means....DUH prices go up not DOWN!
Good god dude. I've already explained this to you. If you boosted the wages of everyone making under 10.10 per hour, that's 18 million People. The 4% making 7.25 are hardly the big picture.

IDIOT... YOU were describing MINIMUM WAGE workers... 3.5 million make Minimum.... NOT 18 million !
Facts do not matter to leftie ideologues.
everything you buy will go up, it's just a tax on everyone who makes more than the 3% who work for minimum wage.

Prove it.
You think this is the first time a discussion about raising the MW has ever occurred in this country?
You think people like you right wingers didn't make EXACTLY the same arguments then?

That means there is a history of increasing the MW. Which in turn means there is a history of results being what you claim.

So prove that when MW increased that prices for EVERYTHING else increased PURELY AS THE RESULT OF A MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE.
Should be a piece of cake for an economist like you. Right?
There is a history of the dollar being worth less and less too.

Does that make it right?
Republicans seem to only use labels such as "socialism", "communism", or "facism" in regards to the left. They make outrageous claims like Obama and democrats want everyone to abandon their jobs and live off welfare. They think liberals wants to end capitalism as we know it.

None of this is based in reality but they believe it anyway. They just believe what they want to believe. Do they even understand what liberalism stands for? I think if they did understand it, they would embrace it.

When will facts permeate their stupidity bubbles?

Now... At some point you need to come to understand that reasonable people, who lent you the benefit of the doubt in opening your thread, did so in hopes that you were going to explain why Republicans are wrong.

Yet ya didn't.

Which, in case ya missed it, is YOU answering your own question.

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