Are there any right wingers out there who

Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

I suppose it depends upon what you mean by suggesting it worked. GM is not a viable company---this is reflected in the anemic interest in GM stock. Currently the American taxpayer would need to see it more than double just to get TARP money back. That doesn't factor in the generous tax-loss carry-forwards given GM that gives them a massive advantage over other auto manufacturers. In an unconstitutional and dishonest manner, the debt and equity interests in GM were virtually stolen with government mandated authority and given to union interests who were greatly responsible for GM's failure in the first place. Their first signature vehicle was the Chevy Volt---an overpriced, idiotic car suitable only for wealthy Democrats who get orgasmic about traveling a measly forty miles on coal-powered batteries. Toyota has already regained their number one position in auto sales. GM is a perfect example of Obama administration incompetence and massive corruption and the folly of " Socialism/Communism."

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

Right, every economic metric is worse than when Obama became President---and he needs another four years to finish the job of deconstructing the United States of America and rebuilding it in the image of the Soviet Socialist Republic.
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Living in a state that has a large number of jobs tied to the auto industry, I can only say this;
to those that wanted the auto companies to fail, I can only hope that the company you work for goes under and that your job is eliminated. Cause it is what you deserve. You all actually wanting millions of Americans to lose their jobs cause you hate Obama makes you all assholes.

Maybe Mittens and his friends will buy your company, they shut er down. While they make millions.

Wouldn't that be greaat. We will just let Mittens take over all American business, then sell off the good parts and close down the rest.

Who needs those good paying manufacturing jobs.

BTW, what is it that you all do for a living. Evidentally you don't make or build things. Must be in the "service sector".
Living in a state that has a large number of jobs tied to the auto industry, I can only say this;
to those that wanted the auto companies to fail, I can only hope that the company you work for goes under and that your job is eliminated. Cause it is what you deserve. You all actually wanting millions of Americans to lose their jobs cause you hate Obama makes you all assholes.

Maybe Mittens and his friends will buy your company, they shut er down. While they make millions.

Wouldn't that be greaat. We will just let Mittens take over all American business, then sell off the good parts and close down the rest.

Who needs those good paying manufacturing jobs.

BTW, what is it that you all do for a living. Evidentally you don't make or build things. Must be in the "service sector".

I don't think anyone wanted the Auto Industry to fail. I think it was a question of how to resolve it's lack of competitiveness.

The real problem the American Auto Industry has is it's age. It is carrying around all the liability for all these retirees. The Japanese companies don't have that problem, having only had their plants in this country for 30 years or so.

The Japanese also are a lot more efficient in applying solid manufacturing principles that
were opposed by the Unions.

All that said, I think the bailout was a good idea on the Macro-sense, but in the details, a lot of mistakes were made and we might be looking at having to do this all over again in a decade or so.
Living in a state that has a large number of jobs tied to the auto industry, I can only say this;
to those that wanted the auto companies to fail, I can only hope that the company you work for goes under and that your job is eliminated. Cause it is what you deserve. You all actually wanting millions of Americans to lose their jobs cause you hate Obama makes you all assholes.

Maybe Mittens and his friends will buy your company, they shut er down. While they make millions.

Wouldn't that be greaat. We will just let Mittens take over all American business, then sell off the good parts and close down the rest.

Who needs those good paying manufacturing jobs.

BTW, what is it that you all do for a living. Evidentally you don't make or build things. Must be in the "service sector".

Nobody wants or wanted auto companies to fail. Ford did just fine without government assistance and has to compete with Obama Motors despite their massive taxpayer investment and tax subsidies. The passion you have for retribution toward those with whom you disagree is a typical response from those on the left. Don't worry---Obama is using all the powers of his office to intimidate and retaliate against true free enterprise. The armed raid at Gibson Guitar is a good example.
So the President scored a real plus for the Americans involved in the auto industry. But it does not fit the ideology of the 'Conservatives', therefore it is bad. Of course, had he done as they are advocating, and let GM and the suppliers go bankrupt, then he would be at fault for their bankruptcy according to these same people.

Simple fact, were the President to eliminate the debt, supply every American with a million dollars, with no inflation, these people would still find something that was wrong.
So the President scored a real plus for the Americans involved in the auto industry. But it does not fit the ideology of the 'Conservatives', therefore it is bad. Of course, had he done as they are advocating, and let GM and the suppliers go bankrupt, then he would be at fault for their bankruptcy according to these same people.

Simple fact, were the President to eliminate the debt, supply every American with a million dollars, with no inflation, these people would still find something that was wrong.

I don't think it was even that. I think there would have been a bailout if Bush or McCain were in the White House.
It was a bad idea.

Why should the taxpayers bail out a company, and in doing so, aid and abet failed buisness policies and actions? How long till we have to bail them out again?

If it's true that it was Bush's idea to begin with, well, it's still a bad idea.

I too will never buy another GM product.
Living in a state that has a large number of jobs tied to the auto industry, I can only say this;
to those that wanted the auto companies to fail,

You need a tissue? We didn't want them to fail, we wanted them to get through it on their own, like any other company has to do.

I can only hope that the company you work for goes under and that your job is eliminated.

Mine won't be. I work for a tissue manufacturer. as long as you are around, I'll have a job.

You all actually wanting millions of Americans to lose their jobs cause you hate Obama makes you all assholes.

we didn't want them to fail we wanted them to survive, but on their own. Obama isn't the reason. Another tissue?

Maybe Mittens and his friends will buy your company, they shut er down. While they make millions.

Mittens? is that supposed to make me feel insulted? is that supposed to make you sound intelligent? It doesn't.

Who needs those good paying manufacturing jobs.

BTW, what is it that you all do for a living. Evidentally you don't make or build things. Must be in the "service sector".

As I said, i make tissues, how about a whole box for you. You seem to need it.
Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

[ame=]The Who - Who Are You? - YouTube[/ame]
So the President scored a real plus for the Americans involved in the auto industry. But it does not fit the ideology of the 'Conservatives', therefore it is bad. Of course, had he done as they are advocating, and let GM and the suppliers go bankrupt, then he would be at fault for their bankruptcy according to these same people.

Obama scored a real plus through government mandated theft of GM assets and transferring them to unions as a reward for their votes in 2008 and down payment for more votes in 2012. It was indeed a bankruptcy. A better outcome by far would have resulted from normal contract law and bankruptcy proceedings.

Simple fact, were the President to eliminate the debt, supply every American with a million dollars, with no inflation, these people would still find something that was wrong.

Well, another simple fact---Obama is much more llikely and capable of giving every American a million dollars of debt. He has pauperized or put on welfare/food stamps more Americans than any President in history.
Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

I don't know what side I fall on anymore but I DO BELIEVE THE AUTO BAILOUT WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING...

The GM bailout er UAW bailout goes against every aspect of, or ever rule of Austrian School Economics.

Obamafuck didn't bailout GM - he bailed out UAW.... Obamafuck didn't stimulate the economy with his fucking stimulus - he bailed out the unions - he ensured the union fucks had work while the rest of the US populace faced tough times...

Obamafuck looks out for his voting base and makes everyone pay for that shit.....

Fuck Obama's racist wannab black ass...
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Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

I don't know what side I fall on anymore but I DO BELIEVE THE AUTO BAILOUT WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING...

The GM bailout er UAW bailout goes against every aspect of, or ever rule of Austrian School Economics.

Obamafuck didn't bailout GM - he bailed out UAW.... Obamafuck didn't stimulate the economy with his fucking stimulus - he bailed out the unions - he ensured the union fucks had work while the rest of the US populace faced tough times...

Obamafuck looks out for his voting base and makes everyone pay for that shit.....

Fuck Obama's racist wannab black ass...

Does your doctor know you are off your meds?
Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

I don't know what side I fall on anymore but I DO BELIEVE THE AUTO BAILOUT WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING...

The GM bailout er UAW bailout goes against every aspect of, or ever rule of Austrian School Economics.

Obamafuck didn't bailout GM - he bailed out UAW.... Obamafuck didn't stimulate the economy with his fucking stimulus - he bailed out the unions - he ensured the union fucks had work while the rest of the US populace faced tough times...

Obamafuck looks out for his voting base and makes everyone pay for that shit.....

Fuck Obama's racist wannab black ass...

Obama stimulated GOVERNMENT POWER.
Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

I don't know what side I fall on anymore but I DO BELIEVE THE AUTO BAILOUT WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING...

The GM bailout er UAW bailout goes against every aspect of, or ever rule of Austrian School Economics.

Obamafuck didn't bailout GM - he bailed out UAW.... Obamafuck didn't stimulate the economy with his fucking stimulus - he bailed out the unions - he ensured the union fucks had work while the rest of the US populace faced tough times...

Obamafuck looks out for his voting base and makes everyone pay for that shit.....

Fuck Obama's racist wannab black ass...

Does your doctor know you are off your meds?


Why you think GM was bailed out then???

We didn't need GM...

How many auto companies have failed?? you tell me jackass.......
Are there any right wingers out there who actually think the auto bail out was a bad idea. Or better yet, are there any right wingers out there who actually are saying it didnt work?

If so, please explain. I dont see how anyone could think this but please, go ahead.

Left wingers, please join me with thanking the president on making another good call. Thank you sir for not allowing this country to go down the path of another great depression. Wheh, thank God someone not like Bush won and will win again in 2012.

I don't know what side I fall on anymore but I DO BELIEVE THE AUTO BAILOUT WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING...

The GM bailout er UAW bailout goes against every aspect of, or ever rule of Austrian School Economics.

Obamafuck didn't bailout GM - he bailed out UAW.... Obamafuck didn't stimulate the economy with his fucking stimulus - he bailed out the unions - he ensured the union fucks had work while the rest of the US populace faced tough times...

Obamafuck looks out for his voting base and makes everyone pay for that shit.....

Fuck Obama's racist wannab black ass...

Obama stimulated GOVERNMENT POWER.

Well democrats er socialists have unions on the line like string puppets....
I don't know what side I fall on anymore but I DO BELIEVE THE AUTO BAILOUT WAS FUCKING DISGUSTING...

The GM bailout er UAW bailout goes against every aspect of, or ever rule of Austrian School Economics.

Obamafuck didn't bailout GM - he bailed out UAW.... Obamafuck didn't stimulate the economy with his fucking stimulus - he bailed out the unions - he ensured the union fucks had work while the rest of the US populace faced tough times...

Obamafuck looks out for his voting base and makes everyone pay for that shit.....

Fuck Obama's racist wannab black ass...

Does your doctor know you are off your meds?


Why you think GM was bailed out then???

We didn't need GM...

How many auto companies have failed?? you tell me jackass.......

A plethora since the damned thing was invented...that's the way the market works...

Where are the keys to my Nash?:eusa_whistle:
I take issue with the selective way in which dealerships that were closed. The unions benefitted from the takeover, not the share holders. I don't see where it helped the economy all that much. Ford did great without help from the tax payers. I will buy Ford next time I need a new vehicle.
I take issue with the selective way in which dealerships that were closed. The unions benefitted from the takeover, not the share holders. I don't see where it helped the economy all that much. Ford did great without help from the tax payers. I will buy Ford next time I need a new vehicle.

Indeed. Thousands of dealerships were forced OUT...thousands of employees were as well.

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