Are Republicans rebuilding American Hate Groups?

Well, hell. Do you think that I have no Republican friends?? And that instead of getting along with them, I shoot them on sight?? Honestly!!!

FYI, my sister and brother are Republicans, as well as several close friends from high school that I kept in touch with. On this site there is Lumpy. He is my pal. I really like him. Lumpy has made it perfectly clear that he is a stone conservative. But he doesn't call anybody names or cuss them out just because they are liberal. Lumpy has been very nice to me. I also worked for a major company for 27 years. There were a lot of Republicans and we got along fine. I have never not gotten along with conservatives or Republicans, except here.

As for CA, I am admitting that I don't really know what caused our problems. But this is what I do remember. That you friggin freaked when I said I didn't like Arnold. However, that is not what you read. You need to not embellish what people say by adding a bunch of comments that were just not said. I'm telling you that I don't know what or whom caused all the trouble in my state. I never professed to know it.
Rinata.....your the one who stated we are picking on you just because you are a liberal.....i only said i have some people in my friends list who are liberal,to illustrate to you,that if that was so,those people would not be there,i was not saying you dont have right leaning friends....i would hope you do,ok...
and no i did not "freak out" when you said you dont like Arnold,since i rag on the guy in every post on him why would i care if you dont like him?...i am not to fond of him myself.....i got in your face when we started talking about the Legislature,you did not think they were the core of the problem....Arnold was because he is the Gov.,a Republican one...yes i remember you saying you voted for him but regretted it.....but when you thought the Legislature seemed to be secondary to Arnold i called you a typical California voter thats when this started between you and me.....if i knew you personally we would get along fine,i just would not talk politics with you.....ok....

I never said that people are "picking on me". I said they have a problem with liberals on this site, and I am as liberal as they come. That has been a problem. As far as Arnold and CA, I think we need to let it die. There is really nothing more to say.

But maybe when the governor's race begins in earnest, we can start up again. :lol:
I had no idea we had followers of Fred Phelps on this board.

Are you still drunk or something? That has to do with...???
I'll type slowly for ya:




(Are you still with me?)



of those who....

have fallen....

in the line of duty.

Just for example, if someone did the same, they should feel right at home with the Phelps crowd.
Okay, I've had enough. I am not the least bit bothered by what I said to the crybaby. And I did not say what I am being accused of. See highlite above. This is what she says I said. A total lie. Below is exactly what I said to her. You highlight where I said that I am pleased that a marine lost his life. Do it.

"If you were laughing your ass off, you would not find it necessary to send me this message. You are an angry, miserable woman and I love it when I get the best of you.

Your fiance really dodged a bullet, that's all I can say."

The bitch is mad because I said her fiance dodged a bullet. It's an obvious insult to her, nobody else. It's only one line and she makes a federal case out of it by lying like a rug. What a despicable human being you are, crybaby.

You know exactly why your comment was offensive. Don't pretend you don't. You are just plain nasty. I know it, you know it. And now the board knows it. You're so far beneath me that I can no long see that fat ass.

I know why it was offensive. I never said that I didn't. But I did not say that I am glad that a marine was killed. Don't evade the issue. That's a lie. Why are you lying like that?? I'm calling you on it. Either prove it or shut your lying trap.
God help us all. You cry and cry. What a bore you are. Seek help.
You know exactly why your comment was offensive. Don't pretend you don't. You are just plain nasty. I know it, you know it. And now the board knows it. You're so far beneath me that I can no long see that fat ass.

I know why it was offensive. I never said that I didn't. But I did not say that I am glad that a marine was killed. Don't evade the issue. That's a lie. Why are you lying like that?? I'm calling you on it. Either prove it or shut your lying trap.
God help us all. You cry and cry. What a bore you are. Seek help.

you and your buddies made the claim a few dozen times, how ABOUT showing us all some proof si modo? I mean, why continue to rant and rave throughout this thread about it if you can't back up your rants about her/him?
I know why it was offensive. I never said that I didn't. But I did not say that I am glad that a marine was killed. Don't evade the issue. That's a lie. Why are you lying like that?? I'm calling you on it. Either prove it or shut your lying trap.
God help us all. You cry and cry. What a bore you are. Seek help.

you and your buddies made the claim a few dozen times, how ABOUT showing us all some proof si modo? I mean, why continue to rant and rave throughout this thread about it if you can't back up your rants about her/him?
Why would you ask a poster to break the rules by posting an alleged PM from another?

That's very odd of you.

And, Rinata is still a piece of shit.
feel free to send me this god awful pm's she sent to and california girl too....Since they are so disturbing, forward them to me by pm....if they are as UPSETTING as you and CG claim....i can't possibly imagine them being any ruder or cruder than the 2 of you can be when YOU get on a roll....but, if you are sooooo desperate for the pm's to not be private and shown to the whole public, start with me first.

God help us all. You cry and cry. What a bore you are. Seek help.

you and your buddies made the claim a few dozen times, how ABOUT showing us all some proof si modo? I mean, why continue to rant and rave throughout this thread about it if you can't back up your rants about her/him?
Why would you ask a poster to break the rules by posting an alleged PM from another?

That's very odd of you.

And, Rinata is still a piece of shit.

you are breaking no rule to forward me via pm, a MOD, a pm that YOU CLAIM was so disturbing?

Why would you think that?

i misunderstood and thought it was a post that Rinata said such and pm's were the nasty things.
you and your buddies made the claim a few dozen times, how ABOUT showing us all some proof si modo? I mean, why continue to rant and rave throughout this thread about it if you can't back up your rants about her/him?
Why would you ask a poster to break the rules by posting an alleged PM from another?

That's very odd of you.

And, Rinata is still a piece of shit.

you are breaking no rule to forward me via pm, a MOD, a pm that YOU CLAIM was so disturbing?

Why would you think that?

the machete you have in your hand is intimidating.
you and your buddies made the claim a few dozen times, how ABOUT showing us all some proof si modo? I mean, why continue to rant and rave throughout this thread about it if you can't back up your rants about her/him?
Why would you ask a poster to break the rules by posting an alleged PM from another?

That's very odd of you.

And, Rinata is still a piece of shit.

you are breaking no rule to forward me via pm, a MOD, a pm that YOU CLAIM was so disturbing?

Why would you think that?

i misunderstood and thought it was a post that Rinata said such and pm's were the nasty things.
Ah, well I thought when you said '[show] all of us' meant post it. Can't post PMs and never will. I've already PMed you.

And, Rinata is still a piece of shit.
Last edited:

The annual tally the by Southern Law Center shows 926 hate groups, with Texas and California, one and two - a 50% increase over 2000.

6 officers have been murdered by those claiming to hate Obama.

Hate groups active in all but two states, Hawaii and oddly enough, Alaska.

The PDF is large and takes a while to download.

If you are not able to access the PDF, click on:

maxwell study on us hate groups - Google Search

and scroll down to (PDF) Hate Groups

I thought FoxLies and the Republican Party were a hate group.
and the hate continues , in the recent news>>>

If we see the end of this country it will come from the right and our failure to provide people with the basic necessities of life,” said Johnston. “Revolutions occur when young men see the present as worse than the unknown future. We are not there. But it will not take a lot to get there. The politicians running for office who are denigrating the government, who are saying there are traitors in Congress, who say we do not need the IRS, this when no government in the history of the world has existed without a tax enforcement agency, are sowing the seeds for the destruction of the country. A lot of the people on the right hate the United States of America. They would say they hate the people they are arrayed against. But the whole idea of the United States is that we criticize the government. We remake it to serve our interests. They do not want that kind of society. They reject, as Aristotle said, the idea that democracy is to rule and to be ruled in turns. They see a world where they are right and that is it. If we do not want to do it their way we should be vanquished. This is not the idea on which the United States was founded.”

Chris Hedges: Calling All Rebels - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

INDIANAPOLIS -- Fed up and fired up, an increasing number of Indiana residents who have lost confidence in the government are going to extreme measures to claim they are "sovereign citizens."

By doing so, residents contend that they no longer have to pay taxes, claiming their homes as embassies and using identification cards that show them as diplomats, 6News' Rafael Sanchez reported.

Indiana authorities call such proclamations both illegitimate and illegal. About 10 people every month ask the state to put a seal on a document so that they can claim freedom from taxes

'Sovereign Citizens' Claim Immunity From Ind., Federal Law - Indiana News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

I had no idea we had followers of Fred Phelps on this board.

Are you still drunk or something? That has to do with...???
I'll type slowly for ya:




(Are you still with me?)



of those who....

have fallen....

in the line of duty.

Just for example, if someone did the same, they should feel right at home with the Phelps crowd.

Ignorant, nay, STUPID analogy, genius.

And stop pretending you're like some nun in a parochial school standing over me with a stick as you smugly give me comprehension instructions. I comprehend your MO just fine, thank you very much, which is trying to appear smart but translates into pure psychobabble.
Do you think of her as a nun standing over you?

I think that's kinda creepy.

Creepy is an understatement. She's certifiable.

And just so you can look forward to something today, I owe you another neg rep just so's we stay even, silly person. :lol:
Do you think of her as a nun standing over you?

I think that's kinda creepy.
Maggie has some sort of inferiority complex and she wants to make sure everyone knows. It's a boring issue.

Boring? That's why you're right back here today? Shall I

Usually, if someone is bored, they just leave the room, genius.
She didn't say the discussion was boring. She said your inferiority complex was boring.
Do you think of her as a nun standing over you?

I think that's kinda creepy.
Maggie has some sort of inferiority complex and she wants to make sure everyone knows. It's a boring issue.

Boring? That's why you're right back here today? Shall I

Usually, if someone is bored, they just leave the room, genius.
Again, you're not too bright. Your inferiority issues are boring. You're most certainly not. You are fascinating to watch as you are a human seagull.

You swoop into a thread, screeching at all and shitting all over, then you fly away. I'm just tossing a bit of stale bread in the air for you.

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