Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

If Barry was a real American with balls, he would have kicked that shit ass ayers in front of all his friends. Shit, he should have kicked that shit head's wife's ass too.

I know if I ever have the chance to meet that ass wipe, I'll do my best to break his nose.
He is a terrorist pig and a piece of shit, as is his wife.


You all sound so violent and deranged. What local chapter do you guys belong to?
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I just wanted to make sure Conservatives and Republicans understand how much Iraqi's appreciate what we have done for them. Republicans sent Young Americans to Iraq to EARN this type of appreciation from the Iraqi people. Republicans believe it was totally worth it. They believe that Iraqis are now our friends. Look at the messages they send us. Makes you feel all warm and "tingly".



Iraq Shoe Monument to celebrate their national hero throwing shoes at our president.


They love us so much in Iraq for liberating them, they have "American Appreciation" Rallies.



Well, at least they gave us the last laugh, or did they?
yeah...uh...damn! I guess hate just popped up in society in the last couple of years...I wonder what they called it when libs were hanging epitaphs of Sarah Palin from the roof or burning epitaphs of Bush in the streets since 2001. I guess if you can hang Sarah Palin in epitaph and laugh at her down syndrome kid, you're just CHOCK FULL OF LOVE!!!!

twofacedhypocrit says what?
I just wanted to make sure Conservatives and Republicans understand how much Iraqi's appreciate what we have done for them. Republicans sent Young Americans to Iraq to EARN this type of appreciation from the Iraqi people. Republicans believe it was totally worth it. They believe that Iraqis are now our friends. Look at the messages they send us. Makes you feel all warm and "tingly".



Iraq Shoe Monument to celebrate their national hero throwing shoes at our president.


They love us so much in Iraq for liberating them, they have "American Appreciation" Rallies.



Well, at least they gave us the last laugh, or did they?[/QUOTE]

Ok. I have to ask. How the hell did you make the jump to Iraq from the Southern Poverty Law Center? Is it completely impossible for you to post ON TOPIC?
I rest my case about hatred being on the rise in America.

oh yeah.

the real danger is, most of it is anger and angst that can be directed toward the agenda of say, less than ethical powers that be

one might recall a certain opportunist who stepped into power over in Europe via a small ,broken, angry country after WW1

but that couldn't happen here, because Americans have nothing in common with such gutteral aspects of human nature

I rest my case about hatred being on the rise in America.

oh yeah.

the real danger is, most of it is anger and angst that can be directed toward the agenda of say, less than ethical powers that be

one might recall a certain opportunist who stepped into power over in Europe via a small ,broken, angry country after WW1

but that couldn't happen here, because Americans have nothing in common with such gutteral aspects of human nature


Sorry, but you lost me somewhere.
I just wanted to make sure Conservatives and Republicans understand how much Iraqi's appreciate what we have done for them. Republicans sent Young Americans to Iraq to EARN this type of appreciation from the Iraqi people. Republicans believe it was totally worth it. They believe that Iraqis are now our friends. Look at the messages they send us. Makes you feel all warm and "tingly".



Iraq Shoe Monument to celebrate their national hero throwing shoes at our president.


They love us so much in Iraq for liberating them, they have "American Appreciation" Rallies.



Well, at least they gave us the last laugh, or did they?

Ok. I have to ask. How the hell did you make the jump to Iraq from the Southern Poverty Law Center? Is it completely impossible for you to post ON TOPIC?[/QUOTE]

Someone started talking about our "success" in Iraq and it just set me off because it's been such a disaster.
I rest my case about hatred being on the rise in America.

oh yeah.

the real danger is, most of it is anger and angst that can be directed toward the agenda of say, less than ethical powers that be

one might recall a certain opportunist who stepped into power over in Europe via a small ,broken, angry country after WW1

but that couldn't happen here, because Americans have nothing in common with such gutteral aspects of human nature


Sorry, but you lost me somewhere.

Easy to do with a loose analogy, my bad Citizen. The issue is hate groups. I have no gauge for that, nor do i know of one, but i'd wager this country is polarized at this point in time to almost rival the civil war.

What they're pissed about is really irrelavant , the fact that there is such levels of discontent is. When we even have the 'my country, right or wrong' conservative contingent subscribing to these groups, when the centrists are all falling off the fence, when sucessionism is on the rise, we have a problem in that there is a divide bettween the governance and the people they can't bridge.

Now take this a step further, and do so with a sense of history , and we find that this sets the perfect stage to give voice to ideaologues of the Che Geuveras, Hitlers, Chavezs caliber who would normally be dismissed as moonbats.

Granted, those examples are extreeme, but that we did just endure an election based on rainbows of hope appearing above the WH, and unicorns of change dancing in the rose garden serves as a subtle example of the power of persuasive sound byte / bumper sticker mentality here.

That it could end badly, with sorts of ill intent taking America down roads it would normally not entertain, is not out of the question to me

the newest talking point of the RW is that 85% of Americans are happy with their insurance program. Of course, no evidence is ever provided to prove this premise, but the consclusion is clear to anyone with a brain: 15% or 45 million Americans are not happy or have no health insurance

A year ago it was 30 million.. and two years before that it was 12 million.
And asshat, a premise is just that, a premise. Care to back up your ever evolving numbers of those uninsured? And let's talk about how many of that number are:

Illegal aliens
The 18 - 35 Group who OPT OUT of health isurance plans
Those who simply do not cary health insurance because they self insure.

Anyway, while we debate this nonsense, the Obama Admin moves on with it's plan to nationalize 1/6 of the U.S. economy... and yes, that is what this is really about. IN their eyes, with any luck, by the time you and I reach that golden age when we slack off with work and aren't really contributing anymore, we'll just die.
Always remember who these leftists/progressives/liberals... whatever, are. They are ELITISTS. They view thrree classes of people:

And then there is the enlightened elite... THEM. Those who are smarter than the wolves and the sheep and therefore they protect the sheep from the wolves. This is Obama. He know better than you.. he is smarter than you... he is OBAMA.

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