Are Trump supporters basically okay with letting Wall Street do whatever it wants?

Also since the Dow was already great under Obama, why did Trump get rid of Dodd Frank? You cant answer that question and you know it.

As usual, you are misinformed...Trump didn't "get rid of" Dodd Frank.

Since you have no earthly idea WTF you are talking about...and only bring it up because some liberal website spoonfed it to you to regurgitated...AND it wasn't even on your radar for the last eight years when OBAMA was letting Wall St run rampant...can we end this stupid thread now?

True he didn't actually get rid of it, but his EO tried.

No, that is not true either. The Executive Order eliminated several parts but legislation will be required to fix the whole act.
You people are either dumb or hypocrites. Which is it?
Are you volunteering your experience in formulating Economic Policy?
Who would you have appointed?
I think he is talking about the deregulation that Trump signed off on, not the people he put in charge... although, his selections did pretty much forecast the actions
Dodd-Frank was a joke.
It was a disaster.
Obama didn't go far enough. Dodd Frank was still a solid start.

Dodd-Frank raped the small investor, and made it hard for small banks to keep enough capital on hand to lend to their customers or pay a decent interest rate on any savings instruments to their customers or investors. MAKING BIG BANKS a lot of money because they were able to loan funds when the LOCAL banks could not, The Glass Stegall act was the real regulatory control we had for years and repealed under your lover boy bill clinton and guess who got millions and millions from all the then able to buy almost unlimited high risk securities guaranteed by the federal government BIG BANKS. Damn how stupid can any liberal dumbass be !!!
"basically okay with letting Wall Street do whatever the fuck it wants?"

Oh, HELL yea!

You people are either dumb or hypocrites. Which is it?
Are you volunteering your experience in formulating Economic Policy?
Who would you have appointed?
I think he is talking about the deregulation that Trump signed off on, not the people he put in charge... although, his selections did pretty much forecast the actions
Dodd-Frank was a joke.
It was a disaster.
The disaster happened before Dodd-Frank. You didn't notice?
You people are either dumb or hypocrites. Which is it?
Are you volunteering your experience in formulating Economic Policy?
Who would you have appointed?
I think he is talking about the deregulation that Trump signed off on, not the people he put in charge... although, his selections did pretty much forecast the actions
Dodd-Frank was a joke.

But not a funny joke. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were a major part of the housing/mortgage/ financial meltdown. Then, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama appointed them to solve the problem. Funny how Fannie Mae is not mentioned ANYWHERE in the legislation.
Can't you make the same case about Trumps "Wall Street" appointees?
Also since the Dow was already great under Obama, why did Trump get rid of Dodd Frank? You cant answer that question and you know it.

As usual, you are misinformed...Trump didn't "get rid of" Dodd Frank.

Since you have no earthly idea WTF you are talking about...and only bring it up because some liberal website spoonfed it to you to regurgitated...AND it wasn't even on your radar for the last eight years when OBAMA was letting Wall St run rampant...can we end this stupid thread now?

True he didn't actually get rid of it, but his EO tried.

No, that is not true either. The Executive Order eliminated several parts but legislation will be required to fix the whole act.
lol right so Trump's intentions are besides the point huh?
Trump will make corruption great again! Cucks voted for him thinking he would clean the swamp. Dumb fucks, sad!

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