Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.
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No. We can tell the difference between news and opinion.

But thank you for your concern.
You are citing commentators, not objective news sources.

Just sayin'.

That's cuz they're not very bright.

You're hardly an expert on what's "bright".

The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.
If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

you might want to research Morris dees before posting this crap.

"What is the arch-salesman of hate mongering, Mr. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, going to do now? Ever since 1971, U.S. Postal Service mailbags have bulged with his fundraising letters, scaring dollars out of the pockets of trembling liberals aghast at his lurid depictions of hate-sodden America, in dire need of legal confrontation by the SPLC. Nine years ago, Ken Silverstein wrote a devastating commentary on Dees and the SPLC in Harper's, dissecting a typical swatch of Dees' solicitations. At that time, as Silverstein pointed out, the SPLC was "the wealthiest civil rights group in America," with $120 million in assets."
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The SPLC's latest "Year in Hate" report claims that in 2008 the number of hate groups rose to 926, up 4 percent from 2007, and 54 percent since 2000. The SPLC doesn't measure the number of members in the groups, meaning they probably missed me. Change that total to 927. I'm a hate group, meaning in Dees-speak, "one with beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people," starting with Dick Cheney. I love to dream of him being waterboarded, subjected to loops of Schonberg played at top volume, locked up naked in a meat locker. But the nation's haters are mostly like me, enjoying their (increasingly circumscribed) constitutionally guaranteed right to hate, solitary, disorganized, prone to sickening relapses into love, or at least the sort of amiable tolerance for All Mankind experienced when looking at photos of Carla Bruni and Princess Letizia of Spain kissing."

King of the Hate Business by Alexander Cockburn on - A Syndicate Of Talent
You are citing commentators, not objective news sources.

Just sayin'.

That's cuz they're not very bright.

You're hardly an expert on what's "bright".

But, ya know what, I don't assume that because someone occasionally watches Fox that that is their only source of news. Particularly, I don't confuse a commentator with a news broadcast, and I never tell anyone to shut up, nor do I think that an American who lives outside the country should take no interest in the politics of her country. Nor do I make the kind of hysterical rantings that Rinata does. That is the kind of ridiculous statement that the lefties make. And that is why I am smarter than you. Your IQ doesn't match my shoe size. That's your cross to bear. I won't help you carry it. Idiot.
I know that you are an ignorant baghead that just makes things up, but stop lying about me, you jerk. I never said any of those things and you know it. You just made it up in your head. You're a liar. Straight up.

oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a fucking dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You fucking people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined fucking IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, fucking stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.

OK, better.:tongue:

The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.

If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

great news !!!!
You grow up, bitch. If you want to sit on your fat ass and just accept violence, then go right ahead. I DON"T have to live with it. I can protest it with every breath and I intend to.

Now I'm done. There is no reaching you. You think you know it all and you are so pathetically stupid. And you need to stop telling me that I should not believe the media. I believe what makes sense and I believe the facts. You are the one that believes whatever you are told, like the dumb cow you are.

oh fuck....are you going to start crying again?.....calm down ....take a deep breath.....Cali doesnt think she knows it all.....she did not mean the crack about the fat ass....well maybe she did....but that is irrelevant anyway....your way to thin skinned....christ look at Dean....i know its tough,but look at him....this guy gets called all kinds of shit....and yet Deano stays calm and fires back.....what he says is usually bullshit....but he does not cry....get it together Rinata....

Now she needs ANOTHER person to defend her??? It seems that she is the cry baby here. That is pathetic!!! She could at least find people with a brain to defend her!!!
stop your fucking whining....geezus........and many thought Jake did a lot of Whining....the good thing is....we dont have to actually hear her.....
Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.

And you're also a huge liar. I wouldn't believe anything you say.
I know that you are an ignorant baghead that just makes things up, but stop lying about me, you jerk. I never said any of those things and you know it. You just made it up in your head. You're a liar. Straight up.

oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.
Damn, the drooling koolaiders are a dumb bunch. I mention Fox - because I can get US Fox New here and every fucking idiot liberal assumes that's where I get all my news. You people - and I mean specifically the likes of rdean and rinata - really need to learn to read, comprehend, THINK, then post. Cuz right now, the your combined IQ is about equal to my shoe size.

Just because you two are, clearly, stupid.... I watch a lot of US/UK/European and Global news. Unlike you.

And you're also a huge liar. I wouldn't believe anything you say.

maybe so, though i doubt it. she certainly gave you some good advice.

you should take it, especially the *thinking* part.
I know that you are an ignorant baghead that just makes things up, but stop lying about me, you jerk. I never said any of those things and you know it. You just made it up in your head. You're a liar. Straight up.

oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.

yea you get the best of everybody so good that you do nothing but cry and whine about how you are hoo poor me....they have always treated me like shit....waaa its not fair....the F-bomb is always thrown at me....waaaaaa.....Cali Girl and Si treat me like shit....Waaaaaaaa.....Meister and his "Nimrod" friends always say Fuck....Waaaaaaaa......your nothing but a FUCKING must be so emotionally unstable that you must go to therapy......who is your Doc?....Dr. Vinnie Boom Ba....
I know that you are an ignorant baghead that just makes things up, but stop lying about me, you jerk. I never said any of those things and you know it. You just made it up in your head. You're a liar. Straight up.

oh you did not...interesting.....there was a thread about California a month or so ago were the legislature was being Rinata jump in with your first post,not even slightly agreeing with the posters about the Legislature, but then says....." well we have a Republican Gov.,its all Arnolds fault"....its funny how you can forget that since it was the day you were introduced to Meister and Me and Meisters Nimrod friends.....anyone here who has had a run in with you before Rinata knows that you are a Damned liar who seems to forget an awful lot of confrontations.....thats the second one with me....and i am willing to bet a month from now you will be mysteriously saying you dont remember this thread either.....your not only a big crybaby....your a damned liar Rinata.....oh and let me not forget to say your favorite word....GO FUCK YOURSELF....

I'm sorry that I get the best of you so much that you have to make things up to try and get back at me. You know that I never said the things you accuse me of. You're nuts. And jealous.

Now I am not doing this back and forth with you and the cow. You both bore me. Talk to each other.

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