Are there ANY on the Right who still believe Iraq was involved in 9/11?

I never realized liberals were so concerned with the rights of Christians. Why all the sudden interest?
Of course it is a canard. There is no truth to the assertion and it is made simply to make the US look like bad guys. Yeah, everyone had it so much better under Saddam. He even made the trains run on time!

Sure they had it bad under Saddam, but they had it worse under us.

Besides, I think of Middle Eastern Christians as the real Christians. The ones here are fake. Do you really think Middle Eastern Christians believe Jesus looked like this:


It isn't up to me to delegitimate millions of people and tell them they are fakes. But your comment tells me all I need to know about how much you "care" about Christians anywhere in the world.
To suggest the that UN backed the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 indicates one is mentally feeble or deliberately malignant.
Oh and what was up with that "Mission accomplished" sign?
An aircraft carrier has a "mission accomplished" sign on their ship as they head back home, and the left has no clue what it means. <hint: it means that the ship's mission was accomplished> Tell me what you think the "mission accomplished" sign on that ship really means.

The important question that you righty's keep dodging....what did he do in retaliation to the worse attack on American soil? Exactly, WHAT DID HE DO "GUNNY"..

Gunny can answer for himself, but IMHO he removed the Taliban from power in AFG, booted AQ out of AFG into the caves in Waziristan, where the Paks need to dig them out. He also removed a vicious dictator, who supported terrorism financially, from power and saved Iraqis from living under a brutal regime who started several wars. In fact he created a new democracy in the ME, hopefully one with good relations with the US. In case you forgot, Saddam was very slick, he bought-off most of the UN, including France and Russia.

What did Omama do? Send Hillary to nag the ME into submission?

so no WMD's. Remember he mentioned mushroom clouds if we didnt go. He didnt have time to get the guy responsible for te most horrible attack on american soil...? If memory serves, he said e didnt have time for that? Or something along those lines....

I want you to imagine if someone decided to attack us now. Imagine if Obama did NOTHING to get the people responsible. IMAGINE THIS!
I never realized liberals were so concerned with the rights of Christians. Why all the sudden interest?
Of course it is a canard. There is no truth to the assertion and it is made simply to make the US look like bad guys. Yeah, everyone had it so much better under Saddam. He even made the trains run on time!

Sure they had it bad under Saddam, but they had it worse under us.

Besides, I think of Middle Eastern Christians as the real Christians. The ones here are fake. Do you really think Middle Eastern Christians believe Jesus looked like this:


It isn't up to me to delegitimate millions of people and tell them they are fakes. But your comment tells me all I need to know about how much you "care" about Christians anywhere in the world.

American Christians "delegitimize" themselves when they put up such nonsensical pictures and call them Jesus.
No, you missed the point. They were coerced into participating otherwise, the US would have cut off their "funding".

Prove it. Otherwise you lose the debate.

Wait a second. The US gives "aid" to over a hundred countries. Billions of dollars. Do you seriously think that Bush wouldn't give preferential treatment to those countries that choose to send at least token support so Bush's League would look huge? Do you seriously think Bush would give money to countries that didn't support him in such an endeavor?

There is no debate here. It's just common sense. 40 countries were part of the "coalition", for a little while at least. Countries sent 2 or 20 or 40. Out of the 297 thousand, 250 thousand were from the US. And look at the names of the countries.
El Salvador
The more you name, the sillier it gets. These countries have no interest in Iraq. They probably never even had an envoy. It's a joke.

So OK, I lose the debate. Laughing the whole time.
Sure they had it bad under Saddam, but they had it worse under us.

Besides, I think of Middle Eastern Christians as the real Christians. The ones here are fake. Do you really think Middle Eastern Christians believe Jesus looked like this:

It isn't up to me to delegitimate millions of people and tell them they are fakes. But your comment tells me all I need to know about how much you "care" about Christians anywhere in the world.

American Christians "delegitimize" themselves when they put up such nonsensical pictures and call them Jesus.

As opposed to say, Italian Catholics who have their own versions. Or Ethiopian Christians who have their own version. Or Greek Orthodox christians with their own versions.
Your bias is showing again. Tuck it in.
The important question that you righty's keep dodging....what did he do in retaliation to the worse attack on American soil? Exactly, WHAT DID HE DO...

Gunny can answer for himself, but IMHO he removed the Taliban from power in AFG, booted AQ out of AFG into the caves in Waziristan, where the Paks need to dig them out. He also removed a vicious dictator, who supported terrorism financially, from power and saved Iraqis from living under a brutal regime who started several wars. In fact he created a new democracy in the ME, hopefully one with good relations with the US. In case you forgot, Saddam was very slick, he bought-off most of the UN, including France and Russia. What did Omama do? Send Hillary to nag the ME into submission?[/QUOTE]

so no WMD's. Remember he mentioned mushroom clouds if we didn't go. He didnt have time to get the guy responsible for the most horrible attack on american soil...? If memory serves, he said he didnt have time for that? Or something along those lines....I want you to imagine if someone decided to attack us now. Imagine if Obama did NOTHING to get the people responsible. IMAGINE THIS!

You keep shifting the debate after I make a few points. Please do try to resolve one bogus issue at a time.
1. the first issue you ducked was the "mission accomplished" sign on an aircraft carrier headed home after completing its mission. The MSM deliberately mis-interpreted the fairly obvious sign. What does the left think that sign actually meant and why?

2. The second issue was "what did Bush do?" which was answered.

3. Now the third question was "what about WMDs", and the answer to that is that Saddam had WMDs, killed the Kurds with them, and most of us support the removal of Saddam from power. Saddam could have purchased a nuke with oil money and given it to the terrorists. The better question is "tell us why you support leaving Saddam in control of Iraq"

4. Bush failed to get OBL. That is an albatross that "chimp" will carry as his legacy.
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I never realized liberals were so concerned with the rights of Christians. Why all the sudden interest?
Of course it is a canard. There is no truth to the assertion and it is made simply to make the US look like bad guys. Yeah, everyone had it so much better under Saddam. He even made the trains run on time!

Sure they had it bad under Saddam, but they had it worse under us.

Besides, I think of Middle Eastern Christians as the real Christians. The ones here are fake. Do you really think Middle Eastern Christians believe Jesus looked like this:


Look in the Bible and do some freaking archaeology Rabid Lie. You might learn something....

First off, Jesus was Jewish. It's referred to many times in the Bible (descended from the line of David, was in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover because He was a good Jewish boy).

Next, there are many remains of Jews from Biblical times, and we've been able to re-create what they looked like.

So, yeah........He does look kinda like that.
Regardless of who thinks what here, "the Bush administrations made almost no sincere effort to set the record very officially and very publicly straight for quite awhile that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. //
No one can offer any relevant evidence to offset the very real fact." Think Dick Cheney, among others.

Got a problem with this? Tuff luck.
A German military leader recently spoke public and said the U.S. government staged the 9/11 event.

Oh Bullshit.

Nope........I'll be back with name, rank, links to well documented statements.

Plus I can bring Political leaders from Japan saying disturbing things too and accusing the U.S. of orchestrating 9/11.

Plus I can bring Political leaders under Tony Blair who said the U.S. government played some roll in the destruction wrought that day.

Plus more...

I'll be back with indisputable links and well documented statements......
Oh, I forgot to add that a Russian Military leader also said disturbing things about the U.S. concocting 9/11.

Again when I come back I will provide indisputable links and well documented statements.

In fact I may just start a new thread dedicated to what Political and Military Leaders in the World are now saying about 9/11 complete with indisputable links and well documented statements.........
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It simply doesn't matter what quotes you have from these people. Don't you understand that for every quote you have saying that the US Government was involved I can get 100 that will say the opposite?
It simply doesn't matter what quotes you have from these people. Don't you understand that for every quote you have saying that the US Government was involved I can get 100 that will say the opposite?

Say the opposite? Or, haven't looked into it?
Hey, Creative Dreams, nice to see that your handle is accurate.

You're a fucking nutjob!

I'll take that as a compliment as every great researcher throughout the history of man was ridiculed the same way by the average masses who just couldn't grasp or comprehend what they are trying to show...

Funny how no matter where ANYONE lands on the intelligence curve....EVERYONE still has this self perception of being smart.

Seeing this flaw in your perception makes it easy for me to ignore your ignorant ridicules.

What is sad is great people are trying to keep America great and moron's like you still get to enjoy the rewards.
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Oh, I forgot to add that a Russian Military leader also said disturbing things about the U.S. concocting 9/11.

Again when I come back I will provide indisputable links and well documented statements.

In fact I may just start a new thread dedicated to what Political and Military Leaders in the World are now saying about 9/11 complete with indisputable links and well documented statements.........

It is so obvious that:

a. The Bush team planned invading Iraq before 2000 and lied us in.

b. They stole the two Bush elections.

c. They ignored warnings of 9-11 and wanted it to happen because they knew it would help them sell us on their radical right wing agenda. PNAC

d. Purposely emptied the treasury/bankrupted the country so they could end government programs and privatize everything.

e. Used the Dept of Homeland Security to bankrupt us and break laws.

f. Spread the military thin so they could outsource to Haloburton and bankrupt us thru war.

g. Deregulated our economy so the bankers and big corporations could bankrupt our treasury. Iraq wasn't enough so the bankers and GOP held up the American people for trillions with the bailouts and thru the country into the second great depression.

This is what happens when Republicans run things.

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