Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

If Barry was a real American with balls, he would have kicked that shit ass ayers in front of all his friends. Shit, he should have kicked that shit head's wife's ass too.

I know if I ever have the chance to meet that ass wipe, I'll do my best to break his nose.
He is a terrorist pig and a piece of shit, as is his wife.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.

If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

yes Indeed the dreaded terrorist is everywhere..from the IslamOfascist to the closer to home rightwing domestOfascist..and as we had to act decisively an preemptively with the IslamOfascist so we must with the domestOfascist
if we don't want the next rightwing smoking gun to be....a mushroom cloud
dissent must not be tolerated..for god sakes..think about the children...
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The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.

If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

a Republican group in California?.....someones pulling your leg Dean.....

The Govenor of California is Republican.
he is?.....someone is pulling your leg Dean......
I'm sure the Republicans insisting the President is NOT a citizen, pals around with terrorists, wants to teach sex to preschoolers, is a "Socialist/Marxist/Fascist", is sympathetic with terrorists, wants to release terrorists inside the United States, hates America and wants to declare martial law has absolutely NOTHING to do with the rise of right wing hate groups. Zero connection. They are just totally unrelated. How could anyone possibly think there could be even the smallest connection????:disbelief:

yea or like someone thinking Arnold is a Republican.....i getcha Dean....
so we've aquired all these groups that apparently are partisans in America. They were all lefty's during the Bush administration, now they're all righties in the Obama administration

I guess we could go back even further , if we wished to, and sort out group by group which was zooming for what party to be ousted here

I would think by now though, it would all be seen as an exercise in futility, and that partisanship groups miss the point that our problems are not right and left, so much as they are up & down

By up & down here, i mean $$$$ is running America, American politics, American polices both foriegn and domestic, much to our back seat existence of it all

Or does the fact that the majority of our Congress become millionaires through lobbyists here not factor in? Christ on a cracker, the Supreemes just ruled that corporatism has the riens $$$$ wise, displacing the voter contingent to a secondary concern here.

Thus, an effective governance for those who have $$$$, and an ineffective governance for those who do not

: This message was brought to you by the Rdean Message-Board Posting Foundation, devoted to the principle of repeating the same message, over-and-over, until you believe it, or die of boredome.

It would be better if you said something like, "The part where you are wrong is...." and then quoted a part. Only you can't. That's why you didn't.

it doesnt matter Dean....until Nancy says are going to say your right and everyone else is wrong....your a good little Friday Nan is going to present you with your blue merit badge.....she might even remember your name...
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

maybe you should ask your Congressgritters and Government to shut down people like Beck and Bachman. hell even go for Rush, Palin, the Tea Party, and all else who you all feel is a "threat" wouldn't that be the way to go.

I told you I will never respond to your questions again, Steph. You never read my responses. I just get back a smartass reply because you're ignorant. So get lost.

LOL, I didn't ask you a question, it was a SUGGESTION.:lol:
I wouldn't say "republicans" are doing it.

I would contend that it is the more conservative element of society

certainly people like limbaugh (both of them), coulter, savage, etc
who use a rather typical facist formula;

rail about how (what ever nation you are in) is being destroyed
whine about morals and values
declare someone (liberals, democrats) to be the root of the problem
blame ALL ills on the enemies (liberals, democrats)
state that the ONLY WAY to SAVE OUR NATION is to wage war on "our enemies"
justify violence against "the enemy within"

and voila!

hate groups


conservatives USE TO BE republicans until they realized that republicans didn't hate liberals and democrats as much as conservatives do.

that's when they started distancing themselves from republicans, saying things like
"I'm NOT republican...I'm CONSERVATIVE"

hate groups and right wing militia groups are a product of conservative hatred

no doubt many repubs are hatefilled conservatives

I imagine most of them are not.

well what you just posted is not what Dean thinks......your not Deans friend anymore....sorry....

From your own link..
"There are other connections between Obama and Ayers: The same year the two men met through the Annenberg Challenge, Ayers hosted a meet-and-greet coffee for Obama, who was running for state Senate and who lived three blocks away from him. Obama and Ayers also were on the board of an antipoverty charity, the Woods Fund of Chicago, where their service overlapped from 2000 to 2002. And Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's campaign for the Illinois state Senate on March 2, 2001."

So.. why did Ayers host the party rdean?

Check it out:

-------------------- Barack Obama and Bill Ayers

"In fact, Ayers said he didn't even know Obama when he hosted a coffee early in Obama's political career at Ayers' home in the Chicago Neighborhood where the two live. Ayers added that he agreed to have the meet-the-candidate event after a state senator asked him to.

"I think he was probably in 20 homes that day as far as I know," he said. "But that was the first time I really met him".


Yea, sounds like a big fucking plot, you morons.


What is wrong with you people? You're worse than those people who think Bush blew up the WTC.

You want to believe something bad about him so much, that you'll believe anything. What a bunch of kids.

So we should take the terrorist's word as gospel? :lol:
Anyone notice, we never seem to hear from SPLC during a Republican administration and about ALL those lefty hate groups that could be dangerous. Did we ever hear that the anti-war protesters could be Dangerous.

they came out with this same crap during the Clinton term.
yet, the phenomenon goes way back Steph....

So we should take the terrorist's word as gospel?

interesting term there Vel

are terrorists defined as sorts with C4 strapped to themselves? or having a collection of Kbar box cutters?

or would it possibly be defined as something that affects the American people as a whole in any other way?

Inquiring minds want to know........~S~
You mean hate groups like these?

[ame=]YouTube - GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama[/ame]
Anyone notice, we never seem to hear from SPLC during a Republican administration and about ALL those lefty hate groups that could be dangerous. Did we ever hear that the anti-war protesters could be Dangerous.

they came out with this same crap during the Clinton term.

1. militia (hate?) groups are almost ALL conservative-base, pro-republican and ANTI-democrat

2. r. w. militia groups tend to grow when a dem is president and then shrink when a repub is president

3. i don't know what planet you've been on but all during both bush presidencies (big george and little george) conservative spinmeisters were constantly railing against left wing organizations. (Ever heard of ACORN?)

4. left wing organizations tend to be fewer and smaller than the militia groups.
As noted EVERY state has at least 1, and in many cases more than 1, R.W. conservative militia group. Where-as left wing groups were sparse and nary to be seen, except of course in the minds of conservatives who thought every liberal in America was reallly a leftist loon.
People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with.

Ya know who are really scary and dangerous?

People like you who believe every fucking idiotic rant out there and seek to justify silencing those who disagree with you. Shame on you, and shame on every fucking loser who wants to shut other people up.

Fucking idiots.

People that use the word "fucking" more than twice per post are the ones we really need to watch.


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