are the Democrats after all just as good at foreign policy as the Republicans?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
the US+EU defensive/offensive forces placed currently in the Middle East as 'discouragement towards Iran',
do seem to prove that ruling from behind the curtain, as i suspect the Democrats to be into post-Obama,
works just as well as deterrent towards our foes as the more aggressive, dominant, Republican habits in foreign policy choices.

and that could have a direct impact on the number of recruits that we get for any next regional war (over Taiwan for instance),
via the mechanisms that govern the recurring battles for the moral highground (measured out over the decades ofcourse).

i hope i was able to make myself understood with these few words,
but i was aiming for the 30K-foot view, not a detailed political-sciences article :)

coz if i'm right, and the Dems are just as good a deterrent towards our foes (BRICS and their allies),
then i must retract my endorsement of the Republicans for 2024,
and stay politically neutral.
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The amount of effort and money that Obama put into revitalizing a weak and harmless Iran back to full Terror strength was shocking. Trump had them flat on their back on life support. Then Biden came in and once again restored their strength and we see the results reigning down from the skies in the Middle East.

There is your proof that the Democrats foreign policy is to create chaos in the world and weaken the US and Israel.
The unprecedented effort that Obama put into revitalizing a weak and harmless Iran back into the number one Terror Threat in the world. Trump had them flat on their back on life support. Biden came in and once again restored their strength and we see the results reigning down from the skies in the Middle East.

There is your proof that the Democrats foreign policy is to create chaos in the world and weaken the US and Israel.
ah, but did you account for the possibility that the 'revitalizing of Iran' could be a plausibly-deniable pre-emptive-strike trigger much like an ancient fuse detonates an ancient bomb?
it sure rounds up the bad guys in the middle east if you ask me.

on the other side of that coin though, i too find depictions of defeat of the West by allowing the Muslim extremists to tech up their "societies" as fast as the Democrats are letting it at the moment.
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ah, but did you account for the possibility that the 'revitalizing of Iran' could be a plausibly-deniable pre-emptive-strike trigger much like an ancient fuse detonates an ancient bomb?
it sure rounds up the bad guys in the middle east if you ask me.

on the other side of that coin though, i too find depictions of defeat of the West by allowing the Muslim extremists to tech up their "societies" as fast as the Democrats are letting it at the moment.
Sounds like you are trying really hard to find a reason to justify what Obama and Biden did restoring Iran to the Number One terror threat in the world.
ah, but did you account for the possibility that the 'revitalizing of Iran' could be a plausibly-deniable pre-emptive-strike trigger much like an ancient fuse detonates an ancient bomb?
it sure rounds up the bad guys in the middle east if you ask me.

on the other side of that coin though, i too find depictions of defeat of the West by allowing the Muslim extremists to tech up their "societies" as fast as the Democrats are letting it at the moment.
I think that if we stay out of their business that they can tech up and we'll have no problem.
Sounds like you are trying really hard to find a reason to justify what Obama and Biden did restoring Iran to the Number One terror threat in the world.
just revealing my inner thoughts on a public stance that i'll back up with : freedom of speech can be a biatch.

and i have been raised to see that all foreign policy needs carrots in addition to sticks.
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the morals found in hardline sharia law are truly mideaval and just plain evil when compared to how western citizens are raised, especially in countries like you find in Europe, with a physical force monopoly assigned to all cops.
The morals in sharia law are no less medieval than those of right wing fundamentalism. And if we leave those people alone, they will not have any reason to attack us. The problem with the "west" is that for some reason, people seem to think that we are better than everybody and should impose our morals on everybody else any way we choose.
If you truly are a 'peace fan', there is absolutely no justification for supporting the Democrats. I seriously doubt you ever supported Republicans.
i'm a European influencer of about 10K total viewers per post max.
so while my endorsement should not mean much to those viewers (it's just my opinion on the election and the info on it that i've seen float by),
my analysis of 30K-foot views, should.

and for the record, i'll state the obvious : i try hard to be able to work with a victor of elections regardless of their name and background.
and usually i succeed at that.
The morals in sharia law are no less medieval than those of right wing fundamentalism. And if we leave those people alone, they will not have any reason to attack us. The problem with the "west" is that for some reason, people seem to think that we are better than everybody and should impose our morals on everybody else any way we choose.
Sharia law = obedience to barbaric rulers, who are all into severe corporal punishment.
i'll fight them regardless of whether i'm here on Earth, or in Heaven.

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