Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

I can't help but note that you've been reattached at the hip to your pal Si modo. Congratulations, you now both speak the same language.
Awww. Is the Magsters upset that she isn't friends with us?

Hey CG, how's the weather in the UK? I can't feel it here in DC through our hips.

We need bigger hips! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Skinny bitches that we are. :lol::lol:

Weather was actually really nice today. Went riding for a couple of hours, that bitch of a horse of mine bit me - again. She must be a liberal! :lol::lol:
My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

I know you don't. You prefer to channel your BFF sociopaths.
It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

I know you don't. You prefer to channel your BFF sociopaths.

What an intellectually challenged comeback.
I can't help but note that you've been reattached at the hip to your pal Si modo. Congratulations, you now both speak the same language.
Awww. Is the Magsters upset that she isn't friends with us?

Hey CG, how's the weather in the UK? I can't feel it here in DC through our hips.

We need bigger hips! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Skinny bitches that we are. :lol::lol:

Weather was actually really nice today. Went riding for a couple of hours, that bitch of a horse of mine bit me - again. She must be a liberal! :lol::lol:
She's a fucking Arab. What do you expect? :lol:
Awww. Is the Magsters upset that she isn't friends with us?

Hey CG, how's the weather in the UK? I can't feel it here in DC through our hips.

We need bigger hips! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Skinny bitches that we are. :lol::lol:

Weather was actually really nice today. Went riding for a couple of hours, that bitch of a horse of mine bit me - again. She must be a liberal! :lol::lol:
She's a fucking Arab. What do you expect? :lol:

Yep, I think she's a suicide bomber. I should send her ass to Gitmo. If I bite her back, would that be a hate crime?
My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

How do you form you opinions?
We need bigger hips! :lol::lol::lol::lol: Skinny bitches that we are. :lol::lol:

Weather was actually really nice today. Went riding for a couple of hours, that bitch of a horse of mine bit me - again. She must be a liberal! :lol::lol:
She's a fucking Arab. What do you expect? :lol:

Yep, I think she's a suicide bomber. I should send her ass to Gitmo. If I bite her back, would that be a hate crime?
Sorry, you'll have to ask a lib. I don't like the idea of thought crimes.

But seriously, make sure you are up on tetanus if she's a nipper.
My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

Form opinion? When did you start doing that? We know your "opinions" are handed to you fully formed and fleshed out by the "Freshly Birthed Confederate Republican Party of Teabags".
It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

Form opinion? When did you start doing that? We know your "opinions" are handed to you fully formed and fleshed out by the "Freshly Birthed Confederate Republican Party of Teabags".
:lol: Thanks for the chuckle, rdean. Coming from you it's priceless.
It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

Form opinion? When did you start doing that? We know your "opinions" are handed to you fully formed and fleshed out by the "Freshly Birthed Confederate Republican Party of Teabags".

Are those two words alien to you? 'Form Opinion', as opposed to 'given it by the liberal media'..... Fool. You're just a ranter... and not a very good one.
It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

How do you form you opinions?

I think. All by myself. I get information from both left and right - I try to source that information back to original sources, not media - because the media spin stuff - even when they don't really mean to. Generally, I don't take any media report as fact until I can prove it. You only need to study the media for a short time to understand that.

Edit: Holy Shit! I just tried giving a reasoned response to a nutter. Oops.
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Really??? You copy any post where I dropped an F bomb on anybody. Go ahead. I dare you. Because you won't find it. So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, so name calling has to have the f bomb, huh? Okay, I see the goal post has just been moved back, rinata.

Don't play dumb!!! Even though I know you can't help it. I have had this conversation with you and your nimrod pals a million times about dropping F bombs all over the place. So you know damn well what I mean, you twit!!!

:lol:.....Elphaba Thropp fucking told you Meister...:lol:....your fucking NIMROD friend Harry....
What the right does on this board isn't "world view". It's slander and dangerous rhetoric. Many times I ask, "You don't really believe that, seriously" and they always say "yes". No matter how far out and crazy, it's always "yes".

Death Panels

All the terrible things they say, they believe. They are loons and have sick, diseased minds.

And some of the things they come up with is so incredibly retarded. One person went on about, "I hate Obama because he's arrogant. He twitches his eye and turns his head a certain way and that makes me disgusted with him".

Then there's the rants about "educated" people being liberal. When I point out that only 6% of scientists are Republican, the Republicans are "proud" of that fact. What that means is that Republicans have to depend on Democrats.

One post written by a Republican made me believe that they might not have known the connection between rain, snow and the ocean. In fact, they gave the impression that "evaporation and condensation" were "wild, crazy scientific theories".

Dean if you think because some "Republican" believes what he said is the "World View"....and so automatically you believe that ALL Republicans also believe that....then you have just as much of a problem as he does....

oh and have some pretty slanderous and dangerous rhetoric before you use the Brother P-Touch and start labeling.... save a few strips for yourself.....
its aparent to me you cant spell worth shit....and we are not deaf!!....
Can't has an apostrophe. Since you're going to be the grammar police.

And its should have an apostrophe (it's) and aparent has 2 p's (apparent). The a is missing between worth and shit (worth a shit).

Gee, Harry is pretty ignorant, isn't he???

and this coming from someone so stupid that she supports the Ca. Legislature and the fine job they are doing and blames it all on Arnold....and will vote for the same bastards in the next election....i might not be a great speller....but if there is any ignorance on display here.... its you Rinata...and i did not even say Fuck.....
You grow up, bitch. If you want to sit on your fat ass and just accept violence, then go right ahead. I DON"T have to live with it. I can protest it with every breath and I intend to.

Now I'm done. There is no reaching you. You think you know it all and you are so pathetically stupid. And you need to stop telling me that I should not believe the media. I believe what makes sense and I believe the facts. You are the one that believes whatever you are told, like the dumb cow you are.

oh fuck....are you going to start crying again?.....calm down ....take a deep breath.....Cali doesnt think she knows it all.....she did not mean the crack about the fat ass....well maybe she did....but that is irrelevant anyway....your way to thin skinned....christ look at Dean....i know its tough,but look at him....this guy gets called all kinds of shit....and yet Deano stays calm and fires back.....what he says is usually bullshit....but he does not cry....get it together Rinata....
Form opinion? When did you start doing that? We know your "opinions" are handed to you fully formed and fleshed out by the "Freshly Birthed Confederate Republican Party of Teabags".

so what Dean....yours are fully formed and firmly given to you by Nancy Pelosi....right in your keester to be distributed with all the shit that you can add to it....and you add a hell of a lot of shit....
Really??? You copy any post where I dropped an F bomb on anybody. Go ahead. I dare you. Because you won't find it. So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, so name calling has to have the f bomb, huh? Okay, I see the goal post has just been moved back, rinata.

Don't play dumb!!! Even though I know you can't help it. I have had this conversation with you and your nimrod pals a million times about dropping F bombs all over the place. So you know damn well what I mean, you twit!!!

Your an ignorant twit, rinata. You need to learn to communicate what you really are talking about. You DID say name calling, you did not even mention the f-bomb at all. How could anyone interpret anything more than your own words?
Then have the nerve to tell me that I know what you meant? Sheesh, talk about nerve.
Next time try not to blame others for your shortcomings, deal with them yourself, Okay?

Just a side note, rinata.....Please show me, and every other poster where I have ever used the f-bomb with you? I haven't, and I expect you to be a big enough person to apologize for lying like that.
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Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

How do you form you opinions?

I think. All by myself. I get information from both left and right - I try to source that information back to original sources, not media - because the media spin stuff - even when they don't really mean to. Generally, I don't take any media report as fact until I can prove it. You only need to study the media for a short time to understand that.

Edit: Holy Shit! I just tried giving a reasoned response to a nutter. Oops.

Nutter or not, I appreciate the response. That said, your comment about "original sources" is interesting. I suspect you do not watch Rachell Maddow, but anyone who watches Rachell and, for example Sean Hannity and/or Glen Beck, or listens to Rush Limbaugh must agree that Rachell provides original source material before she engages in commentary; that is not true with those on the right.
To be perfectly clear, Rachell provides direct quotes right from the mouth of those on the right, and, invites them (for example, Liz Cheney) to appear live on her show to debate issues. Few appear to debate her.
Thinking people, and I assume this includes you CG (at least by your own definition) must wonder why Liz Cheney spends hours on TV and on stage at events in support of the GOP, Tea Party types, etc, but never places herself in harms way with those who may ask hard questions.

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