Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Always remember who these leftists/progressives/liberals... whatever, are. They are ELITISTS. They view thrree classes of people:

And then there is the enlightened elite... THEM. Those who are smarter than the wolves and the sheep and therefore they protect the sheep from the wolves. This is Obama. He know better than you.. he is smarter than you... he is OBAMA.
:lol: oh boy. Everyone has their theories, I suppose. Does it strike you as elitist to self-appoint yourself to label everyone and anyone who disagrees with your political ideaology? Or, naw? J/w.
Someone started talking about our "success" in Iraq and it just set me off because it's been such a disaster.

Dean....the conversation can be about the sex life of a flea .....and somehow you will bring something into the conversation about Republicans....your obsessed with them....
Always remember who these leftists/progressives/liberals... whatever, are. They are ELITISTS. They view thrree classes of people:

And then there is the enlightened elite... THEM. Those who are smarter than the wolves and the sheep and therefore they protect the sheep from the wolves. This is Obama. He know better than you.. he is smarter than you... he is OBAMA.

that sounds more like our Queen....Pelosi....just sayin.....
Someone started talking about our "success" in Iraq and it just set me off because it's been such a disaster.

Dean....the conversation can be about the sex life of a flea .....and somehow you will bring something into the conversation about Republicans....your obsessed with them....
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
Always remember who these leftists/progressives/liberals... whatever, are. They are ELITISTS. They view thrree classes of people:

And then there is the enlightened elite... THEM. Those who are smarter than the wolves and the sheep and therefore they protect the sheep from the wolves. This is Obama. He know better than you.. he is smarter than you... he is OBAMA.
:lol: oh boy. Everyone has their theories, I suppose. Does it strike you as elitist to self-appoint yourself to label everyone and anyone who disagrees with your political ideaology? Or, naw? J/w.

that sounds like Rdean....just sayin....
Always remember who these leftists/progressives/liberals... whatever, are. They are ELITISTS. They view thrree classes of people:

And then there is the enlightened elite... THEM. Those who are smarter than the wolves and the sheep and therefore they protect the sheep from the wolves. This is Obama. He know better than you.. he is smarter than you... he is OBAMA.
:lol: oh boy. Everyone has their theories, I suppose. Does it strike you as elitist to self-appoint yourself to label everyone and anyone who disagrees with your political ideaology? Or, naw? J/w.

that sounds like Rdean....just sayin....

Yea, ok, but I mean come on, you're in here present time doing the same thing from the opposite spectrum, lol. Be real. Queen Pelosi.

I think in your head, what you say is "Fact," so you're allowed to do these things without retort like you give to RDean. And that's ok, just a bit hypocritical is all. But we're all hypocrits.

You all sound so violent and deranged. What local chapter do you guys belong to?
Normal folks hate terrorist pigs and pieces of shit, especially when those terrorist pigs and pieces of shit hate the USA. You must like them.

Hold on Si modo, RDONE may love Leftist terrorist pigs and pieces of shit but he draws the line with anyone right of him, he hates all of us. Us and any innocent child that a woman wants to kill for her convenience, loves the woman, hates the child......... typical liberal dimwit. I'm sure he celebrates the killing of 40 million kids since Roe vers. Wade.
Easy to do with a loose analogy, my bad Citizen. The issue is hate groups. I have no gauge for that, nor do i know of one, but i'd wager this country is polarized at this point in time to almost rival the civil war.

What they're pissed about is really irrelavant , the fact that there is such levels of discontent is. When we even have the 'my country, right or wrong' conservative contingent subscribing to these groups, when the centrists are all falling off the fence, when sucessionism is on the rise, we have a problem in that there is a divide bettween the governance and the people they can't bridge.

Now take this a step further, and do so with a sense of history , and we find that this sets the perfect stage to give voice to ideaologues of the Che Geuveras, Hitlers, Chavezs caliber who would normally be dismissed as moonbats.

Granted, those examples are extreeme, but that we did just endure an election based on rainbows of hope appearing above the WH, and unicorns of change dancing in the rose garden serves as a subtle example of the power of persuasive sound byte / bumper sticker mentality here.

That it could end badly, with sorts of ill intent taking America down roads it would normally not entertain, is not out of the question to me


A year ago I'd have said this was crazy. I definitely don't feel this way any more.

A lot of what is happening now reminds me of when Clinton was in office and the more...radicalized... elements of the Right started forming militias and talking about black helicopters. That ended in violence that took people's lives at Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City. I'm actually concerned that will happen again.

I don't know/can't say if its more likely for the Radical Right to go crazy when a "D" is in office.... after all the Nixon Watergate era had its share of leftist loons out commiting bombings and other acts. Its just recently the really radicalized right seems ready to go off the deep end pretty quick when they see Democrats actually win elections.

Toss in the white power groups who aren't motivated by politics, just by race, and I'm afraid that this could all end very badly.

The moderate silent majority has kept us at peace in our borders for a long time. However, if this era of radicalization continues, we could be in real trouble.
Always remember who these leftists/progressives/liberals... whatever, are. They are ELITISTS. They view thrree classes of people:

And then there is the enlightened elite... THEM. Those who are smarter than the wolves and the sheep and therefore they protect the sheep from the wolves. This is Obama. He know better than you.. he is smarter than you... he is OBAMA.
:lol: oh boy. Everyone has their theories, I suppose. Does it strike you as elitist to self-appoint yourself to label everyone and anyone who disagrees with your political ideaology? Or, naw? J/w.

that sounds like Rdean....just sayin....

Hey, I just print facts and add links. Don't get mad at the messenger.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is going to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.
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Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is ghoing to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

Like who?
As far as I can see, anyone on the right is fair game for your name calling. Just an observation....
Lol...the right wing are DANGEROUS! Oooooh! I'm getting shivers.

Someone likely will get hurt if the minority lefties insist on forcing their ideology on us...

But for now, generally the ones doing the hurting are the nutbars on the left:

"Students carried out raucous rallies on college campuses nationwide Thursday in protests against deep education cuts that turned violent as demonstrators threw punches and ice chunks in Wisconsin and blocked university gates and smashed car windows in California."
Rowdy protester target funding cuts at US campuses - Yahoo! News

"The first spark of violence connected to the Tea Party movement came in St. Louis Aug. 6 when a Tea Party protester named Ken Gladney was injured after a confrontation with Service Employees International Union protesters."
Violence at Tea Party rally: bare-knuckle politics in the streets / The Christian Science Monitor -

And since I know you'll howl because it's CSM,

"...a man handing out flags at a health care town hall meeting was assaulted by union thugs from Service Employees International Union SEIU."

Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is ghoing to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

Like who?
As far as I can see, anyone on the right is fair game for your name calling. Just an observation....

Really??? You copy any post where I dropped an F bomb on anybody. Go ahead. I dare you. Because you won't find it. So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.
I didn't say that we need to silence anyone, you bitch. But I'm sick of hearing about violence from the right wing. They need to change their behavior so that they don't attract every right wing nut out there. Somebody is ghoing to get hurt and you are the idiot here for not recognizing it.

I don't know what your problem is and I don't really care. But do not say that you know what I believe, because you don't, okay?? You just want somebody to yell at because you're a damn bitch. Our truce is over. There is no hope for you.

Other people are entitled to their opinion without being cussed at and called names.

Like who?
As far as I can see, anyone on the right is fair game for your name calling. Just an observation....

Really??? You copy any post where I dropped an F bomb on anybody. Go ahead. I dare you. Because you won't find it. So shutup because you don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, so name calling has to have the f bomb, huh? Okay, I see the goal post has just been moved back, rinata.
More of that much feared violence that's imminent thanks to the big bad tea partiers:

"She is arrested after being told repeatedly to leave. When she finally does leave, she stops again and tries to take another picture of the police officer standing over Elston McCowan. The officer has had enough and runs over to put cuffs on her, and she refuses to do so. She struggles, fights back, and keeps saying she's not under arrest. When she refuses to comply, they threaten to spray her, and then spray her. Note they don't spray Brian Matthews, or Elston McCowan, who is sitting on the curb. They arrest and pepper spray a combative and unruly person who won't comply with lawful orders to move away. I guess we can put to rest the idea that she was a random person coming down to the aging conference to see what it was all about, as she claims in the Post Dispatch interview. We can laugh at her statements that the Tea Partiers scared her off, seeing as she is the one trying to be intimidating by snapping pictures of citizens speaking their mind.
And I guess we know this isn't a little old lady being manhandled by police, but instead a leftwing activist involved with the Carnahan campaign and Organizing for America (yes, she organized events for the Obama campaign) who spent the day causing problems, getting increasingly erratic and abusive, and eventually was arrested. Which brings the total to four of six, the people who were involved in Democratic politics who were arrested that night. That leaves one person unidentified who is on video hitting a tea party videographer and one being a reporter, Jake Wagman, who came in at the end after Javonne had upped the tension level, while SEIU staff accused of assault were still being arrested."
Arrest Video Of Carnahan Crew Members Brian Matthews And Javonne Spitz - 24thState

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