are there any reason to have high taxes?

I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

This is a great video....if the lefties weren't....disabled in their ability to reason....they would see the truth.......sadly...they are incapable.............
The left never grew up...and they still believe in Santa Klaus.....government can spend and spend and tax and tax and never, ever run out of goodies.......the government pays more for everything it does and it doesn't do anything well...even the military is inefficient and costs way more than it has to...the only reason it is one of the better run activities of the government is that...much like professional athletes......the military actually must get goes out and if it does things really badly....lots of people die in a highly visible way...and improvements are demanded....much like when we had to up armor the humvees.....

but the government does nothing well, and it wastes every penny it gets.......and at the end of the day...a few crumbs can be thrown to the truly needy...and they are used as human shields by the burueacrats and politicians......if you cut taxes we will cut off their food, their fire protection, their police protection and their education.......

Notice they never say if you cut taxes we will have to end building bridges to no where, and hand outs to our corporate friends..........they always use the poor as human shields......and swords...because they also use the crumbs they give to the poor to turn the poor into attack their enemies..the ones who want to keep taxes and the government under control...

The left are vile......
Teddy Pollins, if your thread is sincere - I suggest you closely evaluate the partisan tone in each post before accepting the advice and suggestions offered.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

Yes but some people do not believe our taxes are high enough, Teddy.

Tell me, what is your desire for your future?

Do you wake up in the morning saying,

I wish my taxes were higher so I had less money and less free time.
I wish my money was redistributed to more people who refuse to work so that I can work more hours to make up for them not working.

I wish I could work more hours in the day and not see my children and wife so I could pay for someone else's healthcare so they can continue to stay home with their children and wife and not work - I hope to work more hours for less money in the future and pay higher and higher taxes so that other people can use what I work for to stay home, send their children to nicer schools and have free healthcare.
I hope I don't ever need my healthcare because I cannot afford to wait for the visit if it's serious and I can't afford to lose my job either - because then I'll go to jail for not paying for everyone else's education and healthcare. After all, it's the law.

How's your future looking to you now?
What do I think about OUR common future, Jeremiah? Here is my thoughts: we need even higher taxes - how else are we going to continue to police the world and spread our democratic ideals to those who have no interest (and even contempt) for them? We also need higher taxes to pay off our National Deb,t now at over $18 Trillion. That's the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. You can't cut your way out of it. We need a one time tax surcharge on those making $250K a year or more to pay down the debt. The middle class will have to buck up too. There is no easy solution. We all need to pay.
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

Yes but some people do not believe our taxes are high enough, Teddy.

Tell me, what is your desire for your future?

Do you wake up in the morning saying,

I wish my taxes were higher so I had less money and less free time.
I wish my money was redistributed to more people who refuse to work so that I can work more hours to make up for them not working.

I wish I could work more hours in the day and not see my children and wife so I could pay for someone else's healthcare so they can continue to stay home with their children and wife and not work - I hope to work more hours for less money in the future and pay higher and higher taxes so that other people can use what I work for to stay home, send their children to nicer schools and have free healthcare.
I hope I don't ever need my healthcare because I cannot afford to wait for the visit if it's serious and I can't afford to lose my job either - because then I'll go to jail for not paying for everyone else's education and healthcare. After all, it's the law.

How's your future looking to you now?
What do I think about OUR common future, Jeremiah? Here is my thoughts: we need even higher taxes - how else are we going to continue to police the world and spread our democratic ideals to those who have no interest (and even contempt) for them? We also need higher taxes to pay off our National Deb,t now at over $18 Trillion. That's the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. You can't cut your way out of it. We need a one time tax surcharge on those making $250K a year or more to pay down the debt. The middle class will have to buck up too. There is no easy solution. We all need to pay.

Teddy...the people who put us into the 18 trillion.....are the ones telling us we need higher taxes.....they weren't worried about the tax rate when they spent all that money.......but now they will just have to pay more taxes because we have 18 trillion in debt...

How much of the increased taxes do you think will go to paying off that 18 trillion dollars.......and how much to even more they can come back and say...guess what..the national debt is now 22 trillion...guess what...we need to raise your taxes, again...........

The government gets more than enough is the spending that is the problem........

Just like regular people with their credit cards....put 30,000 on your credit card that you can't just can't raise your own order to dig out the first thing you have to do....stop spending money you don't you think any politician is going to do that?
I am preparing a project in my high school about debating and I hope that my "fellow socialists" can help me. My team is supposed to debate whether or not to have high taxes and I need all the reasons I can get. According to the rule of our interactive game: I am living in Sweden and we have very high taxes(it seems to be true), some of the highest taxes in the world. It pays off through free medical care, great schools etc. I understand the basics, of course. I just need MORE reasons to prove it to the other groups.
Another question do we have high taxes in America? (If not) do we need them? And why?
Do you like paying a lot for the common needs?
I need more ideas.
Thanks a lot.

Yes but some people do not believe our taxes are high enough, Teddy.

Tell me, what is your desire for your future?

Do you wake up in the morning saying,

I wish my taxes were higher so I had less money and less free time.
I wish my money was redistributed to more people who refuse to work so that I can work more hours to make up for them not working.

I wish I could work more hours in the day and not see my children and wife so I could pay for someone else's healthcare so they can continue to stay home with their children and wife and not work - I hope to work more hours for less money in the future and pay higher and higher taxes so that other people can use what I work for to stay home, send their children to nicer schools and have free healthcare.
I hope I don't ever need my healthcare because I cannot afford to wait for the visit if it's serious and I can't afford to lose my job either - because then I'll go to jail for not paying for everyone else's education and healthcare. After all, it's the law.

How's your future looking to you now?
What do I think about OUR common future, Jeremiah? Here is my thoughts: we need even higher taxes - how else are we going to continue to police the world and spread our democratic ideals to those who have no interest (and even contempt) for them? We also need higher taxes to pay off our National Deb,t now at over $18 Trillion. That's the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. You can't cut your way out of it. We need a one time tax surcharge on those making $250K a year or more to pay down the debt. The middle class will have to buck up too. There is no easy solution. We all need to pay.

Teddy, how about no free healthcare and no free lunch and everyone gets a job and pays their own way and does not spend beyond their means? We do not have a money problem, Teddy. Our government has a spending problem. Americans have a spending problem. They need to cut their credit cards and say the party is over. Time to live responsibly. That is the solution, Teddy. Not higher taxes. You keep taxing the business owners and corporations and you'll find they will leave the country for good. Then what? What do you do when you run out of other people's money, Teddy? What then?
Historical Source of Revenue as Share of GDP

Shows Federal Revenues, aka tax receipts, measured by GDP. The historical revenue average is 18%. The highest revenue per GDP is 20% in 2000. We are spending at 25% of the GDP.

Fed U.S. Federal Individual Income Tax Rates History 1862-2013

Historical tax rates. Very high tax rates at times. Just go back to 1981 and the top tier is at 70%. We've had the high brackets that people say are needed to end the debt, BUT HISTORY PROVES THEM WRONG. The Revenues versus the GDP shows that your Revenues don't go up via the GDP as they claim it will..........So, the higher tax rates don't pay the debt down. Unless you want to ignore a 100 years of history.
List of government budgets by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The United States is number one in the world in budgets compared to the rest of the world. We spend 1.4 TRILLION more a YEAR than second placed China. Some say we have a small Gov't on these boards and I can only laugh at the pea brain minds they must have to make such a statement. As we spend nearly double the second placed country.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest payed on the debt in the United States. Last year 430 BILLION...........via the Treasury statements required under the Freedom of Information act.

We've paid 146 Billion this fiscal year already.
Unfunded Liabilities are Fraudulent Promises - Forbes

Unfunded Liabilities in this country are the gorilla in the room. Godzilla to be exact. The Socialist Liabilities of Medicare, Social Security, Pensions, and etc. are in excess of 100 TRILLION dollars in Liabilities that our Gov't has promised to pay.

It has a Snow balls chance in hell of ever being paid and guarantees eventual insolvency.............As these bills can never be paid.........

The problem with ruling by Emotion is the lack of detail on the financial side of the equation, which those pushing for conveniently ignore...........and the eventual cost is the economic destruction of your economy and currency.

History proves this as nations have fallen to the same stupidity we currently ignore today.

No amount of taxation will ever be enough to pay for these promises.

Moral of the story..............Never make promises you can not keep.
Couple of more points.

People who say we have low taxes ignore key issues. Usually on purpose as the facts screw their arguments to hell and back.

1. They focus on Federal taxes only and ignore the State and local taxes side of the equation. Sweden isn't made up of states.

2. We have excise taxes on every dang thing. Everytime you buy a gallon of gas you pay 55 cents in taxes on average. These ignored taxes put our tax brackets nearly up to the levels of Sweden.

3. We currently have a tax system that is a welfare system to the tune of over 200 BILLION a year to those who pay no taxes ON INCOME. Tax Credits give these people a return even though they pay no federal taxes at all.

4. The Tax the Corps and Rich cheerleaders always ignore the issue that companies and Corps always pass the increased tax rates on to the consumer.........So when you tax them and see their increased tax payments, you go RAH RAH..............while you pump a tank of gas with the price added in that you were just cheering about.

Moral of item 4. You can't fix stupid.

The Mob rules...........enjoy the current while you can because the future is bleak

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