Are Stefanik’s lawyers sabotaging her case against NY’s Early Voting Act?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
It seems a bit suspicious that Rep. Elise Stefanik’s lawyers, who filed for an “irreparable harm" preliminary injunction against NY’s Early Voting Act while its constitutionality is being argued in NY’s Supreme Court, would fail to list the actual, and legitimate irreparable harm that will occur, if an injunction is not granted before February’s special election.

Instead, Stefanik’s lawyers LISTED three absurd claims for the injunction which were easily refuted, while failing to list the fundamental irreparable harm which unquestionably will occur if an injunction is not granted before February’s special election, and no-excuse mail-in ballot voting is allowed.

The irreparable harm is, the legitimacy of February’s special elections’ supposed winner will never be known because there is no practical way, when counting mailed in ballots under the Act, to scrutinize them to confirm, that the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter of that ballot.

Either Stefanik’s lawyers have been negligent in not understanding the security vulnerabilities of mail-in ballot voting, and how moving to no-excuse mail-in ballot voting under NY’s Early Voting Act exasperates an existing problem and unnecessarily increases the risks for vote stealing and election fraud, or, Stefanik’s lawyers are intentionally sabotaging Stefanik’s case against New York’s unconstitutional Early Voting Act, which, if upheld, will lead to the same kind of elections held in in China, Russia and Cuba, where there is one party rule.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
It isn't going to work. I have a small, sad newsflash for the "voter fraud" crowd. Mail-in voting is here to stay and will be used this year, just as it has every year with no bitching from either side...until the great white savior lost his re-election bid in 2020.
Wonder why that was? :)
It isn't going to work. I have a small, sad newsflash for the "voter fraud" crowd. Mail-in voting is here to stay and will be used this year, just as it has every year with no bitching from either side...until the great white savior lost his re-election bid in 2020.
Wonder why that was? :)

Why must you make stuff up? There have been problems and complaints about absentee ballot voting for generations. For example the New York Times reported in its October 31,1931 edition. “Colonization by absentee voters is said to be an entirely new device in political mechanics". See: Tammany Hall, Voter Fraud, and Sullivan County

Howard Beecher, the chairman of the county’s Republican Committee, was surprised by the over 1,100 absentee ballots requested in Sullivan that year, and sent a list of 620 names to the state GOP committee, asking that they be investigated for falsely filing an application to vote here. Beecher suspected that Democrats had imported persons registered in New York City to vote in Sullivan County in an attempt to ensure a victory for Whittaker, and retain a key seat in a desperate battle for control of the Assembly.

It's not nice to make stuff up, especially with such an important issue hanging in the balance.

Why must you make stuff up? There have been problems and complaints about absentee ballot voting for generations. For example the New York Times reported in its October 31,1931 edition. “Colonization by absentee voters is said to be an entirely new device in political mechanics". See:Tammany Hall, Voter Fraud, and Sullivan County

It's not nice to make stuff up, especially with such an important issue hanging in the balance.

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No..there hasn't. While there is fraud in just about every election, there isn't nearly enough to affect the outcome of an election.
Mail in voting has been used by states for decades with no issues..until Trump lost in 2020. Your 100+ year old cartoon is cute..but irrelevant.
It is an important issue to those of you who believe in conspiracy theories. You haven't been able to come up with one iota of proof that there
is widespread fraud among mail in voting.
No..there hasn't. While there is fraud in just about every election, there isn't nearly enough to affect the outcome of an election.
Mail in voting has been used by states for decades with no issues..until Trump lost in 2020. Your 100+ year old cartoon is cute..but irrelevant.
It is an important issue to those of you who believe in conspiracy theories. You haven't been able to come up with one iota of proof that there
is widespread fraud among mail in voting.
Once again you make stuff up.

In some cases, the government orchestrated election "fraud" could very well be intentionally limited, just enough to swing an election. Keep in mind, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College." SOURCE

Aside from that, moving from excuse-based mail-in ballot voting to no-excuse mail-in ballot voting is a bridge too far and opens the door to significant vote stealing and government perpetrated election fraud. If New York's unconstitutional Early Voting Act is not struck down, New York will return to the days of Tammany Hall's vote rigging days.

Stop making crap up!
Once again you make stuff up.

In some cases, the government orchestrated election "fraud" could very well be intentionally limited, just enough to swing an election. Keep in mind, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College." SOURCE

Aside from that, moving from excuse-based mail-in ballot voting to no-excuse mail-in ballot voting is a bridge too far and opens the door to significant vote stealing and government perpetrated election fraud. If New York's unconstitutional Early Voting Act is not struck down, New York will return to the days of Tammany Hall's vote rigging days.

Stop making crap up!
Bullshit. In each of these states, there were multiple audits and recounts done. In AZ, we had NINJAS!! with their BS audit. Each and every fucking one of them returned more votes....for Biden.

You're mad because you haven't found anything to explain your conspiracy theory laden crap that mail in voting is fraudulent. When states have been using it for years with no outcry from either side...not until...
Your man lost his bid for re-election because the people blamed him for his response to the COVID they showed him the door. And you can't accept it.

But it's easier to hide in non-existent conspiracy theories, isn't it?
Bullshit. In each of these states . . .

What I have posted are material facts, none of which you have refuted. Instead, all you do is engage in naysaying, and invoke the stupid, adolescent, conspiracy theory catch-all talking-point inuendo. And that's really pathetic, my friend.
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What I have posted are material facts, none of which you have refuted. Instead, all you do is engage in naysaying, and invoke the stupid, adolescent, conspiracy theory catch-all talking-point inuendo. And that's really pathetic, my friend.
You're trying to school the equivalent of diseased livestock. Good luck.

My take, the mules and mail-in ballots and the harvesting and all that other stupid shit is 100% smoke and mirrors. This is the computer age, for fuck's sake. Digital vote switching can be done over the internet or with a flash drive and a screwdriver in 15 minutes. As long as the Dominions of the world keep us focused on analog election theft and maintain a "Proprietary" status on vote tabulation, we're completely fucked. The premise is that we cannot inspect their software because "1 + 1 = 2" is proprietary.

Imagine this times 100.... or 1000. (oops, next thing you know you're up to 81 million votes!)

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What I have posted are material facts, none of which you have refuted. Instead, all you do is engage in naysaying, and invoke the stupid, adolescent, conspiracy theory catch-all talking-point inuendo. And that's really pathetic, my friend.
What you have posted are conspiracy theories. These have been debunked. There were multiple audits and recounts in each state. None found fraud..

He lost. Shut the fuck up.
What you have posted are conspiracy theories. These have been debunked. There were multiple audits and recounts in each state. None found fraud..

He lost. Shut the fuck up.
My goodness, JackOfNoTrades, why are you so hung up on Trump. This thread is not about Trump. It's about election integrity, and mail-in ballot voting being prone to vote stealing and government orchestrated election fraud.

Whether or not you are up to accepting the truth and facts, the fact is, there is no practical way to scrutinize a mailed-in ballot when counted, to verify that it was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot. And that is why the Democrat Leadership is in love with no-excuse mail-in voting, and those who want honest and transparent election voting do not embrace no-excuse mail-in voting.

Heck even with the Republican Iowa Caucuses to-night, we see paper ballots being used in plain sight, vote counting in full view of everyone, and complete transparency, while Iowa's Democrats will use mail-in ballots for the 2024 presidential caucus which allows for vote manipulating, vote counting fraud and a rigged Democrat Caucus outcome.

The truth cannot be changed to what it is not, my good friend.


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
My goodness, JackOfNoTrades, why are you so hung up on Trump. This thread is not about Trump. It's about election integrity, and mail-in ballot voting being prone to vote stealing and government orchestrated election fraud.

Whether or not you are up to accepting the truth and facts, the fact is, there is no practical way to scrutinize a mailed-in ballot when counted, to verify that it was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot. And that is why the Democrat Leadership is in love with no-excuse mail-in voting, and those who want honest and transparent election voting do not embrace no-excuse mail-in voting.

Heck even with the Republican Iowa Caucuses to-night, we see paper ballots being used in plain sight, vote counting in full view of everyone, and complete transparency, while Iowa's Democrats will use mail-in ballots for the 2024 presidential caucus which allows for vote manipulating, vote counting fraud and a rigged Democrat Caucus outcome.

The truth cannot be changed to what it is not, my good friend.


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
Shut..the..fuck..up!! :auiqs.jpg:

It's a CAUCUS you moron...and a PRIMARY at that. :)
Shut..the..fuck..up!! :auiqs.jpg:

It's a CAUCUS you moron...and a PRIMARY at that. :)
And it confirms that the Democrat Leadership does not embrace transparent elections.

While the Republican Leadership in Iowa's 2024 Caucuses are using paper ballots in plain sight, vote counting in full view of everyone, and complete transparency, the Democrat Leadership has resorted to the use mail-in ballots which has no transparency, allows for vote manipulating, vote counting fraud and a rigged Democrat Caucus outcome.

The Democrat Leadership's lust for power, even over their own voting base, is on full display this evening, which is carried out by the use of mail-in ballots that are susceptible to manipulation and vote fraud.

But hey, JackOfNoTrades, you are free to continue to live on the Democrat Leadership's run plantation.
And it confirms that the Democrat Leadership does not embrace transparent elections.

While the Republican Leadership in Iowa's 2024 Caucuses are using paper ballots in plain sight, vote counting in full view of everyone, and complete transparency, the Democrat Leadership has resorted to the use mail-in ballots which has no transparency, allows for vote manipulating, vote counting fraud and a rigged Democrat Caucus outcome.

The Democrat Leadership's lust for power, even over their own voting base, is on full display this evening, which is carried out by the use of mail-in ballots that are susceptible to manipulation and vote fraud.

But hey, JackOfNoTrades, you are free to continue to live on the Democrat Leadership's run plantation.

And??..This means what??. Iowa doesn't matter. Hasn't in decades. Mail in voting is the way of the future. If every registered voter can vote (by mail or in person), what is it that you have to fear?
And??..This means what??. Iowa doesn't matter. Hasn't in decades. Mail in voting is the way of the future.
There you go again . . . making stuff up and projecting.

The fact is, most democratic run countries are moving to ban mail-in voting, to fight voter fraud.

See: Developed countries ‘ban’ mail-in voting, US would be ‘laughing stock’: Report

Most developed countries, especially in Europe, ban mail-in voting to fight vast fraud and vote buying that had threatened the integrity of their elections, according to an exhaustive review of voting rules and histories in over 30 major nations.

Why, JackOfNoTrades, do you always make shit up?

A fair and transparent election vs a New York, Tammany Hall style, rigged election process.


Last night, during the Iowa Caucuses, we witnessed a fair, transparent election and another wrapped up in a process ripe for fraud.

The Republican leadership's Iowa Caucuses used paper ballots in plain sight, vote counting in full view of everyone, and complete transparency, while Iowa’s Democrat Leadership has locked-in the use of mail-in ballots for the 2024 presidential caucus, which allows for vote manipulating, vote counting fraud and a rigged Democrat Caucus outcome.

The corrupted Democrat Party Leadership was exposed last night for what it now is . . . old style, Tammany Hall election riggers.


Something is fishy in the State which gave birth, to Tammany Hall’s election riggers.​

It seems that New York's Supreme Court is intentionally slow-walking Elise Stefanik's lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of NY's Early Voting Act, which was adopted without the people's consent. See: Plaintiffs' motion to expedite appeal (Jan. 18, 2024)

With a special election coming up next month to replace Representative George Santos, who was expelled from Congress, the use of no-excuse mail in ballots will thus be used in spite of the pending lawsuit, and in spite of the fact there is no practical way to scrutinize a mail-in ballot when counted, to verify that it was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot, and this in turn undermines the integrity of the election's results.

Keep in mind Justice RYBA has denied an injunction against the Early Voting Act pending its adjudication in NY's Supreme Court, even though a constitutional amendment allowing no-excuse mail-in voting was rejected by the good people of NY.

Something fishy seems apparent in the State which gave birth to Tammany Hall's election riggers.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

Stefanik’s lawyers overlook “irreparable harm” exacerbated by NY’s Early Voting Act​

In Stefanik’s latest court filing in ELISE STEFANIK vs. KATHY HOCHUL, Case No.: CV-23-2446 (January 26, 2024), in which New York’s Early Mail Voter Act is challenged as violating the State’s Constitution, her lawyers fail to articulate the most obvious, and irrefutable, “irreparable harm” which the Act unnecessarily exacerbates.

In view of the fact that mail-in ballots have an inherent security flaw which is, there is no practical way to scrutinize a mailed-in ballot when counted, to confirm, that the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter of that ballot.

While there is a need for mail-in ballot voting in cases where in-person voting is a real and significant obstacle for a voter, to expand this option and make mail-in ballot voting an option to all voters, it likewise exacerbates the fundamental flaw with mail-in ballots mentioned above, and to the point that the supposed winner of next month’s special election cannot be verified as there is no way to confirm a mail-in ballot was filled out, and the choices made thereon, was by the legitimate person to whom that ballot was issued.

By limiting mail in ballots as mentioned in NY’s Constitution, i.e., a legitimate excused based need, the total number of mail-in ballots would be reduced to a fraction of what is allowed under the New York Early Mail Voter Act, and in so doing, even though the opportunity for illegitimate cast ballots still exists, their effect on an election would be greatly reduced by the reduction in actual mail-in ballots allowed, and thereby gives significantly more credibility to the results of an election and its declared winner.

Unfortunately, allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in New York’s special election next month, exacerbates an existing problem and creates an irreparable harm in that the supposed winner will never be known because there is no practical way, when counting mailed in ballots under the Act, to scrutinize them to confirm, that the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter of that ballot. And this is why mail-in voting ought to be limited as intended under New York’s Constitution.


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

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