Why did Gov. Hochul sign into law the “Early Mail Voter Act”?

Let's see JohnWK demand mail in ballot states vet the ballots where Trump is the victor.
Major Deflection Alert!

If our object is to make vote stealing as minimal as reasonably possible, then no-excuse mail-in voting ought to be ended and mail-in voting ought to be restricted on the basis of just cause e.g., see PA’s Constitution, ARTICLE VII, ELECTIONS, § 14. Absentee Voting:

Absentee voting.
(a) The Legislature shall, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified electors who may, on the occurrence of any election, be absent from the municipality of their residence, because their duties, occupation or business require them to be elsewhere or who, on the occurrence of any election, are unable to attend at their proper polling places because of illness or physical disability or who will not attend a polling place because of the observance of a religious holiday or who cannot vote because of election day duties, in the case of a county employee, may vote, and for the return and canvass of their votes in the election district in which they respectively reside.
which I might add, Pennsylvania’s Democrat controlled Supreme Court recently subjugated, and forced no-excuse mail-in ballots upon the people without the people’s consent and their constitution being amended as required.

And this same crap (forcing no-excuse mail-in voting upon the people without their consent) just happened in two other Democrat controlled states, New York State and Massachusetts.

If this push for no-excuse mail-in ballot voting, which is being forced on the people by the Democrat Party Leadership and their partners in crime, is not nipped in the bud and stopped in its tracks and reversed, voting in our national elections will in fact resemble those as happen in China, Cuba, and Russia, where there is one party rule.


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
JohnWK gives no reason why mail-in ballots are not any less secure than other ballots.
The irrefutable fact is, mail-in voting unlocks a nefarious vulnerability in which ballots can, and have been, counted from voters not qualified to vote, and from those who are qualified but did not fill out the ballot and make the choices thereon. Why, therefore, is there such an advocacy to force no-excuse mail-in voting in every State, and without the people’s consent, by a number of so-called and well-funded, “public interest” groups?


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
Republicans are always against more people voting because that's generally how they lose.

Your political partisan view is absurd and unfocused. For example see Iowa Republican Official's Wife Convicted Of Ballot-Stuffing, which is just one more example of how mail-in voting opens the door to clever voter fraud operations, and perhaps is why Developed countries ‘ban’ mail-in voting

The question is, how many mail-in vote fraud operations are going undetected? We really have no idea! But what we do know is, there is no practical way to confirm that the one who filled out a mail-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter of that ballot.

And, the irrefutable fact is, mail-in voting presents a nefarious vulnerability in which ballots can, and have been counted, from voters not qualified to vote, and also counted from voters who are qualified but did not fill out the ballot and make the choices thereon.

So why is there such an advocacy for "no-excuse" mail-in voting, by a number of dubious well-funded, “public interest” groups, when mail-in voting is rife with fraud, and is undermining our peaceful way for change, which is our election process?


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.
What is wrong with drop boxes?
How are they any more subject to fraud than a mail box?
If they were not motivated enough to be informed and only vote because they were targeted by self driven entities paid for by special interests, maybe not. That is just cooking the books.
I am sure they question your motivation also

Key thing is they vote
Here in Florida we do mail in ballots the right way.

Those Democrats in New York will use the process to create fraudulent ballots. That is guaranteed.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.
Are you going to vote in the 2024 election?

Elise Stefanik’s lawsuit needs to state an “irreparable harm” for an injunction​

Here is the latest news on Rep. Elise Stefanik’s lawsuit involving New York’s legislatively imposed no-excuse mail-in ballot voting.

Mail-in voting expansion stays in place for now, but lawsuit lingers

JAN 3, 2024

“The appeals court could maintain Ryba’s decision, keeping the law in place as the larger lawsuit carries on. Or the appeals court could overturn her decision and side with the Republicans, stopping the law from being implemented until the state courts make a decision on the larger lawsuit.”
Note that Judge Ryba’s refusal to issue an injunction was, no irreparable harm had been claimed in the filing which is what N.Y. State claimed.


The fact is, if the new law allowing no-excuse mail-in ballots is kept in place for February’s, special House election, there will be an irreparable harm. That harm is, the legitimacy of February’s special election winner will never be known because there is no practical way, when counting mailed in ballots, to scrutinize them and confirm, that the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot, and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter of that ballot.

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