Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Maybe just a quick look at the contributors. It's always a clue to me how a thread will progress. This one definitely needs to be tossed into the flame zone. Nothing like a juicy subject that DARES to paint cons into a bad spot and out come the usual members of the herd with their crapulent euphemisms, totally derailing the subject.
i seem to remember Maggie you were in that thread that i am talking even said to me that you never have seen me go off like i did on Rinata,that i am USUALLY not that way.....and i pointed out its just her defense of the State Legislature and pinning it on Arnold that pissed me off,because that is how so many in this state seem to see things.....its all Arnie,the Legislature is doing lets keep voting them in....and of course Rinata says im full of shit,never happened.....Meister remembers he was there....

I do remember that conversation, but I didn't recall it had to do with CA politics. For the most part, Rinata is criticized for her general point of view, not something specific (just like I am). It gets tiring when someone can't stay on topic regarding someone's opinion and instead just goes into a general attack mode.

I'm not sure what my political stance would be with regard to California if I still lived there. But I've always maintained that there are strong forces at work there simply because of its population within two distinct geographic environments. There have always been specific classes of people in California: The agricultural mostly conservative landowners, the wealthy beachfront owners, the Hollywood types, the genuine lowlifes who openly exploit others, and the pockets of misery (drug infested, homeless) in the major cities. It's a perfect storm, and anyone even attempting to run things in that state to the satisfaction of everyone has always had my sympathy.

To be perfectly honest, Maggie, I do not have the slightest idea why my state is in trouble. For a long time I have followed mostly Washington politics. I have not been very good at following what's going on here. I could not tell you the cause of our troubles. So to be accused of blaming Arnold for them is just an out and out lie. It's just a lie made up to attack a liberal.

I think these people are true haters through and through. That has become abundantly clear in the last week.
Actually, Rinata is criticized for her hate. And her lack of thought.

No, Rinata decided not to keep quiet anymore. And you and your pals do not like to be challenged. Not by a liberal. That's what's happening. Why don't you just own it???
Awwww jeeze, Rinata. You gonna start crying AGAIN?

That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:

Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.

That's an on target observation if I ever heard one. They probably picked on girls that were overweight or had acne. Because when people are as awful as they are as adults, they were usually the same way when they were kids. Plain mean and nasty.
That's right, pile on, join the group of right wing hate. It suits you. :clap2:

Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

Let's see. Show us. You don't like Maggie and Queen to insinuate that I didn't say that. But you'll take the Crybaby's word for it without question. Is there something wrong with this picture, you dumb broad???
As you have issues identifying hate (and in typical liberal fashion, blame a lib's egregious behavior on others), here you go:

:lol: By reposting those, you just made Queen's argument!! (And Rinata's; and mine). If that was your way of trying to prove you're such a saintly person and Rinata is the evil one, you failed.
I don't know about you (but I surely can guess), but anyone who finds pleasure in a US Marine losing his life in the line of duty because she has petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example, is a piece of shit.

Stop trying to defend your stupidity by repeating this lie about me. Again prove it or shut up. You can't prove it because I didn't say it. You should feel like an idiot for taking your pal's word for it. Not too bright are you??
Why am I not surprised?
The beginning of what? I don't remember seeing you here before...
I'd say there has been an awful lot of rude and crude hatefulness on this thread...why anyone would let themselves get worked up enough to show those kind of colors will ALWAYS be beyond my reasoning I suppose? :(

Kiss and make up! Any decent person would imo! ;)

Or am I a chorus of one, as usual? :(

sorry.... if i kissed Rinata she would never go back to who ever she is with right now....just sayin....:eusa_whistle:
Always looking for a cat fight, they are. They remind me of those teenaged girls who beat up another teenaged girl all caught on video for YouTube. The bullies thought that was clever.
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

You're like a rabid dog with a bone that's already been chewed down to the exposed marrow. Why would anyone CARE about some ALLEGED comment made in a PM unless you can prove it?

And by the way, you blew it again with those words. Weren't they what Rinata said to you that set you off?

Yowza. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast... Maybe that's why you're here practically 24/7.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Good post, Mags!!!
I take pride in slamming pieces of shit who would be pleased that an American Marine died in the line of duty because of petty issues with a loved one of his, just for example.

You're like a rabid dog with a bone that's already been chewed down to the exposed marrow. Why would anyone CARE about some ALLEGED comment made in a PM unless you can prove it?

And by the way, you blew it again with those words. Weren't they what Rinata said to you that set you off?

Yowza. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast... Maybe that's why you're here practically 24/7.
You're not too bright, are you? CG's comment about hiding behind PM rules escapes you, obviously.

First of all, I'm not 'set off'. Fail. Secondly, Rinata clearly does not think when she writes posts, so lack of thought does not 'set me off'. Fail. However, anyone who would be pleased that a US Marine lost his life in the line of duty because she has issues with a loved one of his just for example, is a piece of shit. Your mileage may vary.

Knock it off with that "fail" crap. That's so juvenile. That's what the kids say to sound cool. On you it sounds stupid.

And you need to stop telling that lie. Why do you persist, and dainty CG says nothing about it anymore?? Think about that, you dufus. You are being played.
But not you, right? :eusa_whistle:

Aww, now I'm gonna go cry...

No, not me. Not in this thread, anyway.

And I don't believe I've ever wished death on anyone. Particularly our young military folk.

Gullible-itis is always a threatening virus on this board. The two ladies have yet to show where Rinata said that. Maybe she did. A lot of ugly stuff was said at the height of the Iraq war. But to dwell on it ad nausaem HERE? C'mon...

The exchange took place yesterday!!! I only said that her fiance dodged a bullet. Her being the bullet because she is a shrewish bitch.

Now how did she get that I said I am glad a marine was killed from that??? She made it up, like a good little baghead. She's a liar. That's why she has no proof.
History??? You have no history with me. It's all in your fat head. I said I did not like Arnold. You took it and just ran with it!! Lying and saying that I don't blame the Democrats for the troubles in my state. I only blame Arnold. I did not mention the troubles we are having at all. And I never said that Arnold or the Dems were responsible. You are a liar, and you know it. Just like your crybaby friend. Liars.

I SAID THAT I DID NOT LIKE ARNOLD AND WOULD NEVER AGAIN VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN. Period. That's it!!! Either produce this socalled response you say I gave, or shut your stupid mouth and quit lying. You and your pals hate me because I am liberal. Well, that's tough, isn't it?? I put up with your low class behavior, but I won't put up with lies.

if you say so Rinata....and on my friends list are liberals.....i get along with them just fine....your problem Rinata is you refuse to remember what you said....we argued in that other thread about you defending the state Legislature as well as about Arnold.....that was all it was about,and not once did you say anything negative about the "LIBERAL" Legislature,you defended them till the thread died,but you had plenty of shit to say about Arnold.....i said you were the typical Ca. voter and then you went into your whining mode....and yes we talked plenty about the states troubles........that is what the damned thread was about....California and its problems....
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You know exactly why your comment was offensive. Don't pretend you don't. You are just plain nasty. I know it, you know it. And now the board knows it. You're so far beneath me that I can no long see that fat ass.

I know why it was offensive. I never said that I didn't. But I did not say that I am glad that a marine was killed. Don't evade the issue. That's a lie. Why are you lying like that?? I'm calling you on it. Either prove it or shut your lying trap.

You knew exactly what you were saying. It was said purely to cause the worst possible offence. Live with it. Bitch. Now fuck off you lying fat assed moron.

No, you don't. I said that I knew it was offensive and I'm glad I said it. No man should be married to a miserable hag like you. The insult was directed at you, so stop playing dumb.

Now, where did I say I was glad a marine was killed?? Come on you lying hag. Show us or shut your stupid mouth. You're a liar!!!
History??? You have no history with me. It's all in your fat head. I said I did not like Arnold. You took it and just ran with it!! Lying and saying that I don't blame the Democrats for the troubles in my state. I only blame Arnold. I did not mention the troubles we are having at all. And I never said that Arnold or the Dems were responsible. You are a liar, and you know it. Just like your crybaby friend. Liars.

I SAID THAT I DID NOT LIKE ARNOLD AND WOULD NEVER AGAIN VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN. Period. That's it!!! Either produce this socalled response you say I gave, or shut your stupid mouth and quit lying. You and your pals hate me because I am liberal. Well, that's tough, isn't it?? I put up with your low class behavior, but I won't put up with lies.

if you say so Rinata....and on my friends list are liberals.....i get along with them just fine....your problem Rinata is you refuse to remember what you said....we argued in that other thread about you defending the state Legislature as well as about Arnold.....that was all it was about,and not once did you say anything negative about the "LIBERAL" Legislature,you defended them till the thread died,but you had plenty of shit to say about Arnold.....i said you were the typical Ca. voter and then you went into your whining mode....and yes we talked plenty about the states troubles........that is what the damned thread was about....California and its problems....

Well, hell. Do you think that I have no Republican friends?? And that instead of getting along with them, I shoot them on sight?? Honestly!!!

FYI, my sister and brother are Republicans, as well as several close friends from high school that I kept in touch with. On this site there is Lumpy. He is my pal. I really like him. Lumpy has made it perfectly clear that he is a stone conservative. But he doesn't call anybody names or cuss them out just because they are liberal. Lumpy has been very nice to me. I also worked for a major company for 27 years. There were a lot of Republicans and we got along fine. I have never not gotten along with conservatives or Republicans, except here.

As for CA, I am admitting that I don't really know what caused our problems. But this is what I do remember. That you friggin freaked when I said I didn't like Arnold. However, that is not what you read. You need to not embellish what people say by adding a bunch of comments that were just not said. I'm telling you that I don't know what or whom caused all the trouble in my state. I never professed to know it.
Well, hell. Do you think that I have no Republican friends?? And that instead of getting along with them, I shoot them on sight?? Honestly!!!

FYI, my sister and brother are Republicans, as well as several close friends from high school that I kept in touch with. On this site there is Lumpy. He is my pal. I really like him. Lumpy has made it perfectly clear that he is a stone conservative. But he doesn't call anybody names or cuss them out just because they are liberal. Lumpy has been very nice to me. I also worked for a major company for 27 years. There were a lot of Republicans and we got along fine. I have never not gotten along with conservatives or Republicans, except here.

As for CA, I am admitting that I don't really know what caused our problems. But this is what I do remember. That you friggin freaked when I said I didn't like Arnold. However, that is not what you read. You need to not embellish what people say by adding a bunch of comments that were just not said. I'm telling you that I don't know what or whom caused all the trouble in my state. I never professed to know it.
Rinata.....your the one who stated we are picking on you just because you are a liberal.....i only said i have some people in my friends list who are liberal,to illustrate to you,that if that was so,those people would not be there,i was not saying you dont have right leaning friends....i would hope you do,ok...
and no i did not "freak out" when you said you dont like Arnold,since i rag on the guy in every post on him why would i care if you dont like him?...i am not to fond of him myself.....i got in your face when we started talking about the Legislature,you did not think they were the core of the problem....Arnold was because he is the Gov.,a Republican one...yes i remember you saying you voted for him but regretted it.....but when you thought the Legislature seemed to be secondary to Arnold i called you a typical California voter thats when this started between you and me.....if i knew you personally we would get along fine,i just would not talk politics with you.....ok....

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