Are Snowflakes Stupid Enough To Pay $1200 A Ticket?

Yes, Obama kicked her ass in 2008, Trump kicked her ass in 2016. Fact.

he didn't come close to kicking her arse. He won the EC. More people wanted her in charge than him. Fact.

he didn't come close to kicking her arse.

30/50 states. 304/531 electoral votes.
60%-40%. 57.25%-42.75%

Yup, that's an arse kickin' fer sure.
Nope. not even close. Mondale and Raygun. That was a shellacking

Clinton total votes



The Orange Buffoon


Since popular votes is not what we use to elect a President, I didn't consider them. Each time you morons bring up the nationwide popular vote, I add you to the list of those that do no have a clue how the system works.

I know how the system works. That wasn't the point. Every time I bring up this point I add you to the list of people who can't comprehend English.

You didn't make a point.
Yes, Obama kicked her ass in 2008, Trump kicked her ass in 2016. Fact.

he didn't come close to kicking her arse. He won the EC. More people wanted her in charge than him. Fact.

he didn't come close to kicking her arse.

30/50 states. 304/531 electoral votes.
60%-40%. 57.25%-42.75%

Yup, that's an arse kickin' fer sure.
Nope. not even close. Mondale and Raygun. That was a shellacking

Clinton total votes



The Orange Buffoon



Interesting that you bold the votes and percentages that don't pick the President and ignore the ones that do. Like I said, you don't have a clue how the system works.

What you did is like posting the losing lottery numbers and wondering why you didn't win.
Of course I know the Electoral College decides who becomes President, it was designed to reflect the popular vote in times when casting ballots was difficult due to lack of transportation.

It was never designed to reflect the nationwide popular vote. For the most part it has but that's not part of the design. The decision by the founders to use such a system had nothing to do with transportation.

How is it possible for the electoral vote to produce a different result than the nation-wide popular vote?

It is important to remember that the President is not chosen by a nation-wide popular vote. The Electoral College vote totals determine the winner, not the statistical plurality or majority a candidate may have in the nation-wide popular vote totals. Electoral votes are awarded on the basis of the popular vote in each state.

Note that 48 out of the 50 States award Electoral votes on a winner-takes-all basis (as does the District of Columbia). For example, all 55 of California’s Electoral votes go to the winner of the state election, even if the margin of victory is only 50.1 percent to 49.9 percent.

In a multi-candidate race where candidates have strong regional appeal, as in 1824, it is quite possible that a candidate who collects the most votes on a nation-wide basis will not win the electoral vote. In a two-candidate race, that is less likely to occur. But, it did occur in the Hayes/Tilden election of 1876 and the Harrison/Cleveland election of 1888 due to the statistical disparity between vote totals in individual state elections and the national vote totals. This also occurred in the 2000 presidential election, where George W. Bush received fewer popular votes than Albert Gore Jr., but received a majority of electoral votes, and the 2016 election, where Donald J. Trump received fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton, but received a majority of electoral votes.


More states are going to go porportional in the EC; CONs fought it in Maine, and Nebraska but were defeated.

All that proves is you can cut and paste.

By the way, Maine and Nebraska don't do proportional electoral votes.

Full explanation for you, now go read a history book while many waiit to see if that Kim monster starts a war:

Maine and Nebraska have adapted a different approach. Using the 'congressional district method', these states allocate two electoral votes to the state popular vote winner, and then one electoral vote to the popular vote winner in each Congressional district (2 in Maine, 3 in Nebraska). This creates multiple popular vote contests in these states, which could lead to a split electoral vote.

Again, you're good at cutting and pasting. You couldn't explain what it meant if your miserable life depended on it.
I love when bed wetters throw money into an insatiable gaping gash that produces nothing in return.
A mindless bed wetter said:
Received more illegal alien and dead people votes for President than any candidate in US history


Fixed it for you parasite.
Interesting that you bold the votes and percentages that don't pick the President and ignore the ones that do. Like I said, you don't have a clue how the system works.

What you did is like posting the losing lottery numbers and wondering why you didn't win.

Because that was my only point. You do get that, right?

hhmmm...maybe not. I am, after all, posting to a Deplorable.
In a nutshell......

Uh YES....they are. Research revealed that Leftists operate on emotion rather than logic.

And don't ask me for links Leftist YOUR OWN research.
Liberals make morons like Maxine Waters very rich individuals. Of course they are stupid enough to pay 1200.00 dollars a ticket to hear Hillary whine.
Interesting that you bold the votes and percentages that don't pick the President and ignore the ones that do. Like I said, you don't have a clue how the system works.

What you did is like posting the losing lottery numbers and wondering why you didn't win.

Because that was my only point. You do get that, right?

hhmmm...maybe not. I am, after all, posting to a Deplorable.

If posting something that isn't used in electing a President was your point, you didn't have a point. Providing information that is irrelevant means the point you thought you were making is invalid.
Amateurs? Trump has been selling manue his entire adult life; lousy casinos and a 'university' that was found to be a fraud, he had to pay out millions. You bought cr*p, the majority of voters did not. As for 'stealing' votes, look at the guy that lined up wife 2 to fight his first wife, IN PUBLIC, and made many off of tabloid photos.
Two liberal States she won to get the popular vote. At least the rest of the country was smart.
Received more votes for President than any candidate in US history

;) :);):)
Did you whine then?
Amateurs? Trump has been selling manue his entire adult life; lousy casinos and a 'university' that was found to be a fraud, he had to pay out millions. You bought cr*p, the majority of voters did not. As for 'stealing' votes, look at the guy that lined up wife 2 to fight his first wife, IN PUBLIC, and made many off of tabloid photos.

What exactly does your tired sputtering about President Trump have to do with Hillary price-gouging people to listen to her lies in that screechy, emphysemic tenor she has? Hillary is a big girl completely responsible for her own actions, no matter what Trump says or does. He doesn't have a magic wand directing Hillary's Obama-like attention whoring/manufactured melodrama.
If posting something that isn't used in electing a President was your point, you didn't have a point. Providing information that is irrelevant means the point you thought you were making is invalid.

I wasn't talking about what was used to elect a president. I was talking about whether more people voted for Hillary or not. They did. Fact. End of story. I know it chafes on your little Deplorable Petal butts that off ALL the Americans who voted, more wanted her over the Orange Buffoon. You even have to make up Fake News about illegal voting just to make you feel better. At the end of the day The Orange Buffoon is not only universally disliked by normal people, but he is an international embarrassment to the US.
What exactly does your tired sputtering about President Trump have to do with Hillary price-gouging people to listen to her lies in that screechy, emphysemic tenor she has? Hillary is a big girl completely responsible for her own actions, no matter what Trump says or does. He doesn't have a magic wand directing Hillary's Obama-like attention whoring/manufactured melodrama.

Because she is probably worth listening to. The Orange Buffoon comes across as nothing more than a bloviating moron who basically says nothing when he opens his big, fat, cletus gob....As for inflated prices, nobody is putting a gun to peoples' head. They'll either go or they won't.
If posting something that isn't used in electing a President was your point, you didn't have a point. Providing information that is irrelevant means the point you thought you were making is invalid.

I wasn't talking about what was used to elect a president. I was talking about whether more people voted for Hillary or not. They did. Fact. End of story. I know it chafes on your little Deplorable Petal butts that off ALL the Americans who voted, more wanted her over the Orange Buffoon. You even have to make up Fake News about illegal voting just to make you feel better. At the end of the day The Orange Buffoon is not only universally disliked by normal people, but he is an international embarrassment to the US.

Since overall popular vote, which is what you were talking about, has nothing to do with choosing a President, talking about it is meaningless. Anything to defend you doing so is meaningless. No one said she didn't get a higher overall total. What I said is it doesn't matter because that's not how the system works.

The system indicated Trump won. Do you hate the Constitution that much?

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