Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Talk about rhetoric.

Have you any facts to back that crap up?

I know you haven't. But I'll just put that out there so you can flounder. Again.

Are you talking about this:

One post written by a Republican made me believe that they might not have known the connection between rain, snow and the ocean. In fact, they gave the impression that "evaporation and condensation" were "wild, crazy scientific theories".

Or about only 6% of scientists being Republican? Because I have posted that link to PEW research from their Jul 09 study dozens of times.

You know what would be funny? If some of those scientists retired and now only 5 or 4% of scientists admit to being Republican. Wouldn't that be a hoot? Keep working at it and it could "zero" real soon.

All you have to do is read the posts to know:
Death Panels
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.
Are these Republicans?

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee officials said they had to use pepper spray Thursday to help break up a rally at the campus after some protesters became violent while trying to enter the building that contains the chancellor’s office.

Pepper spray used to break up UWM protest - JSOnline

BERKELEY, Calif. — Students carried out raucous rallies on college campuses nationwide Thursday in protests against deep education cuts that turned violent as demonstrators threw punches and ice chunks in Wisconsin and blocked university gates and smashed car windows in California.
In Northern California, rowdy protesters blocked major gates at two universities and smashed the windows of a car.

Protesters at the University of California, Santa Cruz surrounded the car while its uninjured driver was inside. Earlier, demonstrators blocked campus gates.

University provost David Kliger said there were reports of protesters carrying clubs and knives, but Santa Cruz police Capt. Steve Clark could not confirm those reports.

The Associated Press: Rowdy protester target funding cuts at US campuses

Oh and for the grammar police:

Then you are hearing something from Beck that isn't there. There are meds to help with auditory hallucinations.

You are the ones that need meds, not I.
That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.
i just love the smell of political antagonism in the morning, it reminds me of all that change we've been promised.....
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You are the ones that need meds, not I.
That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

Comments like this are ri-f'ing-diculous.

The right to free speech, EVEN IF Obama wanted to curtail it which he doesnt (and you haven't proven he does) is so entrenched in American society that it will never be taken away.

Consider your post worthless and your partisan rhetoric exposed. Totally douchey comment.
Then you are hearing something from Beck that isn't there. There are meds to help with auditory hallucinations.

You are the ones that need meds, not I.
That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

If that's what you think, then you have no comprehension skills at all. I'm not doing this back and forth with you. It bores me.
And its should have an apostrophe (it's) and aparent has 2 p's (apparent). The a is missing between worth and shit (worth a shit).

Gee, Harry is pretty ignorant, isn't he???
There is not much else to your arguments.

How would you know??? You certainly do not listen with any objectivity.
Just because you hear things that aren't there does not mean I am wrong. There is no argument when arguing something you imagine.
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Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

If I did, I'd kill your sorry ass off in the first episode.

You grow up, bitch. If you want to sit on your fat ass and just accept violence, then go right ahead. I DON"T have to live with it. I can protest it with every breath and I intend to.

Now I'm done. There is no reaching you. You think you know it all and you are so pathetically stupid. And you need to stop telling me that I should not believe the media. I believe what makes sense and I believe the facts. You are the one that believes whatever you are told, like the dumb cow you are.
I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

If I did, I'd kill your sorry ass off in the first episode.

You grow up, bitch. If you want to sit on your fat ass and just accept violence, then go right ahead. I DON"T have to live with it. I can protest it with every breath and I intend to.

Now I'm done. There is no reaching you. You think you know it all and you are so pathetically stupid. And you need to stop telling me that I should not believe the media. I believe what makes sense and I believe the facts. You are the one that believes whatever you are told, like the dumb cow you are.

You're an overly emotional scare monger. You get fed shit by a government intent on removing freedom of speech and droolers like you fall for it. You're dumber than dirt. Unlike you, I don't obsess over the free expression of other people. I am happy for right wingers to voice their opinions as I am for left wingers to do likewise. I am not afraid of words. I am afraid only when people seek to panic others into falling for shit.

You come across like an overly hysterical female. Just look at what you - the supposedly peace loving, tolerant, leftie wrote... You'd kill me off. Charming. Because, even in a soap opera, I wouldn't do likewise. That makes me a more peace loving, more tolerant, and better person than you. Idiot.
I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

If I did, I'd kill your sorry ass off in the first episode.

You grow up, bitch. If you want to sit on your fat ass and just accept violence, then go right ahead. I DON"T have to live with it. I can protest it with every breath and I intend to.

Now I'm done. There is no reaching you. You think you know it all and you are so pathetically stupid. And you need to stop telling me that I should not believe the media. I believe what makes sense and I believe the facts. You are the one that believes whatever you are told, like the dumb cow you are.
Your 19th nervous breakdown?
Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

I can't help but note that you've been reattached at the hip to your pal Si modo. Congratulations, you now both speak the same language.
That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

Comments like this are ri-f'ing-diculous.

The right to free speech, EVEN IF Obama wanted to curtail it which he doesnt (and you haven't proven he does) is so entrenched in American society that it will never be taken away.

Consider your post worthless and your partisan rhetoric exposed. Totally douchey comment.

Really? Who was his appointment to the FCC? And what does that person believe about how the US media should be run?
You are the ones that need meds, not I.
That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check
I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

I can't help but note that you've been reattached at the hip to your pal Si modo. Congratulations, you now both speak the same language.

Thank you. I am honored. Si's one fine poster.
I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: "Our truce is over." :lol::lol::lol::lol: How very dramatic. Do you write soap operas?

You need to calm down and stop believing the crap you get fed from the media. Individual people are, occasionally, violent - whether they are right wing or left. Live with it. People do stupid stuff.

You are one stupid, fat assed, bitch. Grow up.

I can't help but note that you've been reattached at the hip to your pal Si modo. Congratulations, you now both speak the same language.
Awww. Is the Magsters upset that she isn't friends with us?

Hey CG, how's the weather in the UK? I can't feel it here in DC through our hips.
That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

That's irrelevant to the fact that you are 'hearing about violence' (in the sense of promoting it as that is what you brought up) from Beck when there is none there.

My theory is that the left wing media stir this up to get the left all ready for a clampdown on freedom of speech. The justification will be all this 'hate speech' on the right wing airwaves. One only needs to read what Mark Lloyd's written to know that he is enthusiastic on a state take over of media.

I find it sad, yet very predictable, that the drooling koolaiders are too stupid to see that they are being played like a fiddle. When the clampdown comes, they'll all be thrilled by losing our freedom of speech. Sheep.

It would be one thing if there were sparodic incidents, but there is clearly a full-throttle effort by several groups intent on subversive activity. If you don't find that a little disconcerting, then you're nuts.

Oathkeepers and Three percenters - groups that need to be put in check

Unlike you, I do not form my opinions based on the media. That you do speaks volumes about you.

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