Are there any economic beneffits from global corporations ?

Selling things too cheaply? Why is that a problem?

Let's see; solar panels, steel, and cars, were product dumped in the US, all propagated by Republicans.

Let's see; solar panels, steel, and cars, were product dumped in the US, all propagated by Republicans.

Republicans propagated cheap solar panels, steel and cars?
That's awful. Democrats prefer their products to be expensive?
In other words : let them do whatever they want. Is that supposed to bring beneffits for the society as a whole ? I don't think so.

dear, why not present an example where freedom to not pay corporate taxes, to merge, and to donate would do some harm?? What does your fear teach us??
They can fund more innovation and which people want. What this does is the demander(the people) go in buy it and the supplier is able to develop new products through the reality that they have the cash to afford the r&d. A global corporation will hire hundreds of thousands if not millions of workers and will have a huge impact on the economy of the nations it supplies jobs to.
OMG???? dear you just said you were opposed to tariffs!!!!!! Well a tarriff on money makes it harder to ship money across borders!!! OMG!!!!
Tariffs scare you?
How about taxes?

"Foreign profits held overseas by U.S. corporations to avoid taxes at home nearly doubled from 2008 to 2013 to top $2.1 trillion, said a private research firm's report, prompting a call for reform by the Senate's top tax law writer.

"'The new numbers ... certainly highlight what is one of the key challenges for tax reform. I do think there need to be some reforms in this area,' Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden told reporters on Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

"Under U.S. law, corporations do not have to pay income tax on most of their overseas profits until they are brought into the United States. These earnings can be held offshore for years if they are classified as indefinitely invested abroad."

What would Aristotle say?:ack-1:

Untaxed U.S. corporate profits held overseas top 2.1 trillion study Reuters
Republicans propagated cheap solar panels, steel and cars?
That's awful. Democrats prefer their products to be expensive?

Democrats don't like their jobs trashed.

When I save money on products, I have more money to buy other things or invest.
I guess you're whining about cheaper oil.

That would be if you have a job... or a well paid job.
dear free trade requires the removal of tarriffs. Do you get it?? It isn't free trade if you have tariffs to restrict freedom.

Oh, but free movement of labour is something which you have repeatedly said is something you do not accept. And labour is just another commodity.
See how conservatives are 100% hypocrital ?
In other words : let them do whatever they want. Is that supposed to bring beneffits for the society as a whole ? I don't think so.

dear, why not present an example where freedom to not pay corporate taxes, to merge, and to donate would do some harm?? What does your fear teach us??

It should be noted that some of these are currently taking place. That is, several top U.S. and multinational corporations receive significant tax cuts, merge to dominate various industries, but donate sums that are very small compared to what they earn.
They can fund more innovation and which people want. What this does is the demander(the people) go in buy it and the supplier is able to develop new products through the reality that they have the cash to afford the r&d. A global corporation will hire hundreds of thousands if not millions of workers and will have a huge impact on the economy of the nations it supplies jobs to.
But a huge corporation employ more people than two or three local corporations?
Three corporations will surely be less efficient, as the big global corporation can benefit from the economy of scales to a greater degree, but, there will be more competition and it will be harder to avoid taxes.
In other words : let them do whatever they want. Is that supposed to bring beneffits for the society as a whole ? I don't think so.

dear, why not present an example where freedom to not pay corporate taxes, to merge, and to donate would do some harm?? What does your fear teach us??
oh baiamonte , as allways too slow , I already presented the case of the VOC.
What does your lack of knowledge about history teach us ?
Republicans propagated cheap solar panels, steel and cars?
That's awful. Democrats prefer their products to be expensive?

Democrats don't like their jobs trashed.

When I save money on products, I have more money to buy other things or invest.
I guess you're whining about cheaper oil.

That would be if you have a job... or a well paid job.
dear free trade requires the removal of tarriffs. Do you get it?? It isn't free trade if you have tariffs to restrict freedom.

Oh, but free movement of labour is something which you have repeatedly said is something you do not accept. And labour is just another commodity.
See how conservatives are 100% hypocrital ?

That would be if you have a job... or a well paid job.

I only benefit from lower oil if I have a job?

And labour is just another commodity.

If you're pushing for a temporary guest worker program, just come out and say it.
In other words : let them do whatever they want. Is that supposed to bring beneffits for the society as a whole ? I don't think so.

dear, why not present an example where freedom to not pay corporate taxes, to merge, and to donate would do some harm?? What does your fear teach us??
oh baiamonte , as allways too slow , I already presented the case of the VOC.
What does your lack of knowledge about history teach us ?
dear, why not present an example where freedom to not pay corporate taxes, to merge, and to donate would do some harm?? What does your fear teach us??

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