Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....
I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.

yea you get the best of everybody so good that you do nothing but cry and whine about how you are hoo poor me....they have always treated me like shit....waaa its not fair....the F-bomb is always thrown at me....waaaaaa.....Cali Girl and Si treat me like shit....Waaaaaaaa.....Meister and his "Nimrod" friends always say Fuck....Waaaaaaaa......your nothing but a FUCKING must be so emotionally unstable that you must go to therapy......who is your Doc?....Dr. Vinnie Boom Ba....

You really are a stone cold nut. I have pointed out on many occasions that you all drop F bombs because you're stupid and really have no valuable information to share. I never said that it hurt my little feelings. There you go projecting again. Or are you straight out lying?? Or making things up in your head again?? It's so hard to tell. In any case, please do not delude yourselves that anything you say has any impact on me. Poor things. I'm just pointing out how dumb and uninformed you are when all you do is call people names and cuss at them. It's not a hard observation to follow. Try really hard!!! You can do it!! :lol:

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quite your FUCKING whining....ok ill ask then.....Rinata who is more at fault Arnold or the Cal Legislature for Ca. problems?...
That's so sad. You also want to be a cop on tv as well as a doctor??? What do you really do to make money??? Let me guess!!! You sell cleaning products door to door, right??? :lol:
how does that picture have anything to do with the guys job?.....and you call yourself smart?.....
Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

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lol....all those neg reps.. yesterday you were at 5,now your at 6....:lol:....lying sack of shit...
Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....
Facts don't matter, Harry. Now you just stop having common sense like that.
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Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
No trouble with my comprehension at all. Here's Rinata's second post in the thread:

And her screeching continues:
.... you bitch. .... you are the idiot ....

.... you're a damn bitch. ....

Perhaps you'd be best served if you actually read a thread before posting. It may be a good lesson for you to look the fool with your willfully gathering incomplete information.

Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631
Oh, you're quite welcome.

If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.
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No trouble with my comprehension at all. Here's Rinata's second post in the thread:

And her screeching continues:

Perhaps you'd be best served if you actually read a thread before posting. It may be a good lesson for you to look the fool with your willfully gathering incomplete information.

Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631
Oh, you're quite welcome.

If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

If a person, any person, was to say something like that... I would consider that person beneath contempt. Possibly worthy of pity..... certain people I guess without the ability to view things proportionally. They are scum. There are a couple on here.
Between 1990 and 2009, there were about 120 attacks in the United States by far-right extremists that led to deaths, according to a study funded by the Department of Homeland Security and the University of Maryland's National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. The number of incidents has hovered around three per year since 2002, down from an average of eight annually from 1990 to 2001 and a peak of 16 in 1999, according to the U.S. Extremist Crime Data Base.

Federal agencies discount attacks by "lone wolves" as terrorism. By law, the FBI, State Department and National Counterterrorism Center define terrorism as politically motivated violence committed by "subnational groups and clandestine agents."

Experts: Pentagon shooter, others strike symbols of 'power for the powerless' -

The only thing these recent shootings have in common is that these murderers blogged about politics on the internet. Hmmmmmm. Know anyone else like that?
so now you accept that you can't communicate, and you need's a start, rinata, but i'm still waiting for a picture of you apologizing to me because of your lies.
You still haven't shown where i've ever used the f-bomb on you, or any other name other than putting in question your lack of intelligence.
By the way, harry was right and you were slamming arnold for all of ca. Woes, of course your lack of memory on the subject, i just chalked that up to your lack of iq.

Carry on.....the best you can, young lady.

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Still waiting for that apology, rinata. :eusa_whistle:
Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.

Then you DO form your opinions from the media. Correct? Just askin'.
The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.
If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

you might want to research Morris dees before posting this crap.

"What is the arch-salesman of hate mongering, Mr. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, going to do now? Ever since 1971, U.S. Postal Service mailbags have bulged with his fundraising letters, scaring dollars out of the pockets of trembling liberals aghast at his lurid depictions of hate-sodden America, in dire need of legal confrontation by the SPLC. Nine years ago, Ken Silverstein wrote a devastating commentary on Dees and the SPLC in Harper's, dissecting a typical swatch of Dees' solicitations. At that time, as Silverstein pointed out, the SPLC was "the wealthiest civil rights group in America," with $120 million in assets."

Nine years ago, we didn't have a black president. Nine years ago people were scared to death of Islamic terrorists. Nine years LATER, I don’t know what is more terrifying, Muslim fundamentalists with bombs and or angry conservative white men with guns. And if you think they're not out there en masse, you're dilusional.
That's cuz they're not very bright.

You're hardly an expert on what's "bright".

But, ya know what, I don't assume that because someone occasionally watches Fox that that is their only source of news. Particularly, I don't confuse a commentator with a news broadcast, and I never tell anyone to shut up, nor do I think that an American who lives outside the country should take no interest in the politics of her country. Nor do I make the kind of hysterical rantings that Rinata does. That is the kind of ridiculous statement that the lefties make. And that is why I am smarter than you. Your IQ doesn't match my shoe size. That's your cross to bear. I won't help you carry it. Idiot.

Yes, we all know you're a perfect American specimen. We all also know you're a perfect hypocrite. Your rants and insulting posts are every bit as hysterical as anyone else's. Plus, anyone can lie about their IQ, which also puts you in the overly narcissistic category.
Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.

And you're also a huge liar. I wouldn't believe anything you say.

maybe so, though i doubt it. she certainly gave you some good advice.

you should take it, especially the *thinking* part.

I'm sorry, but it was CG who first made the faux pas that she didn't form her opinions from the media. She should have put brain into gear before fingers to the keyboard and then hit post. Rinata called her out on it, and the usual bitch-fest ensued. The "girls" can dish it out, but they can't take it.
Trouble comprehending the written word?


Rinata is being attacked throughout this whole page. Go back and try again, read more slowly this time.

This page is filled with posts attacking Rinata, and Rinata claiming to have been lied about. Rinata's posts seem to be defensive and everyone else's posts are aggressive, attacking on the offense. This page is an obvious gang up and full fledged attack on one person by a group of bullies. That's what a hate group is all about. Actually, I'm a little surprise at you, Harry. Usually you don't side with the trolling troublemakers.

Like I said, I've read the first and last pages and that's the conclusion one would come to, reading the first and last pages.

Haven't read the rest.....on to the next thread. This one's been resolved and proven, imho.
i dont recall seeing you on that thread were Rinata said what i said she how in the hell would you know if she is right or wrong Queenie?.....

Maybe just a quick look at the contributors. It's always a clue to me how a thread will progress. This one definitely needs to be tossed into the flame zone. Nothing like a juicy subject that DARES to paint cons into a bad spot and out come the usual members of the herd with their crapulent euphemisms, totally derailing the subject.
The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.
If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

you might want to research Morris dees before posting this crap.

"What is the arch-salesman of hate mongering, Mr. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, going to do now? Ever since 1971, U.S. Postal Service mailbags have bulged with his fundraising letters, scaring dollars out of the pockets of trembling liberals aghast at his lurid depictions of hate-sodden America, in dire need of legal confrontation by the SPLC. Nine years ago, Ken Silverstein wrote a devastating commentary on Dees and the SPLC in Harper's, dissecting a typical swatch of Dees' solicitations. At that time, as Silverstein pointed out, the SPLC was "the wealthiest civil rights group in America," with $120 million in assets."

Nine years ago, we didn't have a black president. Nine years ago people were scared to death of Islamic terrorists. Nine years LATER, I don’t know what is more terrifying, Muslim fundamentalists with bombs and or angry conservative white men with guns. And if you think they're not out there en masse, you're dilusional.

So you don't know who is more dangerous eh? All angry white men with guns are conservative......... gotcha.
Rinata said:
Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631

Si loves to neg rep. With every one she takes another giant gulp and a snort, leans back with a smug, the conquering she devil. And for that remark, I expect mine in 10, 9, 8....
Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631
Oh, you're quite welcome.

If I made a bet that you're the type of person who would be gleeful upon hearing about one of our troops being killed in the line of duty because you have petty issues with one of their loved ones, just for example, would I win that bet?

Being fat, stupid, and a fucking evil, petty bitch is no way to go through life.

If a person, any person, was to say something like that... I would consider that person beneath contempt. Possibly worthy of pity..... certain people I guess without the ability to view things proportionally. They are scum. There are a couple on here.

Except that she didn't say it; nobody here has said such things. So much for being a fat, stupid and fucking evil bitch, eh? Look only to the person who said that.
Rinata said:
Thank you so much for quoting me. I feel so important to know that I got so many of you so upset tonight. You all really should not let me know how upset you are. But I'm glad you're not smart enough to figure that out.

And thank you all for the neg reps and all of the attention!!! But you're all still losers!!! Nighty night!!! :lol:

View attachment 9631

Si loves to neg rep. With every one she takes another giant gulp and a snort, leans back with a smug, the conquering she devil. And for that remark, I expect mine in 10, 9, 8....

Stop whining...
you might want to research Morris dees before posting this crap.

"What is the arch-salesman of hate mongering, Mr. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, going to do now? Ever since 1971, U.S. Postal Service mailbags have bulged with his fundraising letters, scaring dollars out of the pockets of trembling liberals aghast at his lurid depictions of hate-sodden America, in dire need of legal confrontation by the SPLC. Nine years ago, Ken Silverstein wrote a devastating commentary on Dees and the SPLC in Harper's, dissecting a typical swatch of Dees' solicitations. At that time, as Silverstein pointed out, the SPLC was "the wealthiest civil rights group in America," with $120 million in assets."

Nine years ago, we didn't have a black president. Nine years ago people were scared to death of Islamic terrorists. Nine years LATER, I don’t know what is more terrifying, Muslim fundamentalists with bombs and or angry conservative white men with guns. And if you think they're not out there en masse, you're dilusional.

So you don't know who is more dangerous eh? All angry white men with guns are conservative......... gotcha.

I don't really think a lot of them have a political identity. They just hate because it's the thing to do. Their bar buddies tell them so; their media heroes tell them anyone who doesn't think like a conservative is evil. But the facts ARE out there (in other venues than the Southern Leadership) that most are right-wing radicals.
But there are no "hate groups' on the left right?

Does this guy qualify as someone who advocates "hate"?

I think he does, since he is calling for "bringing down the United States government.

Here is link to the Brecht Forum, looks a lot like a lefty organization to me.......!v=hEEtScHIC1U

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I offer the opinion that "hate" comes from all sides, it is not the domain of the "right".

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