Are the dead aware that they are dead?

The dead are in the grave. Nowhere else. The "sleep" in a "coma" until the resurrection and the Judgement

That would explain the current state of the world.

If scripture is true, those who practice idolatry and defy the divine commands as an expression of their love for God and devotion to a holy life are dead.

That amounts to most of religious people of every persuasion all over the world.

Already dead. And you already know that the dead know nothing. They don't even know that they are dead.

So instead of striving to attain the individuality and intelligence, the substance, as a living thinking being that reflects the image and likeness of a holy God, they become an insignificant part of a self negating multiplicity, (whether republican, democrat, jew, gentile, believer or atheist), that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

The more dedicated to a group, the less capable they are to think rationally and see, hear, or speak the truth...... the more corrupt, pretentious, greedy, pusillanimous, duplicitous, unethical, immoral, deceitful - dead - they become.

"A mighty wind blew open the door and tongues of fire appeared that settled above each of their heads"

So atheists are alive?
Psalms and elsewhere says no more rememberance or thoughts in death.
As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth (Ecc 3:20) and the soul (breath) or spirit (nature of your being) also dissipates into the energy surrounding this, our layer of existence, the earth (Ecc 12:7, Psalms 22:29 & 104:29-30, Ezekiel 18:4 & 20, Joshua 10:28-39). That's why even the elect, is in no rush to die and leave this earth, our only existence. Our Spirit (which is an essence of our being & not an energy) shouldn't be portrayed as an energy, for even if it was described as such it could not escape from this earth or have any senses or conciousness without a processor for it (which is what our brain is.) It could only continue through reflection/emulation and inspiring people to that nature of being(spirit)=hence people catch the
spirit or become reflection/mesengers(malakhs) of that spirit.
We were formed from processions, layer after layer of micro realms to have concious energy, by placing the soul into the body, which acts as the processor, otherwise there would be no "Life" to experience. So, there is no such thing as afterlife, it's a myth or great scam. Example: You send a signal from computer to computer with a visual program that functions, but by itself that energy full of info has no form of concept, but once it’s received and processed at the end user, it then becomes a formed and visible program. Without the processor it’s just energy in micro orders without macro end vision of form.
Still doubt what I say?
Try blind folding yourself, placing sound proof ear phones on, and numbing your fingers. What do you feel, hear or see (thus sense)?
Does that energy you call soul still see, hear, touch, and feel?
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life.

According to your own story book, death is a consequence of failing to conform to the instruction of the divine commands which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with biological death just like the resurrection has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the resumption of a former physical existence.

You understand neither the words or subjects about which you are so dogmatic.

God is the God of the living.

Unless you repent of your murders and sorcery and perjuring yourself in the name of the Lord, bearing false witness, pretending to be a messiah, etc,, and become a "living being", before you die a physical death you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven whose firmament, basis, stretches out from horizon to horizon, way above your head, like a crystal clear vault.

No one can repent from the grave.
Who made you God?
Psalms and elsewhere says no more rememberance or thoughts in death.
As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth (Ecc 3:20) and the soul (breath) or spirit (nature of your being) also dissipates into the energy surrounding this, our layer of existence, the earth (Ecc 12:7, Psalms 22:29 & 104:29-30, Ezekiel 18:4 & 20, Joshua 10:28-39). That's why even the elect, is in no rush to die and leave this earth, our only existence. Our Spirit (which is an essence of our being & not an energy) shouldn't be portrayed as an energy, for even if it was described as such it could not escape from this earth or have any senses or conciousness without a processor for it (which is what our brain is.) It could only continue through reflection/emulation and inspiring people to that nature of being(spirit)=hence people catch the
spirit or become reflection/mesengers(malakhs) of that spirit.
We were formed from processions, layer after layer of micro realms to have concious energy, by placing the soul into the body, which acts as the processor, otherwise there would be no "Life" to experience. So, there is no such thing as afterlife, it's a myth or great scam. Example: You send a signal from computer to computer with a visual program that functions, but by itself that energy full of info has no form of concept, but once it’s received and processed at the end user, it then becomes a formed and visible program. Without the processor it’s just energy in micro orders without macro end vision of form.
Still doubt what I say?
Try blind folding yourself, placing sound proof ear phones on, and numbing your fingers. What do you feel, hear or see (thus sense)?
Does that energy you call soul still see, hear, touch, and feel?
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life.

According to your own story book, death is a consequence of failing to conform to the instruction of the divine commands which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with biological death just like the resurrection has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the resumption of a former physical existence.

You understand neither the words or subjects about which you are so dogmatic.

God is the God of the living.

Unless you repent of your murders and sorcery and perjuring yourself in the name of the Lord, bearing false witness, pretending to be a messiah, etc,, and become a "living being", before you die a physical death you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven whose firmament, basis, stretches out from horizon to horizon, way above your head, like a crystal clear vault.

No one can repent from the grave.
Who made you God?

never try to convince a psychotic that his delusion is "not real"
How is this thread even still going? No, dead people don't realize they are dead. They don't realize anything. Brain activity has ceased. They also aren't digesting meals, or fighting illness with antibodies. Duh, people.
Psalms and elsewhere says no more rememberance or thoughts in death.
As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth (Ecc 3:20) and the soul (breath) or spirit (nature of your being) also dissipates into the energy surrounding this, our layer of existence, the earth (Ecc 12:7, Psalms 22:29 & 104:29-30, Ezekiel 18:4 & 20, Joshua 10:28-39). That's why even the elect, is in no rush to die and leave this earth, our only existence. Our Spirit (which is an essence of our being & not an energy) shouldn't be portrayed as an energy, for even if it was described as such it could not escape from this earth or have any senses or conciousness without a processor for it (which is what our brain is.) It could only continue through reflection/emulation and inspiring people to that nature of being(spirit)=hence people catch the
spirit or become reflection/mesengers(malakhs) of that spirit.
We were formed from processions, layer after layer of micro realms to have concious energy, by placing the soul into the body, which acts as the processor, otherwise there would be no "Life" to experience. So, there is no such thing as afterlife, it's a myth or great scam. Example: You send a signal from computer to computer with a visual program that functions, but by itself that energy full of info has no form of concept, but once it’s received and processed at the end user, it then becomes a formed and visible program. Without the processor it’s just energy in micro orders without macro end vision of form.
Still doubt what I say?
Try blind folding yourself, placing sound proof ear phones on, and numbing your fingers. What do you feel, hear or see (thus sense)?
Does that energy you call soul still see, hear, touch, and feel?
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life.
Without your vessel acting as the processor you have no sense that allow you to feel, hear, see and sense life ... for even if it was described as such it could not escape from this earth or have any senses or conciousness without a processor for it (which is what our brain is.)


if you were religious one could request you explanation for Flora ... the spiritual origin of life on Earth. there is no CNS.

As scripture tells us, when you die the body goes back to the dust of the earth

that is not true, physiology is not native to planet Earth it does not turn to "dust" but disappears when its spiritual content is removed.
The dead are in the grave. Nowhere else. The "sleep" in a "coma" until the resurrection and the Judgement

That would explain the current state of the world.

If scripture is true, those who practice idolatry and defy the divine commands as an expression of their love for God and devotion to a holy life are dead.

That amounts to most of religious people of every persuasion all over the world.

Already dead. And you already know that the dead know nothing. They don't even know that they are dead.

So instead of striving to attain the individuality and intelligence, the substance, as a living thinking being that reflects the image and likeness of a holy God, they become an insignificant part of a self negating multiplicity, (whether republican, democrat, jew, gentile, believer or atheist), that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

The more dedicated to a group, the less capable they are to think rationally and see, hear, or speak the truth...... the more corrupt, pretentious, greedy, pusillanimous, duplicitous, unethical, immoral, deceitful - dead - they become.

"A mighty wind blew open the door and tongues of fire appeared that settled above each of their heads"

So atheists are alive?
So atheists are alive?

not reading the forgeries of the desert religions does give them a leg up ...
I read somewhere (I can't find it right now) that yes dead people are aware their body died.

Dead are aware that their physical bodies are dead, but that they are not dead , themselves, their real selves and consciousness is very much alive.

That's what they say, you know the people who have died and came back.

And the consciousness the real self.... floats above the physical dead body and looks at their body like a piece of an object

That's what those who have returned say.
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How is this thread even still going? No, dead people don't realize they are dead. They don't realize anything. Brain activity has ceased. They also aren't digesting meals, or fighting illness with antibodies. Duh, people.
howabout freeing your spirit and flying off - evolutionary metamorphosis from physical to mobile /spiritual.
How is this thread even still going? No, dead people don't realize they are dead. They don't realize anything. Brain activity has ceased. They also aren't digesting meals, or fighting illness with antibodies. Duh, people.
howabout freeing your spirit and flying off - evolutionary metamorphosis from physical to mobile /spiritual.
Sounds like a bad 80s movie. No breezy, ghosts aren't real.
How is this thread even still going? No, dead people don't realize they are dead. They don't realize anything. Brain activity has ceased. They also aren't digesting meals, or fighting illness with antibodies. Duh, people.
howabout freeing your spirit and flying off - evolutionary metamorphosis from physical to mobile /spiritual.
Sounds like a bad 80s movie. No breezy, ghosts aren't real.
Sounds like a bad 80s movie. No breezy, ghosts aren't real.

I'll take being a ghost over dead anyday - eventually its going to happen and the good one's will still have sex.
There are so many scientific books about this topic.
If, by so many, you mean "zero give or take zero"...then, okay.

I don't understand what you say

I mean there are many books written by psychiatrists who dealt with patients who died and then came back and talked about the experience.
Ah, gotcha. But the "experience" was hallucination, brought on by hypoxia.

whatever day we'll know
There are so many scientific books about this topic.
If, by so many, you mean "zero give or take zero"...then, okay.

I don't understand what you say

I mean there are many books written by psychiatrists who dealt with patients who died and then came back and talked about the experience.
What Fort Fun is trying to tell you about is that scientists have debunked the N.D.E.'s.
Dr. Michael Persinger
did experiments to find out all those NDE were a result of lack of oxygen to the brain, and duplicated the exact same experiences in a lab. In Persinger's research, everyone that had been stimulated on the side portion of the brain had the same exact experience as if they were dying, & they saw the same tunnel of light, higher presence, feeling of floating & detachment, and imagery almost identical to each other. This deception of Bright Light deceives us into thinking there is something after death that in reality doesn't exist and was part of Cult beliefs. Therefore we end up treating death as life, even though scripture warns us of "PROMISING" people a false "Soul Flying Life"(Ezekiel 13:20-22).
Another misperception on the concept stems from people mistaking this ability to transmit oneself, as in "remote viewing" or "telepathy", as being similar to out of body death or eternal life being proved. In other words they see this ability as another realm.
This couldn't be more deceptive....You see in all cases there was always a processor in which the info energy was received, whether Telepathy or remote viewing. We know energy can't have consciousness without a processor which acts as the mechanism in which we use to feel and experience life. This Body and Mind vessel is the only processor as energy by itself has nothing to feel. (bible even says this) Thus when we think these things are another realm, they are actually talents within this order (realm)and there is no other realm but this life. Deception is in telling people there is an afterlife, for by teaching that we have worshipped death and sacrificed this one and only grace of Life.

So what was the eternal life in Scripture meant to be?
The Greek myths, because of their belief in an immortal soul, viewed death as a natural, desirable, progression. It's concept was that it completes the liberation of the soul & it would free the soul from the prison of its body. But all this did was cause worship of death deceiving people as as if it were life. The Jews on the other hand, saw death as an enemy, something unnatural, abnormal, opposed to God. The only hope for a dying creation was a
resurrection, a release from the death condition & remaining alive in this only grace of Life. Resurrection was to be a true reward for for those who gave their lives freely to G0D. In other words it was seen as an ideal way to bring justice for those who have sacrificed their lives to better Life for the whole.
The Nazarenes taught to covet death opposite traditional Judaism. Logically we would then ask ourselves were they helenized Jews who were influenced by Greek mythology or did this occur from other cultural influences? The Nazarenes admit in the John Apochryphon that they borrow from Zoroastrianism. We see remanants of Johns followers called the Mandeans which teach similar coveting of death teachings, those Zoroastrian teachings which John influenced onto his followers also influenced Jesus who eventually took the beheaded John's flock. So the Nazarenes which taught ‘The Mysterys of Babylon’ were deemed the Notzrim (offshoot) because they seperated these views on death creating an off shoot sect from traditional Judaism and it's understandings on death and heaven.
Death is not another life, but a curse:
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.
The Reason Why They Sold The Lie
Well think about it. Rome was losing power and control and no-one would be obedient to them while they invaded and captured and enslaved people. So they used the mask of religion to remain in power, collect taxes (now called tithes)and they spread out far and wide without anyone knowing they were still being invaded or controlled by the Roman Empire.......Brilliant eh?
Now while in a masked power how do they keep the lower classes from Rising? Simple, create a false hope of a better life for sacrificing yourself in this life. Thinking they are suffering here to go to heaven later was another brilliant trick of the Romans. How do they get suckers to fight in wars for them? Tell them they are martyrs and will go to a false hope afterlife of heaven. Hey, that's what the JiHaad is all about, as they tell them they die for a greater afterlife and they go along with it unknowingly. If they just tell the truth, then no longer do you have people fighting for fat cats for the hope of pleasing their gods.

Cultures which twist death & life often use the kingdom in death ideology to get unsuspected pawns to do the kings and kingdoms whims inluding dying for their king and authorities in order to gain a place in that mythical land called underworld=death cultism.
Christianity committed great acts against humanity and this creation because of this death worship, as is radical Islam with their same promises of reward in death.....
Therefore remove this bad philosophy and you remove the many abuses and disrespect for life that it brings.
In Judaism it's not an underworld or death cult like Egyptian and Greek ideologies and myths, in Judaism it's about RETURNING (HaShev) to your reward that your Mitzvahs produced.
So atheists are alive?

Do they worship false gods? no.

Do they eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate? no.

Do they eat the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours? no.

Do they eat the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly? no

Do they perjure themselves in the name of God? no.

Do they believe that by eating or abstaining from certain food they will become holy as God is holy? no

Do they teach adults fairy tales as if they were historical documents? no

They conform to the the hidden teaching of the divine commands unaware.

Consequently they are way more alive than you who has made openly setting aside the divine commands, and teaching others to do the same, a religious obligation.

You are a liar and a murderer.

So go to a priest and have him tell God just how sorry you are for your sins, then get down on your knees, worship a trinity, celebrate the torture and death of Jesus, and then solemnly eat him, yummy, so you won't have to pay for your own sins.

do you really have no inkling how delusional and despicable that is?

To profess to believe that the death of an innocent man would absolve you from your own guilt?

Now try and convince me that you are not dead.
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So atheists are alive?

Do they worship false gods? no.
You are wrong. They worship themselves.
Do they eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate? no.
How would you know? :lol:
Do they eat the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours? no.
How would you know? :lol:
Do they eat the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly? no
How would you know? :lol:
Do they perjure themselves in the name of God? no.
They do worse. They deny God.
Do they believe that they can eat their way into paradise? no
That didn't take long for your anti-catholic bias to appear. :lol:
Do they teach adults fairy tales as if they were historical documents? no
Fairy tales? Clearly you do not understand Genesis. Let me help you.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation
They conform to the the hidden teaching of the divine commands unaware.
No. They don't. Neither do you.
Consequently they are way more alive than you who has made openly setting aside the divine commands, and teaching others to do the same, a religious obligation.
Wrong. They can't see reality because God is reality.
You are a liar and a murderer.
You are a religious nutjob.
So atheists are alive?

Do they worship false gods? no.
You are wrong. They worship themselves.
Do they eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate? no.
How would you know? :lol:
Do they eat the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours? no.
How would you know? :lol:
Do they eat the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly? no
How would you know? :lol:
Do they perjure themselves in the name of God? no.
They do worse. They deny God.
Do they believe that they can eat their way into paradise? no
That didn't take long for your anti-catholic bias to appear. :lol:
Do they teach adults fairy tales as if they were historical documents? no
Fairy tales? Clearly you do not understand Genesis. Let me help you.

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation
They conform to the the hidden teaching of the divine commands unaware.
No. They don't. Neither do you.
Consequently they are way more alive than you who has made openly setting aside the divine commands, and teaching others to do the same, a religious obligation.
Wrong. They can't see reality because God is reality.
You are a liar and a murderer.
You are a religious nutjob.

They do worse. They deny God.

they deny your false trinity, the existence of a capricious and perverse edible three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands who diddled a virgin to father himself to become fully human only to be tortured and killed so you can be an asshole for the rest of your life without consequence and, of course, because God loved the roman world so much. right.

so do I.

You eat Jesus as if that will get you into paradise, after you die, of course.

Now thats a religious nut job.
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