Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?


come on Doc....she just stopped she is going to think YOU dont like her....
don't play dumb!!! Even though i know you can't help it. I have had this conversation with you and your nimrod pals a million times about dropping f bombs all over the place. So you know damn well what i mean, you twit!!!

your an ignorant twit, rinata. You need to learn to communicate what you really are talking about. You did say name calling, you did not even mention the f-bomb at all. How could anyone interpret anything more than your own words?
Then have the nerve to tell me that i know what you meant? Sheesh, talk about nerve.
Next time try not to blame others for your shortcomings, deal with them yourself, okay?

Just a side note, rinata.....please show me, and every other poster where i have ever used the f-bomb with you? i haven't, and i expect you to be a big enough person to apologize for lying like that.

View attachment 9624
So now you accept that you can't communicate, and you need's a start, rinata, but I'm still waiting for a picture of you apologizing to me because of your lies.
You still haven't shown where I've ever used the f-bomb on you, or any other name other than putting in question your lack of intelligence.
By the way, Harry was right and you were slamming Arnold for all of Ca. woes, Of course your lack of memory on the subject, I just chalked that up to your lack of IQ.

Carry on.....the best you can, young lady.
Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.
How can anyone who is over five feet walk in size one shoes? I just don't understand.
oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.

yea you get the best of everybody so good that you do nothing but cry and whine about how you are hoo poor me....they have always treated me like shit....waaa its not fair....the F-bomb is always thrown at me....waaaaaa.....Cali Girl and Si treat me like shit....Waaaaaaaa.....Meister and his "Nimrod" friends always say Fuck....Waaaaaaaa......your nothing but a FUCKING must be so emotionally unstable that you must go to therapy......who is your Doc?....Dr. Vinnie Boom Ba....

Can you translate that? I would be interested in knowing what it means in "human".
So now you accept that you can't communicate, and you need's a start, rinata, but I'm still waiting for a picture of you apologizing to me because of your lies.
You still haven't shown where I've ever used the f-bomb on you, or any other name other than putting in question your lack of intelligence.
By the way, Harry was right and you were slamming Arnold for all of Ca. woes, Of course your lack of memory on the subject, I just chalked that up to your lack of IQ.

Carry on.....the best you can, young lady.

thanks Meister.....she wont remember AND of course you are lying for your "NIMROD" PAL...Rinatas problem is when someone pulls the carpet out from under her and she falls on her ass....she gets embarrassed and of course has a lapse of memory ....she is a skank like her Role Model Pelosi.....she forgets things too....
I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.

yea you get the best of everybody so good that you do nothing but cry and whine about how you are hoo poor me....they have always treated me like shit....waaa its not fair....the F-bomb is always thrown at me....waaaaaa.....Cali Girl and Si treat me like shit....Waaaaaaaa.....Meister and his "Nimrod" friends always say Fuck....Waaaaaaaa......your nothing but a FUCKING must be so emotionally unstable that you must go to therapy......who is your Doc?....Dr. Vinnie Boom Ba....

Can you translate that? I would be interested in knowing what it means in "human".

it means you had better console your little recruit Dean....she is losing it ...she aint tough like you.....
Interesting, just reading the first and last page of a thread about hate groups being revived by Republicans. The first page has Republicans denying and mocking. By the time you get to the last page the Republicans are mean, nasty, hateful, personally attacking and being truly and simply evil to their fellow human beings.

I'd say, case closed.
Interesting, just reading the first and last page of a thread about hate groups being revived by Republicans. The first page has Republicans denying and mocking. By the time you get to the last page the Republicans are mean, nasty, hateful, personally attacking and being truly and simply evil to their fellow human beings.

I'd say, case closed.
Rinata is a Republican?
Interesting, just reading the first and last page of a thread about hate groups being revived by Republicans. The first page has Republicans denying and mocking. By the time you get to the last page the Republicans are mean, nasty, hateful, personally attacking and being truly and simply evil to their fellow human beings.

I'd say, case closed.
Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
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Interesting, just reading the first and last page of a thread about hate groups being revived by Republicans. The first page has Republicans denying and mocking. By the time you get to the last page the Republicans are mean, nasty, hateful, personally attacking and being truly and simply evil to their fellow human beings.

I'd say, case closed.
Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
No trouble with my comprehension at all. Here's Rinata's second post in the thread:
.... you're ignorant. So get lost.

And her screeching continues:
.... You're nuts. ....

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. ....
And you're also a huge liar. ....
Then maybe she should ... shut up about American politics.
So as it turns out, you are no different from the other baghead idiots. ....
Now she needs ANOTHER person to defend her??? It seems that she is the cry baby here. That is pathetic!!! She could at least find people with a brain to defend her!!!
I know that you are an ignorant baghead ... you jerk. .... You're a liar. ....
.... Maybe because you're full of crap??? ....
... you two psycho's??? .... your stupidity, right??
If I did, I'd kill your sorry ass off in the first episode.

You grow up, bitch. If you want to sit on your fat ass and just accept violence, then go right ahead.
.... you are so pathetically stupid. .... like the dumb cow you are.
You ... need meds, ....
.... Harry is pretty ignorant, ....
Don't play dumb!!! Even though I know you can't help it. .... you twit!!!
.... So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.
.... you bitch. .... you are the idiot ....

.... you're a damn bitch. ....

Perhaps you'd be best served if you actually read a thread before posting. It may be a good lesson for you to look the fool with your willfully gathering incomplete information.
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oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.

yea you get the best of everybody so good that you do nothing but cry and whine about how you are hoo poor me....they have always treated me like shit....waaa its not fair....the F-bomb is always thrown at me....waaaaaa.....Cali Girl and Si treat me like shit....Waaaaaaaa.....Meister and his "Nimrod" friends always say Fuck....Waaaaaaaa......your nothing but a FUCKING must be so emotionally unstable that you must go to therapy......who is your Doc?....Dr. Vinnie Boom Ba....

You really are a stone cold nut. I have pointed out on many occasions that you all drop F bombs because you're stupid and really have no valuable information to share. I never said that it hurt my little feelings. There you go projecting again. Or are you straight out lying?? Or making things up in your head again?? It's so hard to tell. In any case, please do not delude yourselves that anything you say has any impact on me. Poor things. I'm just pointing out how dumb and uninformed you are when all you do is call people names and cuss at them. It's not a hard observation to follow. Try really hard!!! You can do it!! :lol:

$00007%20Republican%20lies.jpglying right.jpg
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oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.


That's so sad. You also want to be a cop on tv as well as a doctor??? What do you really do to make money??? Let me guess!!! You sell cleaning products door to door, right??? :lol:
your an ignorant twit, rinata. You need to learn to communicate what you really are talking about. You did say name calling, you did not even mention the f-bomb at all. How could anyone interpret anything more than your own words?
Then have the nerve to tell me that i know what you meant? Sheesh, talk about nerve.
Next time try not to blame others for your shortcomings, deal with them yourself, okay?

Just a side note, rinata.....please show me, and every other poster where i have ever used the f-bomb with you? i haven't, and i expect you to be a big enough person to apologize for lying like that.

View attachment 9624
so now you accept that you can't communicate, and you need's a start, rinata, but i'm still waiting for a picture of you apologizing to me because of your lies.
You still haven't shown where i've ever used the f-bomb on you, or any other name other than putting in question your lack of intelligence.
By the way, harry was right and you were slamming arnold for all of ca. Woes, of course your lack of memory on the subject, i just chalked that up to your lack of iq.

Carry on.....the best you can, young lady.

Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
No trouble with my comprehension at all. Here's Rinata's second post in the thread:

And her screeching continues:
.... So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.
.... you bitch. .... you are the idiot ....

.... you're a damn bitch. ....

Perhaps you'd be best served if you actually read a thread before posting. It may be a good lesson for you to look the fool with your willfully gathering incomplete information.

Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

Interesting, just reading the first and last page of a thread about hate groups being revived by Republicans. The first page has Republicans denying and mocking. By the time you get to the last page the Republicans are mean, nasty, hateful, personally attacking and being truly and simply evil to their fellow human beings.

I'd say, case closed.
Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.

Why don't you ask Rinata whether she is proud of the kind of things she has said in PMs to other members. Ask her about what her PM to me said. Assuming she's not ashamed of it (I most certainly would be but I am a decent human being).... ask her to make it public. I don't mind if she doesn't mind.

What about it Rinata? Why not make public what you said to me? Or will you hide behind the PM rule?
Rinata is a Republican?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.

Why don't you ask Rinata whether she is proud of the kind of things she has said in PMs to other members. Ask her about what her PM to me said. Assuming she's not ashamed of it (I most certainly would be but I am a decent human being).... ask her to make it public. I don't mind if she doesn't mind.

What about it Rinata? Why not make public what you said to me? Or will you hide behind the PM rule?

She will hide, it's the way of dimwits like her.
Interesting, just reading the first and last page of a thread about hate groups being revived by Republicans. The first page has Republicans denying and mocking. By the time you get to the last page the Republicans are mean, nasty, hateful, personally attacking and being truly and simply evil to their fellow human beings.

I'd say, case closed.

there are Republicans here?....

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