Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

You're like a rabid dog with a bone that's already been chewed down to the exposed marrow. Why would anyone CARE about some ALLEGED comment made in a PM unless you can prove it?

And by the way, you blew it again with those words. Weren't they what Rinata said to you that set you off?

Yowza. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast... Maybe that's why you're here practically 24/7.
You're not too bright, are you? CG's comment about hiding behind PM rules escapes you, obviously.
Well then enlighten me, since I wasn't "in on it" from the start.

First of all, I'm not 'set off'. Fail. Secondly, Rinata clearly does not think when she writes posts, so lack of thought does not 'set me off'. Fail. However, anyone who would be pleased that a US Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has issues with a loved one of his just for example, is a piece of shit. Your mileage may vary.

Chomp chomp, chew chew, gnosh gnosh, snarl snarl, drool drool...aren't you full yet?
I still dislike you more, though.
What partisan hacks have come out on this thread.

But not you, right? :eusa_whistle:

Aww, now I'm gonna go cry...

No, not me. Not in this thread, anyway.

And I don't believe I've ever wished death on anyone. Particularly our young military folk.

Gullible-itis is always a threatening virus on this board. The two ladies have yet to show where Rinata said that. Maybe she did. A lot of ugly stuff was said at the height of the Iraq war. But to dwell on it ad nausaem HERE? C'mon...
The Second Amendment will forever be controversial because of its ambiguity. Perhaps if the framers had simply omitted the word "militia" from the clause, it would then easily be construed as a civil liberties issue. But that pesky word DOES imply military action, and there's no way around it.

They wrote it that way deliberately, to give 'we, the people' the power to take back our country from a government that takes away our God given rights.

Our Government would do well to remember that.

Huh? There has never been that sort of argument. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." In that clause, "State" refers to the State of the United States as a country.

Scholars arguing against the pure meaning of the Second Amendment, argue that "a well regulated militia" at the time of the adoption of the Bill of Rights consisted of the "body of the people" as affirmed in several of the individual state resoutions proposing that a bill of rights be added to the Constitution. It had nothing to do with being a watchdog over the three branches of government.

There are four branches of government. The fourth branch, 'We, the People', maintain the right to overthrow any government that takes away our rights. Usually, that means we vote them out.
But not you, right? :eusa_whistle:

Aww, now I'm gonna go cry...

No, not me. Not in this thread, anyway.

And I don't believe I've ever wished death on anyone. Particularly our young military folk.

Gullible-itis is always a threatening virus on this board. The two ladies have yet to show where Rinata said that. Maybe she did. A lot of ugly stuff was said at the height of the Iraq war. But to dwell on it ad nausaem HERE? C'mon...

I only joined in October 09. But, as I said, people hide behind PMs.
Bless your heart. You really aren't terribly smart, are you? Watching a variety of news stations helps to inform an individual - helps provide a variety of perspectives, thus giving one a better balance to form one's own opinion. Yea, I watch a variety of news, I read a variety of sources.... and I study. All these things informs opinions.

Its not my problem if some people are not smart enough to work that out. I don't owe you or anyone else here an explanation.... Rinata didn't 'call me out', she just did her usual hysterical rant about anyone who doesn't get their opinions from liberal media. You people bore me.

Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

Okay, I've had enough. I am not the least bit bothered by what I said to the crybaby. And I did not say what I am being accused of. See highlite above. This is what she says I said. A total lie. Below is exactly what I said to her. You highlight where I said that I am pleased that a marine lost his life. Do it.

"If you were laughing your ass off, you would not find it necessary to send me this message. You are an angry, miserable woman and I love it when I get the best of you.

Your fiance really dodged a bullet, that's all I can say."

The bitch is mad because I said her fiance dodged a bullet. It's an obvious insult to her, nobody else. It's only one line and she makes a federal case out of it by lying like a rug. What a despicable human being you are, crybaby.
That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:

Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

Read my post on this, you dumb broad. You are just taking the bitch's word, aren't you?? Because I know you did not read it for yourself. Because it doesn't exist. You're a liar.

I copied exactly what I said to her on a prior post. So stop lying, cow.
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Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

Read my post on this, you dumb broad. You are just taking the bitch's word, aren't you?? Because I know you did not read it for yourself. Because it doesn't exist. You're a liar.

I copied exactly what I said to her on a prior post. So stop lying, cow.

you gonna cry now?
Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

Okay, I've had enough. I am not the least bit bothered by what I said to the crybaby. And I did not say what I am being accused of. See highlite above. This is what she says I said. A total lie. Below is exactly what I said to her. You highlight where I said that I am pleased that a marine lost his life. Do it.

"If you were laughing your ass off, you would not find it necessary to send me this message. You are an angry, miserable woman and I love it when I get the best of you.

Your fiance really dodged a bullet, that's all I can say."

The bitch is mad because I said her fiance dodged a bullet. It's an obvious insult to her, nobody else. It's only one line and she makes a federal case out of it by lying like a rug. What a despicable human being you are, crybaby.

You know exactly why your comment was offensive. Don't pretend you don't. You are just plain nasty. I know it, you know it. And now the board knows it. You're so far beneath me that I can no long see that fat ass.
They wrote it that way deliberately, to give 'we, the people' the power to take back our country from a government that takes away our God given rights.

Our Government would do well to remember that.

Huh? There has never been that sort of argument. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." In that clause, "State" refers to the State of the United States as a country.

Scholars arguing against the pure meaning of the Second Amendment, argue that "a well regulated militia" at the time of the adoption of the Bill of Rights consisted of the "body of the people" as affirmed in several of the individual state resoutions proposing that a bill of rights be added to the Constitution. It had nothing to do with being a watchdog over the three branches of government.

There are four branches of government. The fourth branch, 'We, the People', maintain the right to overthrow any government that takes away our rights. Usually, that means we vote them out.

the fourth branch is the controlled media ..your vote is meaningless
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

Okay, I've had enough. I am not the least bit bothered by what I said to the crybaby. And I did not say what I am being accused of. See highlite above. This is what she says I said. A total lie. Below is exactly what I said to her. You highlight where I said that I am pleased that a marine lost his life. Do it.

"If you were laughing your ass off, you would not find it necessary to send me this message. You are an angry, miserable woman and I love it when I get the best of you.

Your fiance really dodged a bullet, that's all I can say."

The bitch is mad because I said her fiance dodged a bullet. It's an obvious insult to her, nobody else. It's only one line and she makes a federal case out of it by lying like a rug. What a despicable human being you are, crybaby.

You know exactly why your comment was offensive. Don't pretend you don't. You are just plain nasty. I know it, you know it. And now the board knows it. You're so far beneath me that I can no long see that fat ass.

I know why it was offensive. I never said that I didn't. But I did not say that I am glad that a marine was killed. Don't evade the issue. That's a lie. Why are you lying like that?? I'm calling you on it. Either prove it or shut your lying trap.
Okay, I've had enough. I am not the least bit bothered by what I said to the crybaby. And I did not say what I am being accused of. See highlite above. This is what she says I said. A total lie. Below is exactly what I said to her. You highlight where I said that I am pleased that a marine lost his life. Do it.

"If you were laughing your ass off, you would not find it necessary to send me this message. You are an angry, miserable woman and I love it when I get the best of you.

Your fiance really dodged a bullet, that's all I can say."

The bitch is mad because I said her fiance dodged a bullet. It's an obvious insult to her, nobody else. It's only one line and she makes a federal case out of it by lying like a rug. What a despicable human being you are, crybaby.

You know exactly why your comment was offensive. Don't pretend you don't. You are just plain nasty. I know it, you know it. And now the board knows it. You're so far beneath me that I can no long see that fat ass.

I know why it was offensive. I never said that I didn't. But I did not say that I am glad that a marine was killed. Don't evade the issue. That's a lie. Why are you lying like that?? I'm calling you on it. Either prove it or shut your lying trap.

You knew exactly what you were saying. It was said purely to cause the worst possible offence. Live with it. Bitch. Now fuck off you lying fat assed moron.
I'd say there has been an awful lot of rude and crude hatefulness on this thread...why anyone would let themselves get worked up enough to show those kind of colors will ALWAYS be beyond my reasoning I suppose? :(

Kiss and make up! Any decent person would imo! ;)

Or am I a chorus of one, as usual? :(
I'd say there has been an awful lot of rude and crude hatefulness on this thread...why anyone would let themselves get worked up enough to show those kind of colors will ALWAYS be beyond my reasoning I suppose? :(

Kiss and make up! Any decent person would imo! ;)

Or am I a chorus of one, as usual? :(

Care for All!!
I'd say there has been an awful lot of rude and crude hatefulness on this thread...why anyone would let themselves get worked up enough to show those kind of colors will ALWAYS be beyond my reasoning I suppose? :(

Kiss and make up! Any decent person would imo! ;)

Or am I a chorus of one, as usual? :(

Kiss Rinata? :eek: That's the most indecent thing you've ever said.
The Second Amendment will forever be controversial because of its ambiguity. Perhaps if the framers had simply omitted the word "militia" from the clause, it would then easily be construed as a civil liberties issue. But that pesky word DOES imply military action, and there's no way around it.

militia can also mean a group of people in the know the local "militia".....does it not?......but then it also says...The People.....who are the people?.....
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i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....

First you'll have to show me where I said if I knew she was right or wrong.

Then, when you can't, you'll need to apologize for claiming I did. If you don't, you'll have proven Rinata's claim that you do lie about what people say.

So don't lie about what I've said again. It's one of those things I truly despise.
you dont even know what our history with this woman is Queenie.....and you were defending her.....that tells me all i need to know about you.....and i did not say you KNEW she was right or wrong.....i said "HOW would you know"....if you were not there....get your facts straight....Queenie....

History??? You have no history with me. It's all in your fat head. I said I did not like Arnold. You took it and just ran with it!! Lying and saying that I don't blame the Democrats for the troubles in my state. I only blame Arnold. I did not mention the troubles we are having at all. And I never said that Arnold or the Dems were responsible. You are a liar, and you know it. Just like your crybaby friend. Liars.

I SAID THAT I DID NOT LIKE ARNOLD AND WOULD NEVER AGAIN VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN. Period. That's it!!! Either produce this socalled response you say I gave, or shut your stupid mouth and quit lying. You and your pals hate me because I am liberal. Well, that's tough, isn't it?? I put up with your low class behavior, but I won't put up with lies.

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