Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

If a person, any person, was to say something like that... I would consider that person beneath contempt. Possibly worthy of pity..... certain people I guess without the ability to view things proportionally. They are scum. There are a couple on here.

Except that she didn't say it; nobody here has said such things. So much for being a fat, stupid and fucking evil bitch, eh? Look only to the person who said that.

How would you know what gets by one person privately to another? Fact is, you wouldn't. You know only what is said publicly. Some people are open about what they say - like me. Others hide behind the PM rules. Those people are scum.

Nice backpedal. And how was anyone to know this was an apparent private discussion? Even if true, you can't post PM contents, so I guess your "proof" is up in smoke. I do know evil when I see it; frankly, I don't think you're the evil one. You're just easily led is all.
Awwww jeeze, Rinata. You gonna start crying AGAIN?

That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:
As you have issues identifying hate (and in typical liberal fashion, blame a lib's egregious behavior on others), here you go:
I asked you a question, you piece of shit:
If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

Would I win that bet? More crying about how you're being picked on doesn't answer it.

:lol: By reposting those, you just made Queen's argument!! (And Rinata's; and mine). If that was your way of trying to prove you're such a saintly person and Rinata is the evil one, you failed.
That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:
As you have issues identifying hate (and in typical liberal fashion, blame a lib's egregious behavior on others), here you go:
I asked you a question, you piece of shit:

Would I win that bet? More crying about how you're being picked on doesn't answer it.

:lol: By reposting those, you just made Queen's argument!! (And Rinata's; and mine). If that was your way of trying to prove you're such a saintly person and Rinata is the evil one, you failed.
I don't know about you (but I surely can guess), but anyone who finds pleasure in a US Marine losing his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example, is a piece of shit.
And to those of you that think the ACLU isn't 'Communist'?

Think Again

Yeah because communists have always been known for their vigorous defense of the US Constitution.


when are they going to step forward and defend the second amendment?.....i goggled this and every article i read said they may never....because they dont agree with them only an organized militia should have the right to possess guns...not civilians...

this is from their own site.....

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.

then what is it?.....

The Second Amendment will forever be controversial because of its ambiguity. Perhaps if the framers had simply omitted the word "militia" from the clause, it would then easily be construed as a civil liberties issue. But that pesky word DOES imply military action, and there's no way around it.
Bless your heart. You really aren't terribly smart, are you? Watching a variety of news stations helps to inform an individual - helps provide a variety of perspectives, thus giving one a better balance to form one's own opinion. Yea, I watch a variety of news, I read a variety of sources.... and I study. All these things informs opinions.

Its not my problem if some people are not smart enough to work that out. I don't owe you or anyone else here an explanation.... Rinata didn't 'call me out', she just did her usual hysterical rant about anyone who doesn't get their opinions from liberal media. You people bore me.

Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

Whatever keeps your personal vendetta alive, carry on.
Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

Whatever keeps your personal vendetta alive, carry on.
Vendetta? Such hysterics. :lol:
It's not a vendetta to label someone as a piece of shit for wishing death on someone else.
Then go away. There are plenty of other message boards where automatic insults and other forms of hatred are actually encouraged.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

careful, modo. she'll compare you to Hitler or kim Jong il.

Huh? :cuckoo: Not even close.
You mean the sort of hatred that would cause someone to tell another that they are pleased that an American Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of him, just for example?

Whatever keeps your personal vendetta alive, carry on.
Vendetta? Such hysterics. :lol:

i had an '85 vendetta with a five speed. i loved that car.

just sayin
That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:

Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

You're like a rabid dog with a bone that's already been chewed down to the exposed marrow. Why would anyone CARE about some ALLEGED comment made in a PM unless you can prove it?

And by the way, you blew it again with those words. Weren't they what Rinata said to you that set you off?

Yowza. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast... Maybe that's why you're here practically 24/7.
Yeah because communists have always been known for their vigorous defense of the US Constitution.


when are they going to step forward and defend the second amendment?.....i goggled this and every article i read said they may never....because they dont agree with them only an organized militia should have the right to possess guns...not civilians...

this is from their own site.....

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.

then what is it?.....

The Second Amendment will forever be controversial because of its ambiguity. Perhaps if the framers had simply omitted the word "militia" from the clause, it would then easily be construed as a civil liberties issue. But that pesky word DOES imply military action, and there's no way around it.

They wrote it that way deliberately, to give 'we, the people' the power to take back our country from a government that takes away our God given rights.

Our Government would do well to remember that.
Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

You're like a rabid dog with a bone that's already been chewed down to the exposed marrow. Why would anyone CARE about some ALLEGED comment made in a PM unless you can prove it?

And by the way, you blew it again with those words. Weren't they what Rinata said to you that set you off?

Yowza. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast... Maybe that's why you're here practically 24/7.
You're not too bright, are you? CG's comment about hiding behind PM rules escapes you, obviously.

First of all, I'm not 'set off'. Fail. Secondly, Rinata clearly does not think when she writes posts, so lack of thought does not 'set me off'. Fail. However, anyone who would be pleased that a US Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has issues with a loved one of his just for example, is a piece of shit. Your mileage may vary.
when are they going to step forward and defend the second amendment?.....i goggled this and every article i read said they may never....because they dont agree with them only an organized militia should have the right to possess guns...not civilians...

this is from their own site.....

The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment. We do not, however, take a position on gun control itself. In our view, neither the possession of guns nor the regulation of guns raises a civil liberties issue.

then what is it?.....

The Second Amendment will forever be controversial because of its ambiguity. Perhaps if the framers had simply omitted the word "militia" from the clause, it would then easily be construed as a civil liberties issue. But that pesky word DOES imply military action, and there's no way around it.

They wrote it that way deliberately, to give 'we, the people' the power to take back our country from a government that takes away our God given rights.

Our Government would do well to remember that.

Huh? There has never been that sort of argument. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." In that clause, "State" refers to the State of the United States as a country.

Scholars arguing against the pure meaning of the Second Amendment, argue that "a well regulated militia" at the time of the adoption of the Bill of Rights consisted of the "body of the people" as affirmed in several of the individual state resoutions proposing that a bill of rights be added to the Constitution. It had nothing to do with being a watchdog over the three branches of government.

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