are there any reason to have high taxes?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
are there any reason to have high taxes?

Of course. Most people in America would never vote for modern-liberal policies like Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare etc., unless the government offered them bribes, buying them goodies in huge masses. And then threatening to take them away if those programs are repealed.

And the govt can't do that unless they take equally massive amounts of money from those who have it, hence their constant "soak the rich" mantra.

Those are the main reasons we have such high taxes we have today... and our taxes don't begin to pay for all that unconstitutional spending. So our Federal Debt is also exploding.

As it is, more than half the Federal budget goes to giving goodies to voters, in violation of the Constitution which forbids it.

If not for this grossly illegal spending by our leftist fanatics (in both parties), we would not only have a balanced budget for most of the last 100 years, but we would even have ZERO National Debt today.
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I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

"are there any reason to have high taxes?"

This makes no sense.

What are the criteria that constitute 'high taxes.'

For some libertarians and other extremists on the right any tax is 'too high.'

The Constitution authorizes government to tax, taxes are a necessary and proper function of government, where the notion of 'high taxes' is subjective and partisan.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
There's no need for higher taxes in America. The need is to cut waste and abuse of tax dollars. If we cut the obvious waste, and the equally obvious abuse, there would be absolutely no need for higher taxes in America. SOME EXAMPLES: building mosques on foreign soil, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, senseless deadly costly wars, excessive military spending, excessive government travel, ridiculous perks and benefits paid to members of Congress, pork spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, bailouts, most foreign aid, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), the care and support of illegal immigrants, stupid projects such as "The Fence", exploring the far reaches of the universe, looking for water on the surface of Mars, lavish vacation for Mrs. Obama, lavish White House parties, Medicare and Medicaid fraud, interest on the national debt, way too many military bases on foreign soil, the failed war on illegal drugs, the cost prison operations, government issued cell phones to low income citizens, supplying military equipment to police, uncollected taxes on money hidden in off-shore accounts, allowing some corporations to avoid paying taxes ( GE ), etc., etc., etc.

You need to analyze data first...........Get all the data on Sweden............Not just the tax rates..............

Population............average earnings of the people.............the GDP of the Nation...........the debt..........unfunded liabilities................Break down of the VAT TAX.............the Standard of Living............the Cost of Living Index..........the Misery Index................aka What does it cost to rent or buy...........the food costs...................

All of this can be attacked in a debate..................example..............Sweden taxes so much that people have very little money left to pay their other bills...........gas prices........and do they drive alot..............

Then compare this data with the other countries standards.....................

Sweden Debt Clock National Debt of Sweden
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
We need higher taxes like we need a hole in the head. They haven't improved our schools, even though we are spending more than ever on them. Everything the government does that people actually want can be done better and cheaper by the private sector. However, most of what government does no one would ever pay for voluntarily.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
BTW, I'm curious what position the other side of your debate is supposed to take. I suspect your teacher is trying to brainwash your class.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

High taxes can be used to influence public policy decisions. Would we even have our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, if the wealthiest had to pay wartime tax rates for them.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

Yes but some people do not believe our taxes are high enough, Teddy.

Tell me, what is your desire for your future?

Do you wake up in the morning saying,

I wish my taxes were higher so I had less money and less free time.
I wish my money was redistributed to more people who refuse to work so that I can work more hours to make up for them not working.

I wish I could work more hours in the day and not see my children and wife so I could pay for someone else's healthcare so they can continue to stay home with their children and wife and not work - I hope to work more hours for less money in the future and pay higher and higher taxes so that other people can use what I work for to stay home, send their children to nicer schools and have free healthcare.
I hope I don't ever need my healthcare because I cannot afford to wait for the visit if it's serious and I can't afford to lose my job either - because then I'll go to jail for not paying for everyone else's education and healthcare. After all, it's the law.

How's your future looking to you now?
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
The US is $20 trillion dollars in debt.

Half of America doesn't feel any taxation.

You tell me if we are taxed enough.
See you got the tea partiers and libertardians whining about higher taxes here but they don't mind them when its paying for their wars and military toys its just bad to them when it pays for homeless kids,food for the poor,education and healthcare.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
For comparison's sake( to the US ) Sweden is a poor example.
First, Sweden has a largely homogeneous populatiopn. Second Sweden is a place of high societal order. There is little in the way of poverty. Crime is at a minimum The culture is monolithic.
On the other hand, American pride themselves on productivity and strive for upward mobility. However, there is also a high degree of entitlement among those who choose to accept the largess of the public dole. Here, we offer assistance to anyone who wants it and anyone who is willing to go get it. Here people can vote for those who made their lives more comfortable in the form of increased transfer payments.
The meaning behind this is that with a confiscatory tax policy and a socialist style government with central planning and redistribution of wealth, productivity would suffer.
You'd better off comparing the US to the old Soviet Union.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.
I think you should start with how has that high taxation actually helped you. If you paid the taxes then the schooling and medical care was not free. You actually probably paid a lot more for it than you would have if you had your own money back and chose to purchase those items.

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