Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

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Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....

First you'll have to show me where I said if I knew she was right or wrong.

Then, when you can't, you'll need to apologize for claiming I did. If you don't, you'll have proven Rinata's claim that you do lie about what people say.

So don't lie about what I've said again. It's one of those things I truly despise.
I asked you a question, you piece of shit:

Wow and you're all about quoting other people's insults as if you're better than they are?

LOL!! Right wing hypocrisy at it's finest. :clap2:

You make it way too easy.
Oh, you're quite welcome.

If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

If a person, any person, was to say something like that... I would consider that person beneath contempt. Possibly worthy of pity..... certain people I guess without the ability to view things proportionally. They are scum. There are a couple on here.

Except that she didn't say it; nobody here has said such things. So much for being a fat, stupid and fucking evil bitch, eh? Look only to the person who said that.

How would you know what gets by one person privately to another? Fact is, you wouldn't. You know only what is said publicly. Some people are open about what they say - like me. Others hide behind the PM rules. Those people are scum.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....

Maybe just a quick look at the contributors. It's always a clue to me how a thread will progress. This one definitely needs to be tossed into the flame zone. Nothing like a juicy subject that DARES to paint cons into a bad spot and out come the usual members of the herd with their crapulent euphemisms, totally derailing the subject.

Maggie, a few months ago I expressed my disdain for Arnold. He is the only Republican that I have ever voted for. I said he was a big disappointment to me and I would never vote for another Republican. That is ALL I said.

The next thing you know, I was being accused of blaming him for all of the problems in CA, when it was really the fault of Democrats that my state is in so much trouble. OMG, I only said that Arnold was a disappointment to me!!! That was it!!!

But the "conservatives" on this site just made up all these stories about what I said, in their heads. They are exactly like Republican senators. Just make something up when you don't like somebody, make assumptions, or just purposely misinterpret.

And that's what REALLY happened, Maggie. I just wanted you to know.

BULLSHIT....after a poster from another state whom i cant remember whom he was, was ripping the Cal Legislature,you told the guy that no.1...stay out of our states business we are doing fine without you interfering.....and 2...we have a Republican Gov. who is responsible for most of this mess...tell the whole story Rinata not just the "nice" parts....and that was the whole reason i went off on ya....otherwise if you would have AT LEAST said the Legislature indeed does suck,and Arnold has not helped any,you would have found out that i would AGREE with ya....but your argument was Arnold is the reason ...not the Legislature.....and not once in our exchange back then did you back down from your point,you were defending them,which tells me and the others there,you would vote for the same people ...again....hence...the argument that is carried to this post....
Right. One Non-Republican being attacked by a group of hateful Republicans in a thread about Republicans reviving hate groups. Hilarious! I never claimed she didn't fight back.

You'd be best served being less condescending and nasty so you don't look so stupid when you try to "one-up" someone with the high and mighty act.

a "group" of Republicans?.....seems to me...since i actually read what the posters here say about the 2 main political groups....most of the posters that you are referring too rip both parties.....perhaps Queenie after you have been here a while you might make that deduction yourself.....perhaps its Rinata that we dont care for....i know why i dont care for isnt because she is a has to do with her views on the California govt...
Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....

First you'll have to show me where I said if I knew she was right or wrong.

Then, when you can't, you'll need to apologize for claiming I did. If you don't, you'll have proven Rinata's claim that you do lie about what people say.

So don't lie about what I've said again. It's one of those things I truly despise.
you dont even know what our history with this woman is Queenie.....and you were defending her.....that tells me all i need to know about you.....and i did not say you KNEW she was right or wrong.....i said "HOW would you know"....if you were not there....get your facts straight....Queenie....
Awwww jeeze, Rinata. You gonna start crying AGAIN?

That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:
As you have issues identifying hate (and in typical liberal fashion, blame a lib's egregious behavior on others), here you go:

But now you decide to threaten me because you don't like something I said to you. .....
I asked you a question, you piece of shit:
If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

Would I win that bet? More crying about how you're being picked on doesn't answer it.
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If a person, any person, was to say something like that... I would consider that person beneath contempt. Possibly worthy of pity..... certain people I guess without the ability to view things proportionally. They are scum. There are a couple on here.

Except that she didn't say it; nobody here has said such things. So much for being a fat, stupid and fucking evil bitch, eh? Look only to the person who said that.

How would you know what gets by one person privately to another? Fact is, you wouldn't. You know only what is said publicly. Some people are open about what they say - like me. Others hide behind the PM rules. Those people are scum.
[Emphasis mine] Indeed.
And to those of you that think the ACLU isn't 'Communist'?

Think Again

Yeah because communists have always been known for their vigorous defense of the US Constitution.


when are they going to step forward and defend the second amendment?.....i goggled this and every article i read said they may never....because they dont agree with them only an organized militia should have the right to possess guns...not civilians...

this is from their own site.....

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.

then what is it?.....
Maybe just a quick look at the contributors. It's always a clue to me how a thread will progress. This one definitely needs to be tossed into the flame zone. Nothing like a juicy subject that DARES to paint cons into a bad spot and out come the usual members of the herd with their crapulent euphemisms, totally derailing the subject.
i seem to remember Maggie you were in that thread that i am talking even said to me that you never have seen me go off like i did on Rinata,that i am USUALLY not that way.....and i pointed out its just her defense of the State Legislature and pinning it on Arnold that pissed me off,because that is how so many in this state seem to see things.....its all Arnie,the Legislature is doing lets keep voting them in....and of course Rinata says im full of shit,never happened.....Meister remembers he was there....

I do remember that conversation, but I didn't recall it had to do with CA politics. For the most part, Rinata is criticized for her general point of view, not something specific (just like I am). It gets tiring when someone can't stay on topic regarding someone's opinion and instead just goes into a general attack mode.

I'm not sure what my political stance would be with regard to California if I still lived there. But I've always maintained that there are strong forces at work there simply because of its population within two distinct geographic environments. There have always been specific classes of people in California: The agricultural mostly conservative landowners, the wealthy beachfront owners, the Hollywood types, the genuine lowlifes who openly exploit others, and the pockets of misery (drug infested, homeless) in the major cities. It's a perfect storm, and anyone even attempting to run things in that state to the satisfaction of everyone has always had my sympathy.
maybe so, though i doubt it. she certainly gave you some good advice.

you should take it, especially the *thinking* part.

I'm sorry, but it was CG who first made the faux pas that she didn't form her opinions from the media. She should have put brain into gear before fingers to the keyboard and then hit post. Rinata called her out on it, and the usual bitch-fest ensued. The "girls" can dish it out, but they can't take it.

Bless your heart. You really aren't terribly smart, are you? Watching a variety of news stations helps to inform an individual - helps provide a variety of perspectives, thus giving one a better balance to form one's own opinion. Yea, I watch a variety of news, I read a variety of sources.... and I study. All these things informs opinions.

Its not my problem if some people are not smart enough to work that out. I don't owe you or anyone else here an explanation.... Rinata didn't 'call me out', she just did her usual hysterical rant about anyone who doesn't get their opinions from liberal media. You people bore me.

Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
I'm sorry, but it was CG who first made the faux pas that she didn't form her opinions from the media. She should have put brain into gear before fingers to the keyboard and then hit post. Rinata called her out on it, and the usual bitch-fest ensued. The "girls" can dish it out, but they can't take it.

Bless your heart. You really aren't terribly smart, are you? Watching a variety of news stations helps to inform an individual - helps provide a variety of perspectives, thus giving one a better balance to form one's own opinion. Yea, I watch a variety of news, I read a variety of sources.... and I study. All these things informs opinions.

Its not my problem if some people are not smart enough to work that out. I don't owe you or anyone else here an explanation.... Rinata didn't 'call me out', she just did her usual hysterical rant about anyone who doesn't get their opinions from liberal media. You people bore me.

Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?
Bless your heart. You really aren't terribly smart, are you? Watching a variety of news stations helps to inform an individual - helps provide a variety of perspectives, thus giving one a better balance to form one's own opinion. Yea, I watch a variety of news, I read a variety of sources.... and I study. All these things informs opinions.

Its not my problem if some people are not smart enough to work that out. I don't owe you or anyone else here an explanation.... Rinata didn't 'call me out', she just did her usual hysterical rant about anyone who doesn't get their opinions from liberal media. You people bore me.

Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

careful, modo. she'll compare you to Hitler or kim Jong il.
Awwww jeeze, Rinata. You gonna start crying AGAIN?

That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:

Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

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