Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

Where are the threads by liberals seeking justice, wanting these morons who did this to suffer? Why is it always political consequences and legislation that libtards worry about?
Where are the threads by liberals seeking justice, wanting these morons who did this to suffer? Why is it always political consequences and legislation that libtards worry about?

Seeking justice for what? One moron is dead and the other is soon to be dead or captured.

A group of young misfits placed a few bombs at a marathon. They are more common criminals than terrorists.

good gawd, you people play into the hands of misfits with every post you make
right on cue. The right wing has no ideas. What they do have is fear.. they have fear and anxiety and loathing to spread around.

Your a sore loser, i personally don't care what party he belongs to. As long as he ends up dead. I know it broke your heart to find out t was one of own that did it.
The right is always hypersensitive to truth.

Truth has a way of pushing wingnuts into fits of lunacy and imbecility

How's Chicago looking?

no one cares about Chicago. :rofl:


Ben Ghazzi and Ben Dover

Wait you liberals love Ben Dover and Chicago......and it's amazing how much apathy you have over an ambassador getting killed.......that's stunning you dont care about that......WOW....I guess checking into would set back the 'cause and we cant do that!
Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?


Do you have any examples??

If so, please supply the quotes and linked articles.

If not, then why would you even ask such a question other than in a lame and weak attempt to score political points yourself?
How's Chicago looking?

no one cares about Chicago. :rofl:


Ben Ghazzi and Ben Dover

Wait you liberals love Ben Dover and Chicago......and it's amazing how much apathy you have over an ambassador getting killed.......that's stunning you dont care about that......WOW....I guess checking into would set back the 'cause and we cant do that!

You're giving bigreb a run for his money on being dumbest cocksucker on this website.
no one cares about Chicago. :rofl:


Ben Ghazzi and Ben Dover

Wait you liberals love Ben Dover and Chicago......and it's amazing how much apathy you have over an ambassador getting killed.......that's stunning you dont care about that......WOW....I guess checking into would set back the 'cause and we cant do that!

You're giving bigreb a run for his money on being dumbest cocksucker on this website.

AWesome........but I'm not suck away homo!!!!!!

Nice way to avoid the issue.......ignore the death of an ambassador because it'll set the cause that's as cold as Bill Ayers and I know you love him.....are all liberals heartless psycopaths that want everyone under the thumb of the govt?
Wait you liberals love Ben Dover and Chicago......and it's amazing how much apathy you have over an ambassador getting killed.......that's stunning you dont care about that......WOW....I guess checking into would set back the 'cause and we cant do that!

You're giving bigreb a run for his money on being dumbest cocksucker on this website.

AWesome........but I'm not suck away homo!!!!!!

Nice way to avoid the issue.......ignore the death of an ambassador because it'll set the cause that's as cold as Bill Ayers and I know you love him.....are all liberals heartless psycopaths that want everyone under the thumb of the govt?

No, I'm watching someone with a three-year old mentality try to make something out of nothing while making himself look like the dumbest cocksucker on this website in the process. It's absolutely pathetic how you're trying to use the death of children and innocent police officers to further your war with an imaginary enemy. Personally if I was you I would shut the fuck up, but if you want to continue to make yourself look like a goddamn sociopath with a double digit IQ, have fun.
So sad to see both sides trying so hard, investing so much hope in that a bomber would be of the opposite party.

What's wrong with all you people? You're parties are the same, your representatives do the same things as the party you claim to hate once they achieve power.

Maybe if you people had an ounce of accountability we as a nation could get past low life threads like this and the many that came before it.

I am libertarian, Progressives and Liberals are politically and historically inferior, yes... But The guy that did this, a Democrats Obama supporter is nothing like my wife's parents, who are good people... people that are Democrat (used to be Obama supporters) that would never bomb people...

Sad watching both sides.... All of you that take part in this broad stroke blame game are pathetic.
Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?



from Russia?


If the kid turns out to be gay, they'll have a trifecta of hate.

Blow the dog whistle and T-bagger come running.
What a dumb fuck, you might want to actually do some home work on Chechnya in relation to Islam BEFORE you type.

Are right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?



from Russia?


If the kid turns out to be gay, they'll have a trifecta of hate.

Blow the dog whistle and T-bagger come running.
the only thing dante is connected to is his insane mind and even that is weak at best

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