Are they planning another "Crystal Night"?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
An army of thugs swept through the streets of Germany on Nov. 9-10 1938 destroying 8,000 businesses and 400 Synagogues. The broken windows that littered the sidewalks gave the name "crystal night". Is it what Hoffa is planning for businesses owned by Tea Party people or republicans when he pledges an army to march and take the sons of bitches out?? The left has been at war with Christianity for a number of years, how about Churches? If you add the words "mein fueher" to Hoffa's speech it is virutally indistinguishable from nazi hate speech and loyalty pledges to the fueher during the 30's.
An army of thugs swept through the streets of Germany on Nov. 9-10 1938 destroying 8,000 businesses and 400 Synagogues. The broken windows that littered the sidewalks gave the name "crystal night". Is it what Hoffa is planning for businesses owned by Tea Party people or republicans when he pledges an army to march and take the sons of bitches out?? The left has been at war with Christianity for a number of years, how about Churches? If you add the words "mein fueher" to Hoffa's speech it is virutally indistinguishable from nazi hate speech and loyalty pledges to the fueher during the 30's.

You thinking of 'Night of Broken Glass', by any chance?
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Anyway FOX selectively edited his words so they would be inflammatory. Here is the full statement:
HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!

The edited out everything in blue. Just another example of partisan reporting by the media, right and left, liberal and conservative.
An army of thugs swept through the streets of Germany on Nov. 9-10 1938 destroying 8,000 businesses and 400 Synagogues. The broken windows that littered the sidewalks gave the name "crystal night". Is it what Hoffa is planning for businesses owned by Tea Party people or republicans when he pledges an army to march and take the sons of bitches out?? The left has been at war with Christianity for a number of years, how about Churches? If you add the words "mein fueher" to Hoffa's speech it is virutally indistinguishable from nazi hate speech and loyalty pledges to the fueher during the 30's.

When all else fails. call your opponents Nazis.
jesus christ you guys just can't help yourself can you?

you're practically giddy.
An army of thugs swept through the streets of Germany on Nov. 9-10 1938 destroying 8,000 businesses and 400 Synagogues. The broken windows that littered the sidewalks gave the name "crystal night". Is it what Hoffa is planning for businesses owned by Tea Party people or republicans when he pledges an army to march and take the sons of bitches out?? The left has been at war with Christianity for a number of years, how about Churches? If you add the words "mein fueher" to Hoffa's speech it is virutally indistinguishable from nazi hate speech and loyalty pledges to the fueher during the 30's.

When all else fails. call your opponents Nazis.

If I had a nickle for every time Bush was called a nazi I could probably buy a tank of gas. I'm not calling Hoffa a nazi, I am drawing a comparison between the German thugs and the union thugs. It wouldn't be the first time union terrorists ran wild in the streets. If they had a strong leader who kept them focused and authorization from the president of the US the sky is the limit.
I don't think they are making those plans, but do you think that if violence breaks out, those who wanted the pro-life groups such as Operation Rescue to be charged under RICO statutes will defend the unions or do the right thing and demand that the union leaders be charged under RICO statutes?

I'm guessing TDM will defend the unions.

An army of thugs swept through the streets of Germany on Nov. 9-10 1938 destroying 8,000 businesses and 400 Synagogues. The broken windows that littered the sidewalks gave the name "crystal night". Is it what Hoffa is planning for businesses owned by Tea Party people or republicans when he pledges an army to march and take the sons of bitches out?? The left has been at war with Christianity for a number of years, how about Churches? If you add the words "mein fueher" to Hoffa's speech it is virutally indistinguishable from nazi hate speech and loyalty pledges to the fueher during the 30's.

When all else fails. call your opponents Nazis.

If I had a nickle for every time Bush was called a nazi I could probably buy a tank of gas. I'm not calling Hoffa a nazi, I am drawing a comparison between the German thugs and the union thugs. It wouldn't be the first time union terrorists ran wild in the streets. If they had a strong leader who kept them focused and authorization from the president of the US the sky is the limit.

When Bush was called a Nazi, it was just as pathetic as your comparison.
An army of thugs swept through the streets of Germany on Nov. 9-10 1938 destroying 8,000 businesses and 400 Synagogues. The broken windows that littered the sidewalks gave the name "crystal night". Is it what Hoffa is planning for businesses owned by Tea Party people or republicans when he pledges an army to march and take the sons of bitches out?? The left has been at war with Christianity for a number of years, how about Churches? If you add the words "mein fueher" to Hoffa's speech it is virutally indistinguishable from nazi hate speech and loyalty pledges to the fueher during the 30's.

When all else fails. call your opponents Nazis.

If I had a nickle for every time Bush was called a nazi I could probably buy a tank of gas. I'm not calling Hoffa a nazi, I am drawing a comparison between the German thugs and the union thugs. It wouldn't be the first time union terrorists ran wild in the streets. If they had a strong leader who kept them focused and authorization from the president of the US the sky is the limit.

I've made the same comparison between KristallNacht and the Class Warfare project that the DEMS are carrying on.. The analogies are there..

1) Jews were targeted as the reason for the economic difficulties of Aryan germans. They were the shopkeepers that charged a wheelbarrow of DeuschMarks for a pound of hamburger.

2) It deflected criticism away from govt which was the real source of the problem.

3) KristallNacht is what we call today -- perfect "optics". Here's a means of fixing all our problems if we just "take these SOBs out".

4) You pick a class of people that have no natural political means to defend themselves -- Like the Jews in Germany or "the rich"..
When all else fails. call your opponents Nazis.

If I had a nickle for every time Bush was called a nazi I could probably buy a tank of gas. I'm not calling Hoffa a nazi, I am drawing a comparison between the German thugs and the union thugs. It wouldn't be the first time union terrorists ran wild in the streets. If they had a strong leader who kept them focused and authorization from the president of the US the sky is the limit.

I've made the same comparison between KristallNacht and the Class Warfare project that the DEMS are carrying on.. The analogies are there..

1) Jews were targeted as the reason for the economic difficulties of Aryan germans. They were the shopkeepers that charged a wheelbarrow of DeuschMarks for a pound of hamburger.

2) It deflected criticism away from govt which was the real source of the problem.

3) KristallNacht is what we call today -- perfect "optics". Here's a means of fixing all our problems if we just "take these SOBs out".

4) You pick a class of people that have no natural political means to defend themselves -- Like the Jews in Germany or "the rich"..

Okay, so your mode of polltical analysis is to compare the Dems to Nazis. My wife likes to call the Repubs fascists. Neither of you contribute anything positive to the debate in so doing.

Transcript: Teamsters Jim Hoffa's speech on Labor Day | Detroit Free Press |

President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”

We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’

Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.

We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)

That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”

So James Hoffa stated it like it is. Scares the be-jesus out of you Teabaggers, doesn't it. The very thought of the people who actually do the work in this nation getting a real peice of the action. What a pinko commie idea.
If I had a nickle for every time Bush was called a nazi I could probably buy a tank of gas. I'm not calling Hoffa a nazi, I am drawing a comparison between the German thugs and the union thugs. It wouldn't be the first time union terrorists ran wild in the streets. If they had a strong leader who kept them focused and authorization from the president of the US the sky is the limit.

I've made the same comparison between KristallNacht and the Class Warfare project that the DEMS are carrying on.. The analogies are there..

1) Jews were targeted as the reason for the economic difficulties of Aryan germans. They were the shopkeepers that charged a wheelbarrow of DeuschMarks for a pound of hamburger.

2) It deflected criticism away from govt which was the real source of the problem.

3) KristallNacht is what we call today -- perfect "optics". Here's a means of fixing all our problems if we just "take these SOBs out".

4) You pick a class of people that have no natural political means to defend themselves -- Like the Jews in Germany or "the rich"..

Okay, so your mode of polltical analysis is to compare the Dems to Nazis. My wife likes to call the Repubs fascists. Neither of you contribute anything positive to the debate in so doing.

That's it Zagg. When factor in the full cooperation of the media you can get support for "taking a minority out". I'm not saying it would succeed even if it was authorized by the federal government. State and local government probably wouldn't allow it to happen but Hoffa already scored big by having the president standing at his side when he declared war on American citizens.

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