Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Dear Dude,
I'm sorry I don't have a check list, and if your post was not directed at me, please excuse my response. As a therapist (LOL) I'm certain you will.
I express my opinion freely and openly, unlike you I rely not on the talking points of others.
My evaluation of the new right (aka: RW) is based on the posts I've read on this MB and others; and the comments I see on the MSM from those who characterize themselves as members of the Tea Party, or other 'independent' groups (yep, that is an oxymoron, but not one I suspect you would not understand).
IMHO I find you and the others who take pride in your 'independence' at best silly, ignorant and selfish.
Many of you characterize yourselves as Christian, yet defy any and all of the values of Jesus (be he man or son of god).
But worse, you and the other 'independents' are motivated by avarice (greed) and seem to care not for anyone but yourself. Consider healthcare in America, the newest talking point of the RW is that 85% of Americans are happy with their insurance program. Of course, no evidence is ever provided to prove this premise, but the consclusion is clear to anyone with a brain: 15% or 45 million Americans are not happy or have no health insurance - and that is okay with people 'like you'.

You know what's great about this have the right to spew your bullshit opinion anytime you want.

For the record, Jesus was a man AND the son of God. As a man, he got pissed when the money changers (local traders and some were scammers) were doing business in the temple. It was wrong in his eyes and he reacted. Was it Godly? Some would say no. It was one of the only times Jesus acted in anger. As the son of God, he was fighting for what he knew to be true. The temple was NO place for theives to do business. So he protested by turning their tables upside down and chasing them out.

Think if republicans reactions to the bullshit that is taking place in America right now as Jesus...and the thieves in the temple are the politicians in our blessed country. They need to be chased out. So we're gonna turn the tables on them and if means we act a little unGodly doing it...then so be it.




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On what "lie" do you delude that I insist? That Obama and the terrorist pig and piece of shit (with a terrorist pig and piece of shit wife) are tight? That's a fact, Jack.

I live in Chicago. Those guys were not tight. But they were both Democrats. Belonging to the same party doesn't make people "tight". What the fuck is wrong with you? Does that lie mean so much to you?

1. As you live in Chicago and you have such knowledge of their lives, imagine how intimate they are living in the same hood? Huh? Just imagine.

2. Putting your head in the sand about Obama and the terrorist pig and piece of shit working together in an eight-person group for three years, Obama attending parites at the terrorist pig and piece of shit's home, and the campaign donations, and the retreats they attended together, etc. do not make the ugly reality go away.

Records show they both attended 6 meetings at the same time over those three years because they belonged to different arms of the same board. Yea, sounds really tight. Just give it up. What the hell is wrong with you? You have that much hate? That you just spout the same nonsense over and over again?
Dear Dude,
I'm sorry I don't have a check list, and if your post was not directed at me, please excuse my response. As a therapist (LOL) I'm certain you will.
I express my opinion freely and openly, unlike you I rely not on the talking points of others.
My evaluation of the new right (aka: RW) is based on the posts I've read on this MB and others; and the comments I see on the MSM from those who characterize themselves as members of the Tea Party, or other 'independent' groups (yep, that is an oxymoron, but not one I suspect you would not understand).
IMHO I find you and the others who take pride in your 'independence' at best silly, ignorant and selfish.
Many of you characterize yourselves as Christian, yet defy any and all of the values of Jesus (be he man or son of god).
But worse, you and the other 'independents' are motivated by avarice (greed) and seem to care not for anyone but yourself. Consider healthcare in America, the newest talking point of the RW is that 85% of Americans are happy with their insurance program. Of course, no evidence is ever provided to prove this premise, but the consclusion is clear to anyone with a brain: 15% or 45 million Americans are not happy or have no health insurance - and that is okay with people 'like you'.

You know what's great about this have the right to spew your bullshit opinion anytime you want.

For the record, Jesus was a man AND the son of God. As a man, he got pissed when the money changers (local traders and some were scammers) were doing business in the temple. It was wrong in his eyes and he reacted. Was it Godly? Some would say no. It was one of the only times Jesus acted in anger. As the son of God, he was fighting for what he knew to be true. The temple was NO place for theives to do business. So he protested by turning their tables upside down and chasing them out.

Think if republicans reactions to the bullshit that is taking place in America right now as Jesus...and the thieves in the temple are the politicians in our blessed country. They need to be chased out. So we're gonna turn the tables on them and if means we act a little unGodly doing it...then so be it.

Idiot. Republicans ARE the thieves.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.
I live in Chicago. Those guys were not tight. But they were both Democrats. Belonging to the same party doesn't make people "tight". What the fuck is wrong with you? Does that lie mean so much to you?

1. As you live in Chicago and you have such knowledge of their lives, imagine how intimate they are living in the same hood? Huh? Just imagine.

2. Putting your head in the sand about Obama and the terrorist pig and piece of shit working together in an eight-person group for three years, Obama attending parites at the terrorist pig and piece of shit's home, and the campaign donations, and the retreats they attended together, etc. do not make the ugly reality go away.

Records show they both attended 6 meetings at the same time over those three years because they belonged to different arms of the same board. Yea, sounds really tight. Just give it up. What the hell is wrong with you? You have that much hate? That you just spout the same nonsense over and over again?
You really should link and/or provide a reference if you are going to claim something. I do.

:lol: How many 'arms' does an eight-person board have? Still can't face the fact that Obama has been a guest in the home of the terrorist pig and piece of shit, can you? Coworkers invited to each others homes means tight.

I'll address your irrelevant question about me personally because you aren't too sharp and can't recognize the fallacies you use: yes, I do have that much hate for terrorist pigs and pieces of shit.

NONE of the facts I have posted (supported with references, some of which are your own) are nonsense. I take them quite seriously and have since the campaign.
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Dear Dude,
I'm sorry I don't have a check list, and if your post was not directed at me, please excuse my response. As a therapist (LOL) I'm certain you will.
I express my opinion freely and openly, unlike you I rely not on the talking points of others.
My evaluation of the new right (aka: RW) is based on the posts I've read on this MB and others; and the comments I see on the MSM from those who characterize themselves as members of the Tea Party, or other 'independent' groups (yep, that is an oxymoron, but not one I suspect you would not understand).
IMHO I find you and the others who take pride in your 'independence' at best silly, ignorant and selfish.
Many of you characterize yourselves as Christian, yet defy any and all of the values of Jesus (be he man or son of god).
But worse, you and the other 'independents' are motivated by avarice (greed) and seem to care not for anyone but yourself. Consider healthcare in America, the newest talking point of the RW is that 85% of Americans are happy with their insurance program. Of course, no evidence is ever provided to prove this premise, but the consclusion is clear to anyone with a brain: 15% or 45 million Americans are not happy or have no health insurance - and that is okay with people 'like you'.

You know what's great about this have the right to spew your bullshit opinion anytime you want.

For the record, Jesus was a man AND the son of God. As a man, he got pissed when the money changers (local traders and some were scammers) were doing business in the temple. It was wrong in his eyes and he reacted. Was it Godly? Some would say no. It was one of the only times Jesus acted in anger. As the son of God, he was fighting for what he knew to be true. The temple was NO place for theives to do business. So he protested by turning their tables upside down and chasing them out.

Think if republicans reactions to the bullshit that is taking place in America right now as Jesus...and the thieves in the temple are the politicians in our blessed country. They need to be chased out. So we're gonna turn the tables on them and if means we act a little unGodly doing it...then so be it.

Idiot. Republicans ARE the thieves.

when your head is so full of shit, how long does it take to clean out your ears?

When you talk and shit comes out, how long does it take to get the taste out of your mouth?

The theives are robbing this nation blind by pushing a bullshit healthcare reformation through the system while the majority of the country has made it clear that it's not what they want. Remember the old saying, for the the people? Or did that get clogged up in your shit-filled skull too?

You know, if it wouldn't effect me and my family so hard, I would hope that the healthcare bill would pass so that when the shit hits the fan, you would wake up one morning and wonder WHAT IN THE FUCK HAPPENED? Hell, it may still get pushed through. That Obama is one determined dude. He's gonna have to tell a WHOLE lotta lies, but if anybody can...Obama is the man for the job. And if it does happen and when it does go to shit, I'm sure we won't be seeing much of you around this board.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

maybe you should ask your Congressgritters and Government to shut down people like Beck and Bachman. hell even go for Rush, Palin, the Tea Party, and all else who you all feel is a "threat" wouldn't that be the way to go.
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Hey, it was not just Americans who were mad at Bush.




Iraq Shoe Monument to celebrate their national hero throwing shoes at our president.


They love us so much in Iraq for liberating them, they have "American Appreciation" Rallies.


Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.
I bet you want them censored, eh?
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

Seriously? You gonna use the SPLC as a source? Why not just line up every black american with a racial chip on his shoulder and ask them for some info?

When you can come up with a racially neutral source, then I'll take your bullshit more seriously.

SPLC is ACORN on steroids
So what's the bottom line?

There's a lotta discontent in America , perhaps somebody has a stat on that?

Maybe it's evn grown in step with the disparity?
yep...a lotta people hate being unemployed and feeling lied to after all that hope and change bullshit.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

maybe you should ask your Congressgritters and Government to shut down people like Beck and Bachman. hell even go for Rush, Palin, the Tea Party, and all else who you all feel is a "threat" wouldn't that be the way to go.

I told you I will never respond to your questions again, Steph. You never read my responses. I just get back a smartass reply because you're ignorant. So get lost.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.
I bet you want them censored, eh?

You'd lose that bet. I want them to realize that what they say has impact and they need to be more responsible about what comes out of their mouths.
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.

Seriously? You gonna use the SPLC as a source? Why not just line up every black american with a racial chip on his shoulder and ask them for some info?

When you can come up with a racially neutral source, then I'll take your bullshit more seriously.

SPLC is ACORN on steroids

You would not believe that anything I said was from a racially neutral souce. Even if God Himself came down to support me. So just who do you think you're kidding, Tex???
Definitely!!! I read this article just today and it is scary. Here is a little of what it said:


Membership in extremist groups in the United States saw exponential growth in 2009 as militias and other groups sought to exploit populist anger, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC report, titled "Rage on the Right," said anti-government "patriot" groups saw a 244 percent increase in new groups in 2009.

According to the SPLC, "patriot" groups are typically militias and other extremist organizations that see the federal government as their enemy. "Patriot" groups have been driven by the changing demographics of the country, the troubled economy, and multiple parts of President Obama's agenda that have been called "socialist" or "fascist" by his opponents.

According to the SPLC, the number of "patriot" groups grew from 149 in 2008 to 512 in 2009. Militias were a large part of the increase, jumping to 127 in 2009.

According to the report, the increase in the "patriot" group numbers is due to the central ideas being promoted to large audiences by people such as Fox News' Glenn Beck and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann from Minnesota. The report singled out Beck for espousing a "patriot" conspiracy theory that FEMA is secretly running concentration camps. Beck eventually debunked the idea after criticism from both side of the political aisle emerged.

Report: Hate Group Memberships Explode In 2009 -

People like Glenn Beck are very dangerous because they appeal to nuts that are itching to hurt people they don't agree with. They are ignorant and will believe any damn thing they are told. And that's how I see it. I can't believe that Beck and Bachmann don't know the kind of people they appeal to and what they are capable of. They just don't care.
I bet you want them censored, eh?

You'd lose that bet. I want them to realize that what they say has impact and they need to be more responsible about what comes out of their mouths.
Good to hear.
If Barry was a real American with balls, he would have kicked that shit ass ayers in front of all his friends. Shit, he should have kicked that shit head's wife's ass too.

I know if I ever have the chance to meet that ass wipe, I'll do my best to break his nose.

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