Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Rinata said:
Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631

Si loves to neg rep. With every one she takes another giant gulp and a snort, leans back with a smug, the conquering she devil. And for that remark, I expect mine in 10, 9, 8....

Stop whining...

Why? Isn't that what ya'll are doing? After all, the subject matter of this thread is gone. And right now I'm just waiting for a knock at the door and I'll be out of here anyway, so I'll mindlessly whine just to piss off you and your ilk (who of course NEVER whine...:eusa_whistle:)
Si loves to neg rep. With every one she takes another giant gulp and a snort, leans back with a smug, the conquering she devil. And for that remark, I expect mine in 10, 9, 8....

Stop whining...

Why? Isn't that what ya'll are doing? After all, the subject matter of this thread is gone. And right now I'm just waiting for a knock at the door and I'll be out of here anyway, so I'll mindlessly whine just to piss off you and your ilk (who of course NEVER whine...:eusa_whistle:)

I never whine about neg rep...

Carry on....
But there are no "hate groups' on the left right?

Does this guy qualify as someone who advocates "hate"?

I think he does, since he is calling for "bringing down the United States government.

Here is link to the Brecht Forum, looks a lot like a lefty organization to me.......
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I offer the opinion that "hate" comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the "right".

Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

Now he claims he wants "free speech" and is a communist? Yea, communist were even more supportive of free speech than Republicans.

Now, as far as health care, I once read that if we spent a third of what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan we could have had universal health care. Another third and we could pay for college education. Remember the days when the Iraqi war might cost 200 billion dollars? That was three TRILLION ago.

Sometimes when people are frustrated and scared, they come up with thoughtless and crazy plans to get us out of the mess. I would rather follow Obama who wants to work WITHIN the structure of the US government, unlike both the far left (if you can call them that) and the right (nearly all of the Republican Party).

And the success that is Iraq. A hard right Islamic government whose women are now enslaved under Sharia law. The average people in Iraq want us dead. They built a "shoe monument" to and made a national hero out of a guy that tried to hit our president with his shoes. Their Christian population has gone from an estimated 1.4 million to 0.4 million and burned nearly every church. Worse, under Republican treaties and contracts, we are obligated to rebuild a country that wants ours destroyed. AND THIS IS A SUCCESS?????

And this whole thing about, "At least we got rid of Saddam". Except Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. So we replaced turds on the neighbor's lawn with shit on our own shoes.
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Maybe just a quick look at the contributors. It's always a clue to me how a thread will progress. This one definitely needs to be tossed into the flame zone. Nothing like a juicy subject that DARES to paint cons into a bad spot and out come the usual members of the herd with their crapulent euphemisms, totally derailing the subject.
i seem to remember Maggie you were in that thread that i am talking even said to me that you never have seen me go off like i did on Rinata,that i am USUALLY not that way.....and i pointed out its just her defense of the State Legislature and pinning it on Arnold that pissed me off,because that is how so many in this state seem to see things.....its all Arnie,the Legislature is doing lets keep voting them in....and of course Rinata says im full of shit,never happened.....Meister remembers he was there....
But there are no "hate groups' on the left right?

Does this guy qualify as someone who advocates "hate"?

I think he does, since he is calling for "bringing down the United States government.

Here is link to the Brecht Forum, looks a lot like a lefty organization to me.......
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I offer the opinion that "hate" comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the "right".

Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

Now he claims he wants "free speech" and is a communist? Yea, communist were even more supportive of free speech than Republicans.

Now, as far as health care, I once read that if we spent a third of what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan we could have had universal health care. Another third and we could pay for college education. Remember the days when the Iraqi war might cost 200 billion dollars? That was three TRILLION ago.

Sometimes when people are frustrated and scared, they come up with thoughtless and crazy plans to get us out of the mess. I would rather follow Obama who wants to work WITHIN the structure of the US government, unlike both the far left (if you can call them that) and the right (nearly all of the Republican Party).

And the success that is Iraq. A hard right Islamic government whose women are now enslaved under Sharia law. The average people in Iraq want us dead. They built a "shoe monument" to and made a national hero out of a guy that tried to hit our president with his shoes. Their Christian population has gone from an estimated 1.4 million to 0.4 million and burned nearly every church. Worse, under Republican treaties and contracts, we are obligated to rebuild a country that wants ours destroyed. AND THIS IS A SUCCESS?????

And this whole thing about, "At least we got rid of Saddam". Except Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. So we replaced turds on the neighbor's lawn with shit on our own shoes.

Success in Iraq was demonstrated today when there was a successful election despite the threats of violence and deaths. The form of government that they form is up to them, if they prefer a sharia law- so be it.
Saddam was in violation of UN resolutions, many of them. He was adept at issuing threats to the world, and hiding whatever it was he was doing.
You do remember he used chemical weapons on his own people, right?
In some of your other posts, you insult christians. Why are you pretending to support them now?
Communists support free speech as long as it is 'free speech' in support of the communist party. Remember the USSR? Cuba? Know what happened in Albania before the USSR fell? That sure was support of free speech wasn't it?

What I was pointing out was that extremists come in all flavors, right, left, extremists are extremists. I made that portion of my post bold, so you could see it this time.
It looks like we agree on that based on your statements in this post.
The only difference is, that I didn't try to defend anyone. Hate comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the right.
And you're also a huge liar. I wouldn't believe anything you say.

maybe so, though i doubt it. she certainly gave you some good advice.

you should take it, especially the *thinking* part.

I'm sorry, but it was CG who first made the faux pas that she didn't form her opinions from the media. She should have put brain into gear before fingers to the keyboard and then hit post. Rinata called her out on it, and the usual bitch-fest ensued. The "girls" can dish it out, but they can't take it.

Bless your heart. You really aren't terribly smart, are you? Watching a variety of news stations helps to inform an individual - helps provide a variety of perspectives, thus giving one a better balance to form one's own opinion. Yea, I watch a variety of news, I read a variety of sources.... and I study. All these things informs opinions.

Its not my problem if some people are not smart enough to work that out. I don't owe you or anyone else here an explanation.... Rinata didn't 'call me out', she just did her usual hysterical rant about anyone who doesn't get their opinions from liberal media. You people bore me.
Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

you are a piece of work Dean :lol:.....there cant possibly be anyone on the left who hates the govt?.... inconceivable...........i hate to be the one to tell you this Dean there are those on the left who hate this Govt.....even now,and some hate shattering,aint it....many consider the nation of Islam to be a hate group....and they sure as hell dont support the Republicans...
Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.

Why don't you ask Rinata whether she is proud of the kind of things she has said in PMs to other members. Ask her about what her PM to me said. Assuming she's not ashamed of it (I most certainly would be but I am a decent human being).... ask her to make it public. I don't mind if she doesn't mind.

What about it Rinata? Why not make public what you said to me? Or will you hide behind the PM rule?

I think people can recall all of the horrible things you have said to me that were provoked only by the fact that I am a liberal. I have never sought you out. It has always been you responsing to my point of view. And you know that's true. It's true of all of your conservative pals, too.

You all call me names, cuss at me, and send neg reps with even more insults. Then when I respond, I'm told I'm whining and crying. :rolleyes:

But now you decide to threaten me because you don't like something I said to you. You are perfectly free to repeat it, I don't take orders from you. But I hope now that you will ignore me, as you promised. Because I sure plan to ignore you and your pals, no matter what. The truth is that none of you want liberals on this site. And that's what's really happening here.
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Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about. Actually, I'm a little surprise at you, Harry. Usually you don't side with the trolling troublemakers.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....

Maybe just a quick look at the contributors. It's always a clue to me how a thread will progress. This one definitely needs to be tossed into the flame zone. Nothing like a juicy subject that DARES to paint cons into a bad spot and out come the usual members of the herd with their crapulent euphemisms, totally derailing the subject.

Maggie, a few months ago I expressed my disdain for Arnold. He is the only Republican that I have ever voted for. I said he was a big disappointment to me and I would never vote for another Republican. That is ALL I said.

The next thing you know, I was being accused of blaming him for all of the problems in CA, when it was really the fault of Democrats that my state is in so much trouble. OMG, I only said that Arnold was a disappointment to me!!! That was it!!!

But the "conservatives" on this site just made up all these stories about what I said, in their heads. They are exactly like Republican senators. Just make something up when you don't like somebody, make assumptions, or just purposely misinterpret.

And that's what REALLY happened, Maggie. I just wanted you to know.
But there are no "hate groups' on the left right?

Does this guy qualify as someone who advocates "hate"?

I think he does, since he is calling for "bringing down the United States government.

Here is link to the Brecht Forum, looks a lot like a lefty organization to me.......
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I offer the opinion that "hate" comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the "right".

Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

Now he claims he wants "free speech" and is a communist? Yea, communist were even more supportive of free speech than Republicans.

Now, as far as health care, I once read that if we spent a third of what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan we could have had universal health care. Another third and we could pay for college education. Remember the days when the Iraqi war might cost 200 billion dollars? That was three TRILLION ago.

Sometimes when people are frustrated and scared, they come up with thoughtless and crazy plans to get us out of the mess. I would rather follow Obama who wants to work WITHIN the structure of the US government, unlike both the far left (if you can call them that) and the right (nearly all of the Republican Party).

And the success that is Iraq. A hard right Islamic government whose women are now enslaved under Sharia law. The average people in Iraq want us dead. They built a "shoe monument" to and made a national hero out of a guy that tried to hit our president with his shoes. Their Christian population has gone from an estimated 1.4 million to 0.4 million and burned nearly every church. Worse, under Republican treaties and contracts, we are obligated to rebuild a country that wants ours destroyed. AND THIS IS A SUCCESS?????

And this whole thing about, "At least we got rid of Saddam". Except Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. So we replaced turds on the neighbor's lawn with shit on our own shoes.

Success in Iraq was demonstrated today when there was a successful election despite the threats of violence and deaths. The form of government that they form is up to them, if they prefer a sharia law- so be it.
Saddam was in violation of UN resolutions, many of them. He was adept at issuing threats to the world, and hiding whatever it was he was doing.
You do remember he used chemical weapons on his own people, right?
In some of your other posts, you insult christians. Why are you pretending to support them now?
Communists support free speech as long as it is 'free speech' in support of the communist party. Remember the USSR? Cuba? Know what happened in Albania before the USSR fell? That sure was support of free speech wasn't it?

What I was pointing out was that extremists come in all flavors, right, left, extremists are extremists. I made that portion of my post bold, so you could see it this time.
It looks like we agree on that based on your statements in this post.
The only difference is, that I didn't try to defend anyone. Hate comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the right.

So just having an election equals success, even though half the population is now "enslaved"?

I don't view right wing American Christians as "Christians". The ones that used to be in Iraq, before they were driven out or murdered while we watched and did nothing to help, were closer to the "original" Christians.

The right wing Christians here make pictures of Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes. The Jesus in the Bible made 1,500 references to "helping your fellow man" and not one for gays, and yet, for many Christians in this country, gays are all they can think about.

The chemical weapons Saddam used were purchased from the west. He was under sanctions. Iraq had almost no industry and no manufacturing which means all of his weapons where "purchased". He had lost nearly a generation of young men in an 8 year war with Iran. All of this was known by our CIA. To think it wasn't is an insult to their intelligence and assumes they were inept.

You can see the facts and see them from a different perspective. I tend to think my perspective is grounded a little better in reality. Half the population are slaves so it's "better"? Does that even make sense?

Besides, if we did such a wonderful job in Iraq, why do they say they want us dead. Why do they hold demonstrations telling us to get out of their country? Why did they throw shoes at our president and make the show thrower a "national hero" building him a monument? Where is "America Appreciation Day".

And finally,

Have you ever read the Iraqi Constitution?
Check out Article 2 and 31.
Last edited by a moderator:
Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
No trouble with my comprehension at all. Here's Rinata's second post in the thread:

And her screeching continues:
.... you bitch. .... you are the idiot ....

.... you're a damn bitch. ....

Perhaps you'd be best served if you actually read a thread before posting. It may be a good lesson for you to look the fool with your willfully gathering incomplete information.

Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631

Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

Now he claims he wants "free speech" and is a communist? Yea, communist were even more supportive of free speech than Republicans.

Now, as far as health care, I once read that if we spent a third of what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan we could have had universal health care. Another third and we could pay for college education. Remember the days when the Iraqi war might cost 200 billion dollars? That was three TRILLION ago.

Sometimes when people are frustrated and scared, they come up with thoughtless and crazy plans to get us out of the mess. I would rather follow Obama who wants to work WITHIN the structure of the US government, unlike both the far left (if you can call them that) and the right (nearly all of the Republican Party).

And the success that is Iraq. A hard right Islamic government whose women are now enslaved under Sharia law. The average people in Iraq want us dead. They built a "shoe monument" to and made a national hero out of a guy that tried to hit our president with his shoes. Their Christian population has gone from an estimated 1.4 million to 0.4 million and burned nearly every church. Worse, under Republican treaties and contracts, we are obligated to rebuild a country that wants ours destroyed. AND THIS IS A SUCCESS?????

And this whole thing about, "At least we got rid of Saddam". Except Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. So we replaced turds on the neighbor's lawn with shit on our own shoes.

Success in Iraq was demonstrated today when there was a successful election despite the threats of violence and deaths. The form of government that they form is up to them, if they prefer a sharia law- so be it.
Saddam was in violation of UN resolutions, many of them. He was adept at issuing threats to the world, and hiding whatever it was he was doing.
You do remember he used chemical weapons on his own people, right?
In some of your other posts, you insult christians. Why are you pretending to support them now?
Communists support free speech as long as it is 'free speech' in support of the communist party. Remember the USSR? Cuba? Know what happened in Albania before the USSR fell? That sure was support of free speech wasn't it?

What I was pointing out was that extremists come in all flavors, right, left, extremists are extremists. I made that portion of my post bold, so you could see it this time.
It looks like we agree on that based on your statements in this post.
The only difference is, that I didn't try to defend anyone. Hate comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the right.

So just having an election equals success, even though half the population is now "enslaved"?

I don't view right wing American Christians as "Christians". The ones that used to be in Iraq, before they were driven out or murdered while we watched and did nothing to help, were closer to the "original" Christians.

The right wing Christians here make pictures of Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes. The Jesus in the Bible made 1,500 references to "helping your fellow man" and not one for gays, and yet, for many Christians in this country, gays are all they can think about.

The chemical weapons Saddam used were purchased from the west. He was under sanctions. Iraq had almost no industry and no manufacturing which means all of his weapons where "purchased". He had lost nearly a generation of young men in an 8 year war with Iran. All of this was known by our CIA. To think it wasn't is an insult to their intelligence and assumes they were inept.

You can see the facts and see them from a different perspective. I tend to think my perspective is grounded a little better in reality. Half the population are slaves so it's "better"? Does that even make sense?

Besides, if we did such a wonderful job in Iraq, why do they say they want us dead. Why do they hold demonstrations telling us to get out of their country? Why did they throw shoes at our president and make the show thrower a "national hero" building him a monument? Where is "America Appreciation Day".

And finally,

Have you ever read the Iraqi Constitution?
Check out Article 2 and 31.

Both having an election and the Iraqis wanting us gone is success.
We have not done such a steller job in Iraq, and we want to leave. I say let them chase us out, both so they can have their country back, and so we don't continue the wwaste there.
Still, the main point I have been making, is that hate is not the domain of the right, it comes in all flavors, right left, conservative, liberal, republican democrat, white and black.
I posted an example, another mentioned Farrakhan, both of those examples of hate are from the left.
Hate comes in all flavors and colors. Some refuse to recognize it when it is politically expedient to do so. Partisanship just sucks, it promotes hate by villifying the 'other' side.
Hate sucks, no matter where it comes from.
There are plenty of examples of hate groups on both sides. We should ALL recognize them for exactly what they are, no matter what end of the political spectrum they come from.
In fact, deriding one side as "reviving hate groups" is a form of hate.
I respect your opinion, it is your right to hold any opinion you choose.
Continuing to accuse one side of 'hate', while ignoring it on your own side is simply propaganda though, hate propaganda, and that is not a right that I support or defend from either side. That is the domain of a small mind, and nothing more.
Oh, you're quite welcome.

If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

If a person, any person, was to say something like that... I would consider that person beneath contempt. Possibly worthy of pity..... certain people I guess without the ability to view things proportionally. They are scum. There are a couple on here.

Except that she didn't say it; nobody here has said such things. So much for being a fat, stupid and fucking evil bitch, eh? Look only to the person who said that.
She who didn't say that?

And you lie.

But now you decide to threaten me because you don't like something I said to you. .....
I asked you a question, you piece of shit:
If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

Would I win that bet? More crying about how you're being picked on doesn't answer it.
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Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

Now he claims he wants "free speech" and is a communist? Yea, communist were even more supportive of free speech than Republicans.

Now, as far as health care, I once read that if we spent a third of what we spent on Iraq and Afghanistan we could have had universal health care. Another third and we could pay for college education. Remember the days when the Iraqi war might cost 200 billion dollars? That was three TRILLION ago.

Sometimes when people are frustrated and scared, they come up with thoughtless and crazy plans to get us out of the mess. I would rather follow Obama who wants to work WITHIN the structure of the US government, unlike both the far left (if you can call them that) and the right (nearly all of the Republican Party).

And the success that is Iraq. A hard right Islamic government whose women are now enslaved under Sharia law. The average people in Iraq want us dead. They built a "shoe monument" to and made a national hero out of a guy that tried to hit our president with his shoes. Their Christian population has gone from an estimated 1.4 million to 0.4 million and burned nearly every church. Worse, under Republican treaties and contracts, we are obligated to rebuild a country that wants ours destroyed. AND THIS IS A SUCCESS?????

And this whole thing about, "At least we got rid of Saddam". Except Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. So we replaced turds on the neighbor's lawn with shit on our own shoes.

Success in Iraq was demonstrated today when there was a successful election despite the threats of violence and deaths. The form of government that they form is up to them, if they prefer a sharia law- so be it.
Saddam was in violation of UN resolutions, many of them. He was adept at issuing threats to the world, and hiding whatever it was he was doing.
You do remember he used chemical weapons on his own people, right?
In some of your other posts, you insult christians. Why are you pretending to support them now?
Communists support free speech as long as it is 'free speech' in support of the communist party. Remember the USSR? Cuba? Know what happened in Albania before the USSR fell? That sure was support of free speech wasn't it?

What I was pointing out was that extremists come in all flavors, right, left, extremists are extremists. I made that portion of my post bold, so you could see it this time.
It looks like we agree on that based on your statements in this post.
The only difference is, that I didn't try to defend anyone. Hate comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the right.

So just having an election equals success, even though half the population is now "enslaved"?

I don't view right wing American Christians as "Christians". The ones that used to be in Iraq, before they were driven out or murdered while we watched and did nothing to help, were closer to the "original" Christians.

The right wing Christians here make pictures of Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes. The Jesus in the Bible made 1,500 references to "helping your fellow man" and not one for gays, and yet, for many Christians in this country, gays are all they can think about.

The chemical weapons Saddam used were purchased from the west. He was under sanctions. Iraq had almost no industry and no manufacturing which means all of his weapons where "purchased". He had lost nearly a generation of young men in an 8 year war with Iran. All of this was known by our CIA. To think it wasn't is an insult to their intelligence and assumes they were inept.

You can see the facts and see them from a different perspective. I tend to think my perspective is grounded a little better in reality. Half the population are slaves so it's "better"? Does that even make sense?

Besides, if we did such a wonderful job in Iraq, why do they say they want us dead. Why do they hold demonstrations telling us to get out of their country? Why did they throw shoes at our president and make the show thrower a "national hero" building him a monument? Where is "America Appreciation Day".

And finally,

Have you ever read the Iraqi Constitution?
Check out Article 2 and 31.

Actually, they asked us to stay longer.
Someone who preaches bringing down the Obama Administration and calls members of Obama's administration "murderers" is hardly a "Democrat". He may say he's on the left, but the only people I've heard make that kind of rhetoric are the "I hope he fails" Republicans.

you are a piece of work Dean :lol:.....there cant possibly be anyone on the left who hates the govt?.... inconceivable...........i hate to be the one to tell you this Dean there are those on the left who hate this Govt.....even now,and some hate shattering,aint it....many consider the nation of Islam to be a hate group....and they sure as hell dont support the Republicans...

Even the ACLU (A bunch of Communists) are upset with him regarding his apparent change regarding KSM...

ACLU Likens Obama to Bush in Ad Slamming Possible Reversal on KSM Trial <==LINK

And to those of you that think the ACLU isn't 'Communist'?

Think Again
Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
No trouble with my comprehension at all. Here's Rinata's second post in the thread:

And her screeching continues:
.... So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.
.... you bitch. .... you are the idiot ....

.... you're a damn bitch. ....

Perhaps you'd be best served if you actually read a thread before posting. It may be a good lesson for you to look the fool with your willfully gathering incomplete information.

Right. One Non-Republican being attacked by a group of hateful Republicans in a thread about Republicans reviving hate groups. Hilarious! I never claimed she didn't fight back.

You'd be best served being less condescending and nasty so you don't look so stupid when you try to "one-up" someone with the high and mighty act.

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