Are the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next?

What is wrong with tearing down monuments to confederate traitors

Never should have erected them anyway
Well to the republicans it is a matter of tradition, or history or allegiance or some such nonsense.
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.

No one has ever needed a political party to own a slave.

However you might want to talk to Ulysses Grant about being a "Democrat". Not to mention Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison, Tyler and Taylor, just for a start.

ZERO of which has anything to do with this goofy-ass thread.
What is wrong with tearing down monuments to confederate traitors

Never should have erected them anyway
Well to the republicans it is a matter of tradition, or history or allegiance or some such nonsense.
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.
Actually it was more than dems since there was Whigs and the early party name was the Democratic-Republican party..Until the Whigs died after Millard Fillmore was president. Why you yahoo echo chamber fags don't know US history is most disappointing...But you are in the image of Trump the "C" student...
Let's take FDR's face off Mt. Rushmore (since he put Japanese Americans in internment camps) and replace it with Ronald Reagan (a better President who was not a racist).

When did they put FDR on Mt Rushmore?
Let's take FDR's face off Mt. Rushmore (since he put Japanese Americans in internment camps) and replace it with Ronald Reagan (a better President who was not a racist).

Yyyyyeah except those Japanese were sequestered for their nationality, not their race.

Again --- ZERO of which has to do with the UDC or the Cult of the Lost Cause.

Plus, you'll have to dig Gutzon Borglum up out of his grave to carve FDR in there so you can take him out. Borglum should have got in his time machine to see the future, shouldn't he.
What is wrong with tearing down monuments to confederate traitors

Never should have erected them anyway
Well to the republicans it is a matter of tradition, or history or allegiance or some such nonsense.
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.
Actually it was more than dems since there was Whigs and the early party name was the Democratic-Republican party..Until the Whigs died after Millard Fillmore was president. Why you yahoo echo chamber fags don't know US history is most disappointing...But you are in the image of Trump the "C" student...
I would point you to Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democrat party, slave owner and hell on Pocahontas's ancestors. You must be proud that you got blacks off plantations and into urban shitholes and bestowed upon them a tradition of parasitism.

That's American history.
What is wrong with tearing down monuments to confederate traitors

Never should have erected them anyway
Well to the republicans it is a matter of tradition, or history or allegiance or some such nonsense.
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.
Actually it was more than dems since there was Whigs and the early party name was the Democratic-Republican party..Until the Whigs died after Millard Fillmore was president. Why you yahoo echo chamber fags don't know US history is most disappointing...But you are in the image of Trump the "C" student...
I would point you to Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democrat party, slave owner and hell on Pocahontas's ancestors. You must be proud that you got blacks off plantations and into urban shitholes and bestowed upon them a tradition of parasitism.

That's American history.
He just was assigned the ass because of it's stubborn mule headed stubbornness...
Election of 1824
The Panic of 1819 had devastated the fortunes of many, and banks and politicians seen as supportive of banks were particularly unpopular. With his growing political viability, Jackson emerged as one of the five major presidential candidates, along with Crawford, Adams, Clay, and Secretary of War John C. Calhoun. During the Era of Good Feelings, the Federalist Party had faded away, and all five presidential contenders were members of the Democratic-Republican Party
Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia
What is wrong with tearing down monuments to confederate traitors

Never should have erected them anyway
Well to the republicans it is a matter of tradition, or history or allegiance or some such nonsense.
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.
Actually it was more than dems since there was Whigs and the early party name was the Democratic-Republican party..Until the Whigs died after Millard Fillmore was president. Why you yahoo echo chamber fags don't know US history is most disappointing...But you are in the image of Trump the "C" student...
I would point you to Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democrat party, slave owner and hell on Pocahontas's ancestors. You must be proud that you got blacks off plantations and into urban shitholes and bestowed upon them a tradition of parasitism.

That's American history.

Andrew Jackson is not the founder of the Democratic Party. That would be Martin van Buren, his successor. 1834 to be exact. Van Buren, fun fact, was the only POTUS whose native language was not English.

Jackson ran for President three times: 1824, 1828 and 1832. He had no political party behind him. He had supporters who were simply called "Jacksonians" for lack of a name. He had detractors too, which were simply called "anti-Jacksonians" for the same lack of a name. In time Jacksonians were organized into the Democratic Party (by van Buren) and Anti-Jacksonians were organized into the Whigs (originally National Republicans) (by Clay).

NONE of which has jack shit to do with this thread.
Last edited:
Well to the republicans it is a matter of tradition, or history or allegiance or some such nonsense.
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.
Actually it was more than dems since there was Whigs and the early party name was the Democratic-Republican party..Until the Whigs died after Millard Fillmore was president. Why you yahoo echo chamber fags don't know US history is most disappointing...But you are in the image of Trump the "C" student...
I would point you to Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democrat party, slave owner and hell on Pocahontas's ancestors. You must be proud that you got blacks off plantations and into urban shitholes and bestowed upon them a tradition of parasitism.

That's American history.

Andrew Jackson is not the founder of the Democratic Party. That would be Martin van Buren, his successor. 1934 to be exact.

Jackson ran for President three times: 1824, 1828 and 1832. He had no political party behind him. He had supporters who were simply called "Jacksonians" for lack of a name. He had detractors too, which were simply called "anti-Jacksonians" for the same lack of a name. In time Jacksonians were organized into the Democratic Party (by van Buren) and Anti-Jacksonians were organized into the Whigs (by Clay).
Jackson was indeed the founder of the Democrats since Jacksonians founded the party.

Don't be a prick all your life. Take some time off now and then.

Andrew Jackson, founder of the Democratic Party and the first President to be elected from the Democratic Party (1829–1837)
Republicans still celebrate the era of slavery
Don't worry. Remember, the Republican president hasn't been born yet. Besides, Democrats were the slave owners, ... still are.
Actually it was more than dems since there was Whigs and the early party name was the Democratic-Republican party..Until the Whigs died after Millard Fillmore was president. Why you yahoo echo chamber fags don't know US history is most disappointing...But you are in the image of Trump the "C" student...
I would point you to Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democrat party, slave owner and hell on Pocahontas's ancestors. You must be proud that you got blacks off plantations and into urban shitholes and bestowed upon them a tradition of parasitism.

That's American history.

Andrew Jackson is not the founder of the Democratic Party. That would be Martin van Buren, his successor. 1934 to be exact.

Jackson ran for President three times: 1824, 1828 and 1832. He had no political party behind him. He had supporters who were simply called "Jacksonians" for lack of a name. He had detractors too, which were simply called "anti-Jacksonians" for the same lack of a name. In time Jacksonians were organized into the Democratic Party (by van Buren) and Anti-Jacksonians were organized into the Whigs (by Clay).
Jackson was indeed the founder of the Democrats since Jacksonians founded the party.

Don't be a prick all your life. Take some time off now and then.

Andrew Jackson, founder of the Democratic Party and the first President to be elected from the Democratic Party (1829–1837)

Nope, you're wrong. The first use of the name Democratic Party was (again) 1834. You'll notice that's halfway into Jackson's last term as POTUS. And (again) it was Martin van Buren who did the work of organizing it into a formal party. Just as it was Henry Clay who did the work of organizing the Whigs.

So the Democratic Party EXISTED in his lifetime and while he was President, but he didn't run with it because it did not yet exist. The first Democratic Party candidate for President was Martin van Buren, 1836.

Again --- NONE of this is in any way related to the thread, so it would appear the actual topic must be inconvenient.
Let's take FDR's face off Mt. Rushmore (since he put Japanese Americans in internment camps) and replace it with Ronald Reagan (a better President who was not a racist).

When did they put FDR on Mt Rushmore?
You're right. My bad. Guess we'll have to settle for tearing down his memorial instead.
The basis for America is being attacked. Now the Founders are demonized as old, white men. Who else was going to start the country?
Let's take FDR's face off Mt. Rushmore (since he put Japanese Americans in internment camps) and replace it with Ronald Reagan (a better President who was not a racist).

When did they put FDR on Mt Rushmore?
You're right. My bad. Guess we'll have to settle for tearing down his memorial instead.

You can send all your dimes to me. I'm going to the bank.
Are the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next?
Will the Talicrats tear down the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next? Is the removal of monuments really about social justice, or is it about left wing hate or about having a hot issue to energize the dumb liberal fanatics for election day?

Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far

down the memory hole they go

our history north south east west good and bad is all of ours
monuments ,statues and what not must be cherished, preserved, and left alone
Are the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next?
Will the Talicrats tear down the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next? Is the removal of monuments really about social justice, or is it about left wing hate or about having a hot issue to energize the dumb liberal fanatics for election day?

Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far
Why would they be next? They are Presidents.
Are the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next?
Will the Talicrats tear down the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next? Is the removal of monuments really about social justice, or is it about left wing hate or about having a hot issue to energize the dumb liberal fanatics for election day?

Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far

down the memory hole they go

our history north south east west good and bad is all of ours
monuments ,statues and what not must be cherished, preserved, and left alone

Yyyyyyyyeah. First place monuments are not "history". They're commentaries. And the monuments that have actually been targeted ---- as opposed to the Jefferson/Washington/Rushmore bullshit Checkers speech in the OP ---- were all plunked there by the UDC as propaganda transmitters for the Cult of the Lost Cause, and THAT is why they're targeted. Because they're fucking billboards for a revisionist history.

The same bullshit that spawned "Birth of a Nation", the Klan, and the plaque the UDC put on the building where the Klan was first founded, which was one of the first such monuments dumped, in this case turned backward so its memorial would not even show.

And that's why the UDC put all these statues and monuments in public spaces, where they would have the most effect as propaganda transmitters, to show black people who was going to run the place, regardless of the outcome of the War.
Are the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next?
Will the Talicrats tear down the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore next? Is the removal of monuments really about social justice, or is it about left wing hate or about having a hot issue to energize the dumb liberal fanatics for election day?

Here's A List Of All The Monuments Liberals Want To Tear Down So Far

down the memory hole they go

our history north south east west good and bad is all of ours
monuments ,statues and what not must be cherished, preserved, and left alone
Time takes care of those memories you don't have to move a muscle.
The basis for America is being attacked. Now the Founders are demonized as old, white men. Who else was going to start the country?
The young middle and old that fought and died..People don't seem to remember this liberal philosophy: This govt. is our govt. the people's and there may be a time when we must take back our govt. through force of arms when that govt. is ruled with absolute despotism and oppression.

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